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Author Topic: What's going on in your adventure?  (Read 2095202 times)


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15375 on: January 07, 2019, 07:08:43 pm »

Fikod Minelost the Systemic End of Kindnesses (I laughed hard when he got his full name after I posted in the "What kind things have you done in DF?"-thread) finally retired and settled in the pittoresque hamlet of Graniteransacks, after months of travelling and sightseeing. The right to settle he earned by slaying the ferocious roc Onru Drunkenfog the Impervious Pack of Cats (for this name he had to die) which plagued the region and devoured the mother of Dof Chantedrasp, the mayor.
Fikod will not only be a great help in keeping the peace, he also brought great wealth and wonder to his new home, which will surely attract many pilgrims and visitors in the years to come: Crawllimb the Reign of Bones, a bone crutch, carved from his own left foot that was bitten off by a hungry giant cougar (her teeth now forever bound together to a nice crown). The craftmanship is of the finest quality, decorated with hematites and native gold, obtained from gizzard stones which were ripped out of the slain bodies of cave crocodiles who dwelled beneath the dwarven halls in the north - the most miraculous thing though: The blood of Onru Drunkenfog still gleams on this crutch as if it was fresh, a remembrance that it was Crawllimb which split the skull of this ancient fiend. A deadly weapon and help for the physically disabled in one.
Graniteransacks will prosper, I'm pretty sure.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 07:16:20 pm by SaD-82 »


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15376 on: January 07, 2019, 07:33:04 pm »

I wanted to set up camp for the night near a small lake only to find out it was in fact, the tiniest tiny little ocean I ever saw.
Behold, a screenshot of the entirety of "the stupid waters", cursed ocean:


Water is confirmed to be salt. I killed both the undead horseshoe crabs that lived there.
That's hilarious.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15377 on: January 09, 2019, 09:41:45 pm »

Actually I wanted to do some testing with an adventurer in regards to dead/dying civs but DF (as always) threw some hillarious stones in my machine to distract me (once again). This game can put bugs and legends mode together to make some of the greatest stories which other games can't, even if they would try really hard - and it seems that the magic update already happened. Without further ado let me tell you the tale of Bosa Monstroustaper (not my char).

Bosa, one of the first of his kind, was as goblin as a goblin could ever be - he grew up in a society which called itself The Cruelty of Souls and cruel he was indeed. War after war against humans, dwarves and elves, he always was among the ones who shed blood and comitted the most atrocious felonies against other races. Even his own kinship wasn't spared by his knives - many goblins in Wickedsandaled were found dead in their narrow chambers they called home, bearing marks of his proficiency as a skilled assassin. He was as goblin as a goblin could ever be, except one tiny flaw: Over the course of his life he became ever more disgusted by himself. By the creature he did became, the creature he was taught to be. Wars raged on but Bosa didn't commit himself to them anymore. Instead he secluded himself from his neighbours and his family, turning inwards to find a deeper meaning in existence.

Years went past in which he tried to hide his growing discontent and reluctance from the other goblins who got more suspicious with every month Bosa neglected to wage war and bloodshed amongst the numerous enemies of his civilization - and then suddenly, if a foreign god who doesn't demand cruelty as a show of devotion had laid eyes on him to shine a light of hope into the darkness that had befallen this fortress of evil, his silent screams for salvation were answered. By a creature Bosa had never thought it could give salvation in any form: A dwarf.
Reg Arrowspikes, a wordsmith by profession, had lost his family in the last onslaught commited by the goblins and earned the questionable gift to be left alive as a prisoner. Someone among the greenskins possibly sensed that Bosa underwent some doubts in being part of the most blessed race ever walked the plains of The Mythical Dimensions and thought it to be a brilliant idea letting Bosa torturing the dwarf to bring him back to the righteous path. And, in some way, exactly this happened. Deep inside the belly of Wickedsandaled a dwarf and a goblin, enemies by nature, both learned that words can cut deeper than anything else and that friednship can grow in the most unlikely places.

Day after day they exchanged words, wary and few at first, bolder and more as weeks and months passed. Reg learned what it meant to be a goblin, Bosa learned that the world consisted of more than mere sequences made of atrocity and wickedness. In fact, he learned that the world consisted of words. Words which could describe everything, change everything and create everything, simply by being existent and used. Bosa learned and fell in love. With words. The art of poetry showed him what life could be and Reg was eager to teach him all he knew. Not just the art itself but even where to look to find the greatest poets in the world. A desire formed in Bosa: To seek them and to learn, to be someone who can throw away his own past to become something different, something so much more - content.
Bosa and Reg had to escape, a goblin and a dwarf united in their urge to flee from the evil that emanated from all around them. Plans were made and the day of their escape approached...
...but in the night before Reg already escaped. Into the arms of his god. Hope is a two-edged sword - it can bring life and it can take it away. The body of the old dwarf couldn't handle the sheer amount of gleeful anticipation and he died. Peacefully inside a dark fortress, inhabitated by an army of creatures who would have tried to revive him if they would have known that he didn't die screaming and frightened. Bosa decided that this could count as a victory noone ever could take away from his old friend and nod him fairwell, in grief and with the silent promise to tell the world how someone can be triumphant without any fight.
The next day Bosa left Wickedsandaled, unseen and unnoticed. The skills he once used to bring death among others he now used to left death behind.
To left death behind and to reach the promise of eternal life by being a poet the world would even remember in thousand years. The last gift of Reg in his head he turned eastwards, towards the realm of humankind. Towards the hamlet Ardentpant. Towards his gift: The great poet Pevit Cookconflict.

The following weeks were full of hardship. Being alone in the wilderness and among the beats that roamed the forested hills and barren plains turned out to be a trial, even for someone as skilled as Bosa was. Many times he nearly starved, surrounded by inedible and higly toxic plants or animals that seemed to mock him by staying just out of reach but always being visible. Taunting promises of delicious food that spoiled before his hands; many times he nearly injured himself heavily, dooming him to a slow and painful death in the lonelyness; many times giant predators in the shape of alligators nearly devoured him. It was a tormenting journey, full of deprivation.
But hope encouraged him and mile after mile vanished behind him.
Until, one rainy day, he got sight of a buzzing little village full of humans. The directions provided by his dead friend had been correct. He had found Ardenpant, his new home and the beginning of a new life. Joyful he mustered all of his strength he could msuter after the long trek and approached the village. It was indeed Ardentpant and asking for the renowned Pevit got him the desired answer in no time. The humans didn't seem to be concerned that a battered goblin noone ever saw before moved about openly amongst them and Bosa took this as a sign that his decision to leave his former life behind was the right one.

Night began to fell as Bosa finally stood before an old wooden door at the outskirts of this hamlet. Adjusting his worn clothes he steeled himself and knocked. The last thump couldn't even fade away - the door opened hastily and a wrinkled, little man appeared, looked at Bosa, grimaced despicable and snorred: "No peddlers! No beggars! And no apprentices! I work alone! And now: Bugger off!" The door slammed shut.

The following days passed without any notice by Bosa. Mechanically he lived from day to day, seeking to sweep up the shards of his dream that kept him alive in the wilderness. It took nearly two weeks before he began to realize that poets , especially old ones, maybe really were a solitary folks. That you had to be a solitary for becoming a real talent. "Yes", Bosa confirmed himself, "this sounds logical."
It took nearly two days before he met Kol Fountainworks at the market who cheerfully told him that he got " apprenticeship under the legendary Pevit Cookconflict! Can you imagine? I just knocked at his door and before I could say something he announced me as his new apprentice! What a life! Wait...are you okay? You look odd. Did you eat something rotten? My mother always told me to lo..."

Bosa didn't know how he reached the ramshackle hut at the other side of Ardenpant. He didn't know how and why. Maybe it was the mead? The innkeeper had said something about strong spirits in this booze brewed by dwarvens, this Bosa remembered. Just this. Everything after that blurred into darkness, as dark as his thoughts had became. As dark as his thoughts had been in his past of which he thought he had overcome. What a fool he had been by believing he could change his life and the lifes of others by showing them the beauty that lives inside of words. A stupid fool, yes. Tricked into believing such idiocy. Tricked by a dwarf who now looks down from above and laughs about this little goblin. Laughs that he had made him believe dwarves and goblins could be friends and coexist. Laughs that he had made him abandon his family, his own race. Laughs that he had died unpunished by Bosa.
A creak loudly sounded throughout the foggy dusk, accompanied by a raspy whisper: "Hello, Bosa Monstroustaper, I've waited for you. Let me introduce myself: I'm Rakust Couragesabre. And now I introduce you to myself: You are my new apprentice." The fog swallowed everything.

"IDENTIFY YOURSELF!", Bosa screamed and the mental blow echoed through the mead hall where Ini Banklimes, the local lord, resided. The humans who were attendant at the moment stiffened as the dark beauty in this magical command forced them to open their mouths and to start a constant babbling, assuming new identies with every new sentence. "IDENTIFY YOURSELF!", Bosa shouted again. And again. The fiendish smile in his face widened as his eyes started to glow in the colour of blood soon to be spilled. "Yes, identify yourself, identify yourself, identify yourself..." his words ended in cackling.
Cackling that intensified as the magic burned the brains of the humans and turned them against each other.
Cackling that almost sounded like crying as if some small part in Bosa realised what he had become and what opportunity he now had lost.
Cackling that turned into ringing laughter as the first victim to fall under the brutal swings of the houseguards was a newly trained poet with the name of Kol Fountainworks.
Laughter that endet abruptly as someone appeared at the entrance to this hall. A silhouette in the shape of a dwarf, clad in leather, holding an iron spear and dropping the lifeless body of a cat to the floor.
"The party already started?", a voice as deep as the pits back in Wickedsandaled blew across from this strange silhouette. "Then I guess it's time to join..."

(The "Identify yourself!"-bug was the most hillarious bug I've ever encountered, but nothing in comparison to the excitement I had when I checked legends to make some sense out of this, as there also should had been an insurrection at that time, and to find out that this bloody mess in the mead hall actually did made sense - you know, if you ignore the fact that it's a bug for a short moment. A murderous goblin, who wanted to find salvation and become a poet, gets denied by a master and seeks revenge by slaughtering the inncocent townsfolk (and Kol Fountainworks) after finding a new master with knowledge in much darker arts. This is what makes DF so much fun - and for some moments I remembered the fun times with 34.xx where such bloody and stupid slaughter happened not only on rare occasions.
Another interesting day in DF.)


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15378 on: January 10, 2019, 06:31:05 am »

ambushed by dingoes in the night, woke up paralysed due to upper spine nervous tissue being torn, all i could do was roll around and bite... and, apparently, throw dingo parts if i was lucky enough to chomp them off.  the toe missed its target, but the tail bruised its former owner’s leg

peasant cretin

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15379 on: January 10, 2019, 06:42:05 pm »

Genned a year 1050 Large Island world with hidden history. As a slow travel ranger playthrough, bogeymen were excluded in world gen — IMO narratively, rangers need to travel alone and sleep under the stars, otherwise you're just the party's dedicated archer (not a bad part time job). If you orient your game around bogeymen management while running a solo character, you end up sleeping either during the day and traveling at night or keeping to coastal/mountain travel routes, only to be penalized rewarded with the timesink tedium of killing bogey mobs. It confers little that's useful other than indicating you learned about when a character is ready to combat bogeys.

So, rolled a dwarf peasant outsider with above-average athletic floor for physical attributes and gameplay-useless suboptimal above-average patience and memory.
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Picked a lanky build, as that seems to have good flavor for an archer in that it suggests long-arm pulling leverages.

Imush Forestabbeys starts inside the residential mound of a dwarven hillock located in northern taiga. Here, 2 of the a few 5 observational actions (temPerature, Weather/time of day, Odor, tracKing, or look) are useful. So only temp check (it's cold) and a look around.

Outside, he checks for odor and weather. There's no trace of death or bug innards in the air.
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The position of the sun in the sky has no modifier (in this case low), so the RNG hasn't given him a full daylight span. I don't know if that's random or due to how far north or south a character starts from the equator. Though everything else on top of the residential mound (rye, millet, broad beans) won't be available until the first/second week of summer, artichoke hearts are harvestable now. Imush sprints (2.873!) to the tree line to get started on crafting a kettle for water, a pot to cook stone soup, larch bow/arrows, a backpack and a club.

Unsure of where to go since he hasn't spoken to anyone asked about his surroundings, Imush begins following the waterway. When it's only cold out some parts may have thawed by midday. For partially frozen waterways, there's a window (with an eye out to weather changes) where one can get in a little swimming. While you can certainly "strict rogue/ironman/purist" your gameplay and limit swimming stat gains to solely when you need to river cross, only level 3 competent swimmers can survive minor penalty status effects like being winded/drowning and most commonly, a 1 z-level drop into water. Any character below level 3 will flounder due to these status changes and possibly fail to recover: YASD. For more significant penalties like the 50% debuff of stun, should an aquatic critter successfully charge your character, you'd need to have level 6 talented swimmer to survive.

In terms of minimum gameplay margin of error, I have Imush following a lowest effective dosage protocol, so he'll swim to competent under normal conditions to safeguard against the 1 z-level drop and because swimming under duress/bridges causes the drowning status effect. In terms of roleplay, Imush will log some attribute gain and this can only be done by swimming under a bridge and drowning. "Regular" swimming doesn't provide such stat gain to endurance or toughness.
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When a character is at the end of competent swimmer, there is a turnover from the above-average endurance/toughness to high, and only when a character is about 10-20% of the way through level 4 skilled swimmer will "is slow to tire and tough" log in your character's description page. Once both log, Imush stops. That's lowest effective dosage for this character.

He continues traveling NE until sunset and has his first meal: a stone soup made with artichoke hearts. He eats 3 of the 4 units and sleeps until dawn. When he wakes up, he hydrates with 3 units of water and the remaining unit of stone soup.
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A little bit of oddness here. The express emotions page registers some feeling about eating, but the character description page says there isn't any. Odd indeed.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15380 on: January 11, 2019, 02:04:50 am »

Finally had an adventurer journey into the underworld for the first time. Got killed by a dimetrodon devil, which at least took the time to tell me I was a pleasure to speak with's not every day that one encounters such polite monsters.
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15381 on: January 11, 2019, 10:53:51 am »

Stole a steel minecart from world-gen fortress, packed it with goods and I'm riding it around in the underground tunnels, feeling like a Gummi Bear. Two oddities noted:
Jumping onto a minecart counts as a collision. Not a very good idea. Passed out due to pain from broken leg and messed my brand new steel greaves up.
Throwing a minecart down the ramp can sometimes warp it into a wall. Not a very good way to loose all the goods. Savescum ensued.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15382 on: January 11, 2019, 11:56:52 am »

I didn't even know you could ride minecarts in adventure mode. That's awesome! xD
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15383 on: January 11, 2019, 06:59:09 pm »

I didn't even know you could ride minecarts in adventure mode. That's awesome! xD
You don't even need tracks if you keep pushing it while riding. It's great fun... until you hit a tree, and everything inside goes flying. You can usually stop in time, though.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 07:01:50 pm by Bumber »
Reading his name would trigger it. Thinking of him would trigger it. No other circumstances would trigger it- it was strictly related to the concept of Bill Clinton entering the conscious mind.

THE xTROLL FUR SOCKx RUSE WAS A........... DISTACTION        the carp HAVE the wagon

A wizard has turned you into a wagon. This was inevitable (Y/y)?

Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15384 on: January 12, 2019, 12:28:47 am »

Started a cougar woman adventurer. Going to collect all the artifacts. The lord of the bamlet i started in can recite the names and locations of dozens of artifacts other nearby lords want, so im just going to take them all. Only murdured one werebeast human i found in a lair and one common snapping turtle. Of the two, the snapping turtle put up a better fight. The poor lady i caught i just slit her throat from behind and she ran away and died under a tree. The turtle destroyed my robes and shirt. I put its shell on my helmet as a trophy.

Currently investigating a cave that was supposed to be inhabited by kobolds. So far ive met a peregrine falcon man and a gnoll. No sign of the treasure room, fuck i hope its actually there this time.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15385 on: January 12, 2019, 07:34:44 pm »

Came across an in-progress insurrection for the first time in a small town ruled by elves. A goblin crime boss was trying to kill their administrator, and I decided to slog through the panicking crowd to slash his throat before he could finish the job. Only read about insurrections in legends up to this point, so actually getting to witness one and interfere was pretty neat.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 07:39:04 pm by PlumpHelmetMan »
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.

peasant cretin

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15386 on: January 12, 2019, 09:58:14 pm »

If the first day or so is ideally dedicated to some crafting/foraging for baseline starting gear and some stat gain, the next few days are about travel to different locations to upgrade gear. Because he started in taiga biome, it's moving from leather to cloth or if possible, wool. Temperatures don't affect your character. Clothing material types are just flavor/preference.

Imush slow travels with ambusher-on when in-between sites to get some work in. Once he's at competent/skilled, I think he'll have it on only when hunting. Not sure if that'll be the way forward for this Adv Mode run. Having it on all the time during slow travel can be a useful auto-shortcut, since you see every critter's vision arc and you can move by holding down a direction key. Ambusher does not confer virtual invisibility as it once did in DF 34.11. Post-42.xx it affects visual rolls.

With ambusher off, everything becomes manual and analog. You need to be more careful proceeding through the environment. For example, ASCII wolves will blend into snowy landscapes.

Imush comes across a 3-pack of wolves. If you end up well inside view range's 20 tile distance where NPCs become responsive to your character (fight or flight), you often lose the choice of avoiding conflict, or in this case not needing to kill all 3.

As a ranger bowhunting versus groups of creatures, there are predator critters who may become aggressive, and non-predators who will always flee. If you're a conservationist (which means being more selective and not saying "f*ck it, kill 'em all!") you need a way to limit Area of Effect as missiles target tiles/tile clusters as opposed to specific NPC units.

Versus non-predators it's easy enough to spread the group out and target a solo just by entering the 20 tile view range: your movement results in their movement. But versus predators, it's a combination of movement and arrow shot. In any case you want morale failure rolls and NPC flight. Imush uses both movement into wolf view range and a few shots to scatter the group. He's lucky to only wound one.

The three possible measurable ranged combat methods appear to be from lowest ammo volume to highest: shoot to ground the NPC, then finish with melee; shoot until bleeding level reaches heavy+ and wait for possible bleed out; or lastly use the idea of sideness to cause suffocation via right/left lung damage. You're invariably Max Holloway-esque. Single shot kills, major artery ruptures, and upper spinal damage are purely RNG charity. Imush opts for the lowest volume choice.

To give himself some visual stealth while following and firing, Imush shoots only when orthagonal to a tree and standing on a crop or shrub tile to receive the stealth benefits of By Obstacle and In Vegetation.
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But instead of needing to club the wolf, the RNG grants a lucky major artery rupture.

He uses 4 units of innards to make boiled meat. The remainder, he dries to drop its carrying weight. The skin becomes a leather tunic and he turns some of the fat into 2 bars of soap.
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He uses the soap and takes a bath, but the express emotions menu again seems to have a disagreement with the character description screen.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 10:34:15 pm by peasant cretin »


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15387 on: January 13, 2019, 10:42:27 am »

I ended up with a discovery of layered camp sites patched into each other vertically on top of being able to dupe the same patch of land.

I guess if a site I'm copying over is higher than the site I'm copying will just paste over the underground sections
after discovering this I went back and added a pick adv reaction so I can just easily dig into the underground, and now wondering if the perfect Necro-camp is building on an terrifying biome to get access to husk weather effects then moving to a necrotower to copy the site and grab the necromancers who will over time spawn in undead zombies.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15388 on: January 13, 2019, 11:42:22 am »

[...] now wondering if the perfect Necro-camp is building on an terrifying biome to get access to husk weather effects then moving to a necrotower to copy the site and grab the necromancers who will over time spawn in undead zombies.
Like some kind of floating Warcraft necropolis?

Reading his name would trigger it. Thinking of him would trigger it. No other circumstances would trigger it- it was strictly related to the concept of Bill Clinton entering the conscious mind.

THE xTROLL FUR SOCKx RUSE WAS A........... DISTACTION        the carp HAVE the wagon

A wizard has turned you into a wagon. This was inevitable (Y/y)?


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #15389 on: January 14, 2019, 11:23:51 am »

My adventurer is currently a nigh unkillable vampire necromancer. I waited until my important attributes were mostly superhuman (spatial sense, kinesthetic sense, strength, agility, endurance, toughness, focus, willpower) until I became a vampire and read the necromancer slab. My punches can gore limbs and open arteries. My swordman skill has been legendary for a while, and I'm working on hammerman so I can conquer a vault. So far, my armor is all bronze. I have been trying to find a steel long sword, but it appears that the dwarves in my world are addicted to short swords. I have around 5 artifact earrings and and artifact shield as well. I've gotten my hands on a *superior* iron long sword, so I've been walking through hydras and other forgotten beasts with the help of my flesh-sack army (living companions that I then resurrect after they die). For some reason titans are always the hardest because they make me bleed when they hit me with fireballs.
You could always spread it around and paint the floor of your house with the blood of your enemies.
You could very well go for a Christmas themed house, all green and red from blood and vomit. Deck the halls with spilled intestines. Fa la la la la, la la la la!
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