I thought claiming some turf would give me at least enough clout to shake down bandit chiefs and crime lords for tribute. So I claimed a camp for a group simply named "The Breed", because my name is already stupidly long, and at least this way I can say the whole claim announcement in one breath, and before the listeners doze off. The name will remain short, but its meaning shall grow!
The chieftain wasn't impressed. I took away his halberd, then his halberd arm, then invited him to sit down to talk by removing one of his legs. When he came to, he yielded, but but still wouldn't pay tribute, so I just decapitated him. His band were pretty upset by that, but not so upset that they would do anything about it. The plan had been to recruit them, but for a moment I had to reconsider the value of such worthless subordinates. Eventually I introduced myself to each, explained the death of their leader, revealed some of the gruesome details of my previous endeavors, and successfully made them all my hearthpersons (what a crappy name.)
On the way to the next camp, I stopped at an asterisk at night and found a human encamped with a small shelter built up around him. Out in the middle of nowhere, a hutch with walls and roof sturdy enough to keep boogeymen out. I didn't know they could do that! Why I can't I do that! Well, he immediately yielded to me, but aggroed the goblin bandit I had brought along, so I had to put an end to him. I slept in his shelter for the night, and the next morning it had just vanished. wtf?