made my first ever epic adventurer, a pikemen. he slew bandits and vampires, killing the vampire overlord of some city where the majority of the population were elves, all the merchants were elves too..Hode ventured far and wide and in trying to track down and kill a bandit chief with a huge army, i had tried taking on this chief before and couldn't as he had so many people with him. it was a bloody battle and i managed to win despite losing several of my own men, and suffering grevious wounds in which i was forced to drink the blood of a vampire to survive..(not really, i just accidently drank the blood of some dead vampire.)
I became a master pikemen and was finally given quests by the lords and ladies, it didn't last though. After killing some werid beats in the sewars i was finally sent off to kill a Titan. i didn't even reach him though, got ambushed by kobolds and managed to defeat them all with 2 of my guys who were badly injured and were knocked out..i didn't want to face bogeymen at night so i thought i'd sleep here as it was night and i'd be safe..they must of died during the night, as the bogeymen came. i ran as far as i could, even managing to kill one, i have no idea how, i always thought those things were near impossible. i got cornered at some ledge though, and when i tried to fight them off, i got knocked backwards when one charged at me and i broke legs falling from something which i guess was a cliff or something. bottom line is, i didn't survive long with both my legs and left arm broken, i was lucky my head was fine. i think the crown saved me. didn't stop the bogeymen descending on me and kicking me in the uppder body so hard they pierced both my lungs and kept on kicking me as i tried to crawl away until i just suffocated. not the most glorious end for someone who was a pretty damn amazing hereo, the best i've had so far anyway.