I started a new adventurer, Chuck Ari Ura (Boots of Death sounds better...) He is demigod with maxed out agility and strenght.
He is a Human outsider with only skills in dodging, kicking and punching.
first quest was to kill a night creature who was quite easy, got some cool gear from her lair.
I was on my way to complete another quest when night fell and soon i heard cackling noise in the darkness. I started to run as fast as i could.
In darkness, i fell into dried up murky pool and 2 bogeymen came with me.
I managed to kick one of them into chest so hard that it broke its rib and it got quite badly injured but at the same time other bogeyguy broke my ribcage.
my left lung was damaged and i was tiring up as i tried to dodge incoming strikes and tried to strike back at the boogeys.
Situation was dire untill i had a chance to kick other bogey man in the head. So i spun around and hit the boogeyman in the head with roundhousekick and jammed it's skull through it's brain.
Now that things were even, i charged the other boogeyman and punched and kicked him as hard as i could. Finally other guy fell too but night isnt over and there are more boogeymen watching at me on the edge of the pool.
I still have to survive till dawn...
Third bogeyman fell before my mighty strikes, i believe there is one left and he wont come down to fight me and i cant get out of this murky pool. guess i got to wait for dawn then.
but that i'll do tomorrow