My demi-god vampire necromancer human adventurer has officially reached the point of "too strong", so I'm off on a quest to find a Spire.
On my trek across the continent where Legends Mode the ancient lore rumors one of these things to be, I stumbled upon a Goblin army encampment in the middle of night. I would've been perfectly fine to leave them be, but the guard on watch shouted "Intruder!" and they swiftly pounced upon my only companion at the time and killed them. In a fit of rage, I started killing the whole encampment. Whether it was fear or Bandit-tier intelligence, most of them just sat around in their tents, not fighting back, and complaining about how terrifying their predicament was. I'd say I'm doing their military a favor...
As I continued my journey the next day, the Goblins must have been pretty sore about being trounced, cause I was suddenly set upon by a massive ambush consisting of several dozen Goblins, six Trolls, and a couple of Beak Dogs. They swiftly learned why you don't mess with a (somewhat) renowned Mega-Beast slayer, as I rendered about seven of their Goblins unconscious due to injuries, and was holding off their Trolls with relative ease.
Their morale seemed to take a big hit after I killed two of their Trolls. Their morale straight up left the room when I decided to use one of their Trolls' corpse as a bludgeon to kill the rest of them for a spot of fun. I'm not sure if any of them managed to escape, but maybe I managed to teach one of the slimy green jerks where their place is in the world, and they'll think twice about their reckless town take-overs and kidnapping. A man can hope... right?