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Author Topic: What's going on in your adventure?  (Read 2053469 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6015 on: July 10, 2014, 06:33:55 pm »

As Robsoie found out, bogeymen are terrifying now. Used to be I could fend them off or just run away from them until I got to a town, but now... And unlike the other creatures of the night they aren't willing to cease this pointless fighting whenever you feel like you're on the losing side. Which is how I won my last encounter with a blind freak.

Mummies are surprisingly polite now too. I don't think you can talk to them but they're not interested in fighting you either. Harmless until they walk past you and start raising unstoppably strong goblin skeletons. When one of those came out and started smashing my companion into the ground I hung back, attempting to communicate with this freak of nature, seeing if anything I said to it would snap it out of its blind, punchy frenzy. Then it collapsed my companion's head in with a single punch and I sprinted for the hills. I guess that makes me a shitty partner.

Then the lady of the hearth told me about a bandit problem far in the south. When I got there I wasted no time with conversation, seeing an opportunity in the form of a sleeping wrestler lying five feet away from the overlord of the camp. After I walked up and put a sword through the wrestler it quickly degenerated into the usual hilarious scene of sobbing bandits crawling away from me, refusing to yield. The only one there that actually stood up to me was a swordsman, and he might have actually posed a threat if he had thought to carry a shield. I claimed the site as mine and left.

On the way back to town I stumbled across a lair. I went in, sword at the ready, and found a single dwarven child inside. I strapped my sword to my body again and decided, although he was probably a vampire or werebeast, I wasn't going to stab him until I had compelling reason to do so. My conversation with him yielded nothing but the facts that he thought my claiming of the bandits' camp was "terrible" and that he had a mother who had straight-up murdered quite a few people. But he seemed to like me in the end so I left him in peace. Later in legends mode I found that before he was one year old, he was bitten by a rhinoceros monster, and later on his mother (a mercenary) was bitten by a lizard monster.

Definitely enjoying this release so far.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6016 on: July 10, 2014, 06:40:53 pm »

Started playing Dwarf Fortress some days ago. I can now see the light for sure when it comes to this game.

Created a human and wandered around endlessly and forever it felt in tundra and ice landscapes. Funny thing is I feel bad for killing the animals for food. So I tried to gather berries or anything to eat but no luck there, no way to get fishes either. I encountered many stray groups of half humanoid insects and animals. My character started to starve so I naturally had to beat some poor half humanoid. To my surprise there was no resistance. I had put my spear and shield to my upper body without knowing how I did it. So I had to use the stones and my bare fists. Once I got the corpse, all I could do with it was to lick it.

My character was still starving but it went more than a week and I didn't eat anything all I did was lick that body and melt some snow and ice for water. At least the water kept me alive. I got bored but encountered a new half humanoid groups of wolverines all over the place. Of course they were also friendly. Well I woke up one night and I saw wolverines getting attacked by a Yeti. He slashed them to pieces one by one. Neither did any resistance. I felt sorry for the wolverines so I started to throw some rocks and leaves at the Yeti. The Yeti eventually went down and I tried to eat that corpse too, but all my character did was licking it. I still had no clue how to put the spear in my hand.
Unfortunately all wolverines died there. But more came and just looked around..

I went back to camp and woke up again next day to find another Yeti near by it didn't do anything just stood there even when I walked around it. I figured it was a friendly Yeti. But I wanted to see its reaction when I dropped the corpse of the other Yeti in front of him. I figured I might be able to fight him anyhow if he would react. Well smack and it was all over, it wasted me in a blow more or less. Last I read was that the Yeti scrambled through my items..

Tried again and was placed in a hamlet. I figured I could try and get the hamlet and so I struck the lord with my spear and throw it at him too. It was just a mess all over the place. I felt bit bad for trying to kill the fellow as he was unconscious from the spear. It was bloody for sure. I tried to bandage him, I poured some water beside him. I thought he was going to die and tried to talk to him. So I left for to take some things from the hamlet and came back and saw he was awake now. I told him let's have a truce. Apparently he was happy to see me and as if nothing happened. They have had peace until I arrived. Well shortly after that I talked to a deity and bam crash.
I know the deity error is fixed now but in a way I found it charming that the deity sent me into oblivion for my ill deeds.
(q) to unsheath or sheath weapons, and (x) to do the interactions, like butchering, menu.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6017 on: July 10, 2014, 07:24:21 pm »

Created a new human adventurer.
Convinced several schmucks to follow me and traveled to nearby dwarven hillock.
Went to mayor and told him I claim this site for "The Courage of Coloring". He told me it was inevitable.
I punched him in the nose and it exploded into gore.
I calmly walked outside while dozens of panicked dwarves shout "The horror!" and "Just now Esme Fleshkingdom attacked Shorast Growlhammer!" and run outside.
I started climbing a cliff near the house.
A random passerby spit at me.
I dodged the spit while several z-levels above ground, hanging on the wall.
I hit the ground and break half my bones. I die to suffocation a few steps later.

Best release ever.
Demons are preferable to ravens.
A noble just suffered a genuine unfortunate accident.
Has that ever happened before?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6018 on: July 10, 2014, 08:14:07 pm »

Used quick travel to exit a fortress underground. Trying to get back in. Encountered a roadway with that seemed to have 3 animals a square for every single square.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6019 on: July 10, 2014, 09:01:30 pm »

Heard about people losing adventurers to falling into wells.
So I jumped into one.
I climbed out.
To all dwarves who dodged into wells and died of thirst, you no longer have any excuse.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6020 on: July 10, 2014, 09:18:59 pm »

Well I just had a charming little incident. Pulp Fortress if you will.

At the edge of town, ready to go hunt some game, when I see an amphibian man bolt out of a store after firing a dart at an elf. Somewhere, a Clothier gives into pain. The amphibian man runs past me.

I give pursuit. He turns corner and speeds out past the edge of town, passing by two villagers lounging in the grass. By the time I turn the corner, they're both already lying in their respective and growing pools of blood.

I begin tracking the amphibian man, aka "the Chief", into the grasslands. We're both running at full tilt and I'm only seeing his tracks, and the barest flicker of him at the edge of the screen sometimes. Eventually I get tired and figure, as long as I can follow his tracks I'll catch up eventually.

Soon other tracks start making their way into the scene and things start getting confused. His tracks tell me he's doubled back and I go back and forth a couple times before deciding to continue on in his original direction.

Almost without warning, I'm on him. He tells me we should make peace and stop fighting. I demand he yields, and he calls me a coward and tells me to yield first.

His first mistake was whatever he did back in town. His last mistake was questioning my willingness to commit violence on the slightest pretext.

As he turns to go I gave him a running kick to his back which breaks a rib and jabs it into his lung, and he collapses. The rest....well....that took a few more minutes. But I was able to go back to town and tell them justice was served.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 09:20:42 pm by nenjin »
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
Quote from: Viktor Frankl
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Quote from: Sindain
Its kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
Quote from: Eric Blank
How will I cheese now assholes?
Quote from: MrRoboto75
Always spaghetti, never forghetti

Broseph Stalin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6021 on: July 10, 2014, 09:33:58 pm »

Discovered a slab in a necromancer tower. Now I just have to survive the game saving all the units.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Inscrubtable Exhortations of the Soul
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6022 on: July 10, 2014, 11:49:43 pm »

Just had an epic fight against a night man. Pro-wrestlers with a horn, to get grappled and taken down is to get your face gored and die.

Managed to take one of of his arms off early but then he did a takedown and was standing over me. Cue Casser Tallclaws fighting for his life from his back with a Night Man towering over him, for four rounds. By keeping the attack up with accurate strikes, he never quite managed to execute a maneuver, and then I lopped off a foot and rolled away from him. Still the bastard kept coming for me, dragging his bloody carcass across the ground. Eventually I took his left hand too, and he was reduced to trying to wrestle me with what remained of his legs. Unfortunately, he deprived me of the coup d' grace, by bleeding out like a little bitch first.
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
Quote from: Viktor Frankl
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Quote from: Sindain
Its kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
Quote from: Eric Blank
How will I cheese now assholes?
Quote from: MrRoboto75
Always spaghetti, never forghetti


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6023 on: July 11, 2014, 01:50:04 am »

Just had an epic fight against a night man. Pro-wrestlers with a horn, to get grappled and taken down is to get your face gored and die.
I discovered this the hard way when I went to use the trolls in goblin tower basements as literal punching bags. Works fine if you're careful though.
- But honestly, if you think
If we could miniaturize things, we would have everybody wielding drawbridges and utterly atomizing


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6024 on: July 11, 2014, 02:42:59 am »

After being wasted multiple times by zombies, I decided that I would need something better than a silver scimitar to take on this necromancer's tower. I hoof it back to the nearest human town and realize I just stumbled across the apocalypse: The town is almost completely empty. It's called Tabathad - Or "Sprayaged."

The number of buildings is already extremely tiny, but 99.9% of all of them are abandoned. The temple appears to be wrecked and is empty. There's a single non-destroyed warehouse in the town. There's some stalls in the market, but it's devoid of life as well.

I did see a random soldier walking on the outskirts of town, but he immediately ran when he was spotted. Aside from him, the only collection of people I've found is a bunch of human civilians with some elven guards, all of them gathered in the keep, which is apparently seven z-levels tall but has only one floor.

One of said humans is the law-giver, who would rather not talk about his profession nor his family. There's a priest in here, however, an he doesn't seem to have much to say about his family. They're a rather weird collection of people - such as that uncle that had his foot "torn" by an elf, and his maternal grandmother who apparently became a lady of the "Shady Society" at one point. The child told me about "bone-chilling horror" going on in the nearby tower, as expected. I should note that the keep is called the "Fortress of Butter."

I decided to get the fuck out of that town. It was incredibly creepy. I'm going to another town with more life and less Silent Hill and getting some gear so I can drive a sword through those necromancers and end the horrors they've wrought upon this world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6025 on: July 11, 2014, 02:58:44 am »

Against all odds, Ferale Neutralslayers - a human, truly an outsider in this godforsaken world - arrived in Kenomtar, The Future Land.
Little did its inhabitants know, however - that there was no future for them in these lands. Indeed, in the year 2500 dwarf- and humankind alike have both been wiped off the face of the world.
The only sparkle of life to be found were pitiful goblins, whose civilization was ruled by the only true "deity" that had existed since the beginning of time.

The Future Lands immediately showed its famed hospitality; for our hero found herself amidst the lair of an ancient roc!
Puzzlingly enough the roc was almost frozen in time - a towering figure clad in snow white feathers - it was even more evidently frozen in time when it didn't protest having its brains stealthily cleaved out.
It served its purpose as a meal quite much better than it did in the aggression department, though!

Soon afterwards it was time to wander these cursed lands.
Despite having dreams of weird, cackling creatures they never seemed to be much more than dreams.
Dreams don't last long when you are met by a stampede of ottermen though, and what they were running from was a pack of hyenas.
Our hero, being of an incredibly muscular and agile build fit for crushing mortal skulls, certainly didn't flinch at the thought of punching through a pack of hyenas - and soon enough the nearby river inevitably flowed with crushed brains.

With further travels southwestwards from the mid-north, there came the discovery of dwarven hillocks - and of the fortress Lastfigure.
The hillocks were unchanged, yet utterly empty - almost eerily haunted.
Without much else to do than get spooked, it was time to travel southeastwards.

A hamlet! Or at least what once was a hamlet, for there was not a soul to spot in the entire area.
The fields were still freshly tended though. The fortress was completely empty though, what a haunted place.
Further downwards there were more haunted hamlets, and then finally - another fortress.
This one wasn't empty though, and now clad in metal from neck to foot (lamenting the lack of a proper helmet save a leather turban) a very inevitable thought came to mind.
For this equipment was likely the last human-sized equipment left in this world.

Grabbing a bronze pickaxe - as there was no better tool available - for executions, it was now time to depart.
What happened next is naught but a blur, but night suddenly fell after hugging a couple of wolves that ambushed our hero in the middle of a nap, and our hero suddenly found herself infused with a bizarre sense of power and skill. (take a damn guess at what happened)
Ferale got on her feet again and promptly made their heads explode in a violent firework of gore.

Further downwards there was nothing but snow, snow and.. More snow.
But amidst this endless ocean of snow and ice there was a strange construction; four snow-weathered stone pillars and a staircase that led down to what smelled like a labyrinth.
Unfortunately, the owner of said labyrinth had gone completely bonkers from the all the centuries (some coins found in the labyrinth dated as far back as the year 696!) spent in loneliness. There was no use talking sense into the minotaur, who wanted neither to join the adventure nor even face our hero. Indeed - all it did was run away. Thus the only sensible thing left to do was to give it a good kick to the head to knock it senseless, and a heavy whosh would be heard pierce the snowy wind coming from above - soon followed by a mighty *CRUNCH* as the thick granite of its skull was pierced by the bronze pickaxe to relieve the minotaur of its endless misery.
Poor thing, didn't even have a family.

And thus it was time for our mysterious hero to cleanse the world from evil; a mighty being out for vengeance for the perished mankind, in the form of the singlemost powerful human that has ever existed in this cursed land.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 03:09:03 am by Bloax »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6026 on: July 11, 2014, 03:40:48 am »

I generated a apocalyptic pocket world with high savagery and monsters, and after 550 years only the goblins and humans. The humans have only 2 hamlets bvut the goblins aren't much better. Ruins are across the land. There are dwarves and elves alive but or are they refugees living with the humans or were assimilated into the goblin civilization. At least I thought.

I decided to start playing with a demigod bowman, with skill in tracking and ambushing. I left my hamlet alone and decided to go see the fortress ruin that is closer. In the way, I have to fight/flee some goblin patrols. I don't have the numbers to fight all of them so I use a series of hit and run attacks to wear them down.

After a day I arrive at the ruined fortress, and to my surprise I find the queen of the dwarves at the trade depot! The fortress was conquered by the goblins, so I decide to help her to reestablish the dwarven civilization. But as I was going to enter the fortress a Dark Creature, a large humanoid with thin wings, appear from nothing and start attacking the queen! It flies! I never saw a flier night troll before.

I start shooting arrows at him, but it was very resistant. He killed the queen very fast and decided to come after me. I wouldn't last long against him in melee, so I started running and shooting arrows. Sometimes he reached me and slashed with his knife, but mostly he did flesh wounds. As I runned out of arrows, I decided to enter the fortress.

As I was gettind down the ramps, it charged me and threw me at the big hole at the entrance of the fortress. I was falling to my death, but I tried to hold a wall...for 5 times I failed, but finally I got a hold. I thought I had flee the monster, but it appeared just besides me flying.

And then he stabbed me in the heart. Mortal Wound. It was the end. But I then heavy bash him in the head with my copper bow, even without much hope, as I hadn't the skill to do that ...and I hit his hear, that explodes in gore.

Dark Creature Wrestler was struck down.

It falls the hole, but I can't see where. I climb until the ramp, and rush towards the exit. My fatal wound healed. I won.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6027 on: July 11, 2014, 04:24:49 am »

Enjoy the most fun you'll have in the game in a long time.

What's this? The dreams materialize!

Fortunately dreams can still have their skulls punched in if they'll just let you get a hit in.


Patience pays off.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 05:34:16 am by Bloax »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6028 on: July 11, 2014, 06:04:15 am »

Just started with the .02 version; I created one of the most amazing stories ever.

To try the new stealth mechanics, I ask everybody about a bandit camp, and after a couple of tries, I find one.
I then proceed to sneak in the camp, attacking everyone without being spotted. Only two bandits manage to see me, so I lure them out to fight them. One of them, an elf master, manages to escape, because I'm tired and I can't go after him.
I even manage to pull off one of the most amazing action sequences ever made, one that summarizes a lot of the new mechanics in the game: the last bandits, three goblins, are next to each other, under a tree, talking. I sneak next to them and I climb the tree. When I'm just above, I jump down, landing right next to them; a multi-attack sequence later, they are all on the ground, without their heads.
I gather something useful from the camp, then I leave. On the way back, I see on the map the elf master, still running away. I catch up and I challenge him. After a few hits, he hits my leg, leaving me on the ground. I then proceed to block every shot, until he cuts off my shield hand. Luckily, I land a strong blow on his body, and he escapes once again, climbing a tree. I drag myself under the spot where he is hiding, put away my sword and grab his foot with my hand. I then throw him off the tree, and he lands next to me, unconcious. I take my sword and I stab him in the neck, killing him.
Somehow, I manage to reach a dwarven settlement before the sun sets and I crawl inside, still unable to walk, asking for a place to stay (maybe you can imagine what is about to happen).
Did you know that dwarven hills are not safe against bogeymen?
Two of them rush inside, killing every single dwarf. I manage to land a lucky shot and I kill one, but the other walks next to me, the last one alive (as I was hiding in the corner while the dwarves were running for the exit) and KICKS MY HEAD OFF.

Well... that was cool. Let's start again!
The worst enemy you'll ever meet is the little voice that says Hey, this would be a cool/awesome/funny thing to do!/I wonder what happens if...
"Rock needs a nerf! Paper is just fine, IMO." - The Scissors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #6029 on: July 11, 2014, 06:10:26 am »

Just started with the .02 version; I created one of the most amazing stories ever.

To try the new stealth mechanics, I ask everybody about a bandit camp, and after a couple of tries, I find one.
I then proceed to sneak in the camp, attacking everyone without being spotted. Only two bandits manage to see me, so I lure them out to fight them. One of them, an elf master, manages to escape, because I'm tired and I can't go after him.
I even manage to pull off one of the most amazing action sequences ever made, one that summarizes a lot of the new mechanics in the game: the last bandits, three goblins, are next to each other, under a tree, talking. I sneak next to them and I climb the tree. When I'm just above, I jump down, landing right next to them; a multi-attack sequence later, they are all on the ground, without their heads.
I gather something useful from the camp, then I leave. On the way back, I see on the map the elf master, still running away. I catch up and I challenge him. After a few hits, he hits my leg, leaving me on the ground. I then proceed to block every shot, until he cuts off my shield hand. Luckily, I land a strong blow on his body, and he escapes once again, climbing a tree. I drag myself under the spot where he is hiding, put away my sword and grab his foot with my hand. I then throw him off the tree, and he lands next to me, unconcious. I take my sword and I stab him in the neck, killing him.
Somehow, I manage to reach a dwarven settlement before the sun sets and I crawl inside, still unable to walk, asking for a place to stay (maybe you can imagine what is about to happen).
Did you know that dwarven hills are not safe against bogeymen?
Two of them rush inside, killing every single dwarf. I manage to land a lucky shot and I kill one, but the other walks next to me, the last one alive (as I was hiding in the corner while the dwarves were running for the exit) and KICKS MY HEAD OFF.

Well... that was cool. Let's start again!

The new mechanics completely changed adventure mode.
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