And here I thought this topic had died.
jasonred79: If you're using Windows, screenshots are as easy as Alt+Printscreen. That copies the contents of your active window to your clipboard which you can paste onto Paint (or what-have-you. I use Scren Capture Professional). SCP's not free, but CamStudio, the tool I use to record my LCS videos, is. A quick Google search can show it to you, and it's easy to use.
Zangi: I figured we were going to use the stable version, 4.01.4. If more folks want to use the Alpha, I'm all fine and well, but I fail to see any problem with Stable for the purposes of Liberal Community Squad. Also, any reasonably skilled LCS player will find Liberalization easy no matter what settings they use; I reckon the casual player hasn't seen both Nightmare and a sort-of-competent CCS right from the start. I don't get what you mean by "quickly [losing] access to a lot of the fun stuff," though. Like I mentioned earlier, anyone who's played the game enough can beat it quickly, so you can lose access to what I presume you consider fun regardless of the CCS. I consider the entire game fun, however, and I have found ways to make it enjoyable through the entire course of playing it, so I have no problem with these options. Besides, I'm not going to be the only one playing, and I'm certainly not going to be playing with regard to total efficiency.
Everyone: I reckon I'll be updating the first post now in order to list how many people have confirmed themselves for participating in this. Since we have enough people to actually have a community game, we should determine the starting options:
1.) Your opinion regarding the CCS. They can be disabled entirely through Classic Mode, treated normally, or spawned from the start through We Didn't Start The Fire. Some opinions have already been raised regarding this, but if anyone who wants to participate has input, do share!
2.) Your opinion regarding Nightmare Mode, which will make the game longer and harder while exposing the players to more options and law consequences rarely seen in regular playthroughs. Again, there have already been some opinions regarding this, but more are welcome.
3.) Your opinion regarding the founder's stats. While we can choose to answer the questions selectively, an alternative (one I prefer) is to Let Fate Decide, for better or worse, how our founder will be built.
4.) Turn length. Depending on how you play LCS, you can do a whole lot or very little each month. I suggested one month turns in the intro post because it'll inject more variable playing, but Wimdit thought the turn size should go up to three or four months. If there are any other feelings regarding the matter, contribute.
Once we have all that settled, we can start ourselves a game and see where Lady Liberalism takes us.