Excellent! Starting to get quite the lineup here...
I suppose we should probably start making some basic plans, so that we're ready for when the next version comes out and we can just get right into it.
I'd recommend we take a basic turn length of one year each, but I can't exactly claim to have a lot of experience as far as bloodline games are concerned, so alternatives are welcome. I'll most likely be taking the first turn, unless someone else particularly wants to strike the earth. Beyond that, I suggest you all start thinking about whether or not you have a preferred location on the turn list.
Next up, we should decide on what kind of map we'll settle on. Personally, I think it's only right that we set it up on a mountain, so that we can have eventual access to all the "good" things coming up. Beyond that, however, I haven't considered much.
I'd view some source of magma as pretty damn near a necessity, but we can always attempt a fuel-driven fort for the "Fun" of it. With magma comes the question of sand, and thus infinite glass. For as much as I like green glass citadels, I would personally stray away from that whole aspect as the glass industry may detract from everything else that's going on. But, again, I'm always open to other opinions on the matter.
Cold/temperate/hot, outside water source, trees, particular biomes, these are all things we should think about so that we can agree upon a site before settling (if worst comes to worst, I'll just pick something, but I'd rather we all have a say in it).
The location size should also be considered. Supposedly, the next version is going to be much more forgiving as far as the whole FPS issue is concerned, but I'm currently running on something of a relic as far as computers are concerned, and it's always nice to keep things manageable for anyone else who has a sub-optimal DF rig. However, more space means more resources and more room to do crazy stuff in.
Also, if anyone has any suggestions as far as embark setup is concerned, they should probably be brought up. Mostly just generic things like the anvil/no anvil debate and whether or not to bring breeding stock, since there's not much telling what kind of changes will be implemented in the new version.