Gather 'round Gather 'Round! There be A story to tell, of bedeyed The King slayer ((actual name was Bed eyes the fatigued, but I didnt want that name and I changed it A bit)) O' He 'as A legendary 'warf, he 'layed his Enemy's down with 'is two whip, one of Steel, one of silver, and he slayed the 'vil King of the 'orth, of elves and there 'eedy little eyes and 'ust for murdering our 'reecutters! 'though we dont know wai' they slay us, Bedyed simpily gives 'em A few back, with his whip, He killed A hundred in 'hirty two Elves! No 'ess! No more! 'll tell you how he 'layed them all, and how it all 'egan! 'Elieve it or not, he started out with 'word and shield! like any other 'warf 'hood! he asked the local 'ovner, of the humans of sparnolsto, where he grew up in, 'fer A quest, he was asked to slay the 'ocal Naga named Firi paddlepaddle snaked! the 'ribal chieftess, in the local Catacoms of the 'ity! as 'elved into the catacombs, he slayed nurmous naga's, of all types and genders 'nd 'hat have ye! and at last he found the naga, by then he was 'overed in the blood of 15 nagas! The Chi'ftess only had tr'ee of her most loyal gaurds left, the rest already slain by Bed eyed, as he 'harged into the battle, sword a swinging,blockin' any blows that came! 'nly few blows came in! All the while he was bashing, fighting with the 'urry of the mountains them 'elves! Of course here and there he bit the foot of one of the gaurds feet off, or what have you, by the near ending of the battle, there was only two standing, both bruised and hurtin' the chieftess and Bed eyes! He swung A mighty blow after blow with no avail, she was dodging every hit! Until one hit finally landed, and it hit her knee! Slicing it off! as she fell over, He landed another blow, right into her skull, piercing the bone, and through her outer brain!
In the hands of the dead naga, was A sliver whip, this was the whip that he used from then on, 'ut you may ask " how did he get his other whip? He got it many quests later, from the layer of the forgotten beast Peshchera! A giant sheep with external ribs,violat hair, and breaths fire! He wore steel armor, Head to toe, and his Silver Whip and Steel shield proved him well, as he slew it with only one blow to the head!(( the entire thing was made of violet hair Apparently.))As he reaped the spoils of the chamber, he found his Steel whip, A beauty with with A engraving of A horse!((the horse is laughing...)) and Afterwords, he began the long journey west, the mountain homes of the dwarfs!after A long traveling, he found the dwarfs, they heard long and far of him, and they only asked him one thing, " to 'lay those damned dirty elves!"
And so he traveled to the very north, where the elves lay there dirty lands! ((I modded in so that elfs can build houses like humans)) as he carges into battle, he slays several Elves instantly on each impact! the 'arnage heading towards there fort, where the soldiers lay! ((and in front those damn merchants)) After the gaurds and merchents were slain, he walked up to the very top of the tower and found the King himself! He slayed the King in A very short skirmish ((read, Whip skull smash))
after he lights fires on the town,he left and came abck to the dwarfs, the dwarfs thanked him and asked to slay the elves of the east, on the other side of the ocean! but... this is when the story ends, as he swam through, he never came back, the elves are still very much alive, some say he drowned, some say the ice ate him up, and others say he became A sea dwarf.
Thas' All! *drunkly walks away and starts cutting wood, and then is slain by A elf.*
((It flash frozed, I didnt had a Back up, I raged. Hard.))