And the less i can say is that having undead as companions is more than overpowered.
By the way, it showed to me that the Vault people had just respawned from my previously clearing.
We just steamrolled every single angles, weaker or strongers, they were torn apart in absolutely no time by my hordes, without even me trying to do anything.
Out of raising the corpses of the angles that weren't destroyed enough to be raised of course.
And then in a room i saw the Setnekostob , the " Death Judgement " , the most powerful of all the angelic guardians (so much he's unique)
Well, i saw his corpse once my horde finished him, and to my surprise he wasn't destroyed enough to prevent me to rise it, so i'm now walking along a zombie superbigboss of the angelic guardians
I never faced him in my previous Vault visit when i was going solo, but as the stronger angels were already strong, i like to imagine i was lucky to not run into this one.
And then in the depth of the Vault after walking without sometime noticing how much my hordes were destroying the guardians, the "Uvirshistsak" was there, i fetched it
I guess time to pay a visit to the demon reigning on that goblin dark fortress to use that against him and consider the game "won" as there's no more challenge anywhere at that point, undead are insanely overpowered (and i have a lot of strong angelic guardians + their leader as members of my zombie hordes), i'm sure they could take that demon in seconds without the help of the true name.