I'd just like to point out the logical fallacy of saying that people wouldn't be payed if copy protection wasn't enforced - people would still be selling and people would still be buying the unnamed product, the profits just wouldn't go to the original creator, it'd all go to whoever got their profit margins the lowest. Good show old bean, you can't expect to rest easy on you laurels forever in return for making a pretty pocket watch design!
*ahem*... That's not to say 'whoo whoo go piracy, free markets are great fun and everyone profits!'. (Doubly so for data, which has overheads of, y'know... electrical costs of keeping the HDD powered and keeping the internet connection running.) if you're looking from it from a purely theoretical point of view, there's a fine line between protecting those who are creating 'ideas' and smothering further creativity with protectionism. Regulated markets need to be carefully regulated or they end up just as stagnant as a totally free market. The examples just given of ye olde England and USA copyright laws being unenforced were, besides being totally irrelevant to digital piracy, good things imo.
Virex makes an excellent point, anyway. Finally an argument that isn't just one side or another bitching about the morality of piracy! also one that isn't just totally unrealistic, completely skewed "studies"! When put in that fashion, piracy is more of an issue than I had given it credit for... but I still don't care for the most part as I buy the games I feel are worth buying and don't really give a toss about the remainder. There are far worse things for me to worry about in regards to societal issues than a few companies going bust. I certanly wouldn't mourn for infinity ward if their games didn't sell enough copies to justify the companies' continued existance...
(pretty much irrelevant edit: Am I the only one who finds it difficult to take the arguments of hardline proponents of either side seriously? Blacken's pissyness over piracy only comes from the fact that it's something that affects him (or her) and his (or her) interests. I'd bet that, were we to get any passionate downloaders here they'd do the same thing for the opposite side of the argument. When you're that biased it's just transparent preservation of self-interests, not a discussion anymore. It's kinda funny.)