Also, if your math is ugly, you can often group a lot of it under a constant (reaction rate constants for example) Or a function (error function anyone? Or Gamma function?)
Yes, but then the constant becomes ugly >_> <_<
When looking at the entire picture, it's still massively disturbing to one's finer sensibilities.
Everything eventualy remotely boils down to mathematics (friggin definitions!), but this usualy (for unknown reasons) means people value every other subject ever over mathematics and that's what stings a bit.
Gets my goat, every time. You want to know a conversation stopper?
"I'm a math student."
The worst part is when someone asks if you're going to become a secretary or an accountant (I've had quite a few people ask this). HARHARHAR no. That's like asking a chemistry student if he's going to become a janitor. Or an art student if he's going to turn into one of those people who paints traffic stuff in the road (arrows, STOP, BIKE LANE, whatever).
... I also hate all the people who say "Cool, your degree and desired career path are completely useless. Why don't you use those smarts on something worthwhile that can actually help people?" I'm doing what I can :I
Oh, well. Though it may not seem like it from everything I've said, I do respect those who have the guts to think up applications. We'd be absolutely nowhere without them.