I found the location of the forest retreat and retired my elven adventurer there. She had collected just over sixty notable kills (and 130ish others, including three elephants) and there were no known locations of lairs, shrines or labyrinths left to visit in the pocket world.
Seeing how much size and special powers trump skill in the current iteration of the game, she used stealth (ambusher was legendary +10 or so) to handle the most powerful opponents - two titans (out of six in the world), one dragon (of two) and two rocs (of two). In the later stages, most everything else was taken out in open combat, with maybe a thrown carving fork to get started. Candy armour from the dwarven fort certainly helped some, but i think she mostly stayed unharmed because of master and better defensive skills and superelven attributes. Anything that could actually take damage that way was taken out by biting and maybe some shield-bashing, although on nastier stuff, stabbing a leg proved a good starting move.
In the end, wrestling was her highest attack skill, at legendary +20 or so, the second highest was... biting! At legendary+1. Spearelf was 'accomplished'. 'Are Birdsdrunken' honoured her name by ripping bits off most birds she encountered - a wing is generally enough to cause a kea to bleed out - and generally made a point of biting off trophies. In her appropriated lair (had belonged to a cyclops) she eventually stacked up about 300 misc. body parts. She also visited the kobold cave and decimated the population there, but left five or so alive - it wouldn't be properly _elfy_ if there was no-one left to be scared of the stack of fifty kobold hands and feet.
And she never left her trusty acacia spear behind like some dirt-hugging dwarf. Although in the end it was only used as a throwing weapon to get lair fights started (and never caused any notable damage when used). She was a legendary hero of all ten (i think) entities of the world, including the kobolds and goblins. After her visit to the cave, i like to think the kobolds started worshipping her in hopes of preventing further visitations.