I wanted to learn how to make stuff with Flash, so I enrolled in a class at my community college for introductory Flash. It started out pretty well, but now I'm horribly bored because each class, we do everything we did last class, then add one little thing onto the end of it to make it better. I finish all my work within the first hour of the three hour class. I feel like I'm in a lake were I tread water for 3 hours, take a stroke forward, tread water another 3 hours, take another stroke forward, etc. I know I can do more, but when I talked to the teacher he said it was great I was getting everything so quickly, but he wasn't going to teach extra stuff. I decided if he wasn't going to teach me, I was going to learn on my own.
I don't actually have Flash on my PC, but I can play around with stuff for those two hours after I finish everything. My first project was to try an make a thumbnail gallery, where when someone clicks on a thumbnail the full-sized picture pops up, then when they click on the full-sized picture it goes back to the thumbnail gallery. I can't quite figure out how to do that, though. I first tried to make several movie clips that had a stop(); on each frame, then use MouseDOWN functions to switch between the frames... but it didn't work. Even though I both the movie clips and each instance of the movie clips named, the compiler kept spitting out undefined instance errors.
After that didn't work, I instead tried to put each picture on it's own movie clip, and using the same system, have each clip with two states; thumbnail and full. When a user would click on the thumbnail, it would switch to the full state, and when they clicked on the full state, it reverted to the thumbnail. I got the same undefined instance errors, but this time it was the base movie clip instead of the photo movie clips. Before you ask, I checked for spelling errors and I made sure the instances were named to match the movie clip.
This is probably getting confusing, so I'll get to the point: Anyone have a simple tutorial for this? I tried finding them on my own, but each tutorial I came across was either too advanced(such as sliding thumbnails) or unrelated(making thumbnails in HTML).