Completely flubbed the second half of my second dragon-killer quest. Y'see, first half is 'kill the dragon'. Second half is 'secure some food for further travels'. Well, i was drowsy when i arrived and killed the dragon on the ramp out of the lair, so also butchered her in that spot. Then i grabbed a midnight snack and took some shuteye. Well, _of course_ all meat was gone the time i woke up. Great job. Playing a more hippy elf, this char is opposed to needless killing of animals(*), so i took my four or five units of food and hoofed it in a south-westerly direction, just hoping there'd be a settlement there somewhere before i needed to slaughter wildlife for sustenance. It worked, i was deep in the yellow when i found a hamlet and grabbed some berries.
(*) really only animals - i camped near an abandoned dwarven fort a while and killed four animals for food there, then later had a long cross-country trek which required another two kills. At the same time i have sixty-nine notable kills and thirty-four bogeymen.
Next thing, i asked around after the local vampires. One was 'in the nearby keep'. Went to the town and the moment i enter the courtyard, a flashy human walks my way - the lawgiver. Very considerate vampire, that one, to try and save me the walking. I asked him for a quest before killing him, of course.