I took a pointless tour of the cavern tunnels (which is okay, because me and a giant olm sparred for a bit)
and I learned the basic generation patterns of the new structures and killed many C1 things. I emerged within my own civ after traipsing about the mountain range, and got a job to disrupt an army. I was tasked to kill the new lord of a goblin pit. Looking in the library, I found he was the 7th lord in 10 years there.
And check out all my bleeding. It mauled me in one shot, but pulping heals apparently. I climbed around a pillar to get away from it.
On our way over we were ambushed by zombie harpies (I fled, one died)
ambushed by wolves (I killed them all and our marksmen got mauled)
and ambushed by a goblin patrol squad (I one-shotted a pikeman in the chest, and the marksman died when I fled)
I was able to sneak around back to the area and there was a second patrol squad scouring the area. In the night I found, miraculously, my last companion, a speardwarf. We finished our journey by finding the goblin pits and a tower. The fps in the tower was amazing, and we chatted up some gobbos topside before going below. I was a dwarf, so I let them live.
Its annoying down there in the caverns. There are intermediate storage sites where apparently all the armor of a civ is dumped into bedrooms, and occasionally silly animals wander by. However, giant earthworms were common, and easy skill gains.
I got to see how armies act after you flee them. They chased me and even sent more patrols out.