Alright, I started as a human demigod hearthperson in hamlet of Beescovers and I had to do a double take at how pathetcally small the local lady's mead hall was. At first I thought it was optical illusion due to the fact that I didn't have any graphic sets installed, but no, this place is basically a walk in closet with a jagged hallway that leads to nowhere. It doesn't help that there's about a dozen other hearthpersons crowding the place. Though I was pleased that they were having conversations amougst themselves, makes the world feel more alive.
So I had a chat with the lady and only thing rememberable about her was the she's fat and she's loaded down with jewely. I guess we've found out where the construction budget went.
I decided to start small and take a quest to kill some bandits that were a days travel to the northwest. Now to gather up some companions. I recruited a human lasher, then tried to get human maceman, turns out he was a dick. When I asked him to join me on my adventures, he laughed at me and said. "Such enthusiasm from one such as you." What the hell is that suppose to mean?
It takes me a minute to realize that was his way of rejecting my offer. I had to be sure so I asked how he was feeling. He says, "Sometimes I just don't like somebody." Okay, this passive aggressive asshole is going on my blacklist. I wrote down his name which is Rostfen, sounds like a jerk name. I'll be seeing him latter. I recruited the other nearby maceman and a swordsman. The we were off.
The journey was uneventful and the rivers were easily navigable. I was low on water so I stopped by the well in the hamlet of Hipmagic. A friendly poet named Osush greeted me. I spent some time talking to her and was in good mood after the conversation. I was about to head out when the thought occurred to me to make a visit at the mead hall.
This one was a lot more impressive. Hipmagic is ruled by The Wise Council which sounds a lot better than the The Disemboweled Coalition of Beescovers. After talking to the lord, I decided to change my alliegience. I asked to lord to become a hearth person and he said I was not worthy of the honor. So I inquired about the groups troubles. One of them is a bandit camp half a days travel to the south. My current plan is to kill some bandits for this lord, become his hearth person, the go back to Bees covers and punch Rostfen in the face.