Made a dwarf hero demigod, mostly because I wanted to cruise around feeling semi-invulnerable. Well. Mr. "Invulnerable" cruised around, visited a few sites, wacked a few civs... and got one shot by the first night hag ( hag wrestler ) he saw when she ripped his throat out a split-turn before he would have taken her arm off. Or, rather, she ripped his throat out and proceeded to beat him bloody until he bled to death. He did not land a single blow.
Fear the night, indeed!
Amusingly, the night hag had 'ambushed' Mr. "Invulnerable"... but immediatly decided to run away. Mr. "Invulnerable" mustered his courage after a few moments, then gave chase, shouting how violent and strong (and etc...) he was. Her only response was "go away"... and the quiescence she showed as he danced around threateningly was, perhaps, best understood as the calm before the storm. That as opposed to terror.
Previously, Mr. "Invulnerable" was walking along a mountain and decided to practice on the local wildlife. He tried attacking a giant louse... which promptly bounced across the nearest river (stream?). So... instead of getting his feet wet, he decided to go over and kill a giant mosquito. That, too, proved too agile for the squat adventurer to smite. So, in a bad mood, he continued south towards a city ruled by a 'criminal organization.' And, as he was heading down the mountain, a mosquitoman proceeded to screech, at the top of his lungs, how he had attacked Mr. "Invulnerable" to one of his friends. Now. Render that in the most annoying, nasal, falsetto voice you can think of and put it on a circle track for a day and a half. I suspected the mosquitomen were following Mr. "Invulnerable", but I couldn't spot them.