So I remembered that DF existed and decided to return for ZOMBIES. Yes, the idea of ruling an army of the dead was too good to ignore and I immediately downloaded the new version and browsed the forums. Good god you monsters should be ashamed for that child care thread
One of my demigod adventurers managed to actually get INTO a tower, grab the slab within it, and read it. Que all the zombies not attacking me.
Then on my way to the nearest town, I was ambushed and nearly killed by a trio of giant desert scorpions, one of which ripped my right foot off. Despite that, I somehow failed to bleed to death and even killed all 3 by just bashing them with my shield. Needless to say, I reanimated them for defense.
The scorpions eventually went down distracting a bunch of kobolds and I later got ambushed by 2 alligators. Died to my dagger, reanimated, and one of them would go on to become one of the greatest threats to living in the year 100: Lawtraces the Jade Safety.
So I finally reach a town in the cover of night, with my 2 alligators and a buzzard supporting me. Despite being asleep, one of the farmers manages to survive long enough to actually kill an alligator zombie and the buzzard before going back to bed. Then Lawtraces the Jade Safety got his name and title by waltzing in and killing everyone in two separate houses. This was done by basically being a ninja zombie, sneaking into the houses, and eating their brains while they slept.
I should also give a reference to the elf he killed. Once known as Lema Verapelina, she was by zombie standards remarkably kept together. Lawtraces, somehow had managed to kill her by merely bruising her brain and nothing else (normally the brain was torn to pieces), leaving her otherwise in perfect condition.
Her reanimated corpse soon proved itself to be a monster itself, promptly slaughtering more of the living than anyone else outside of Lawtraces and gaining it's own name: "Dangergrasped". Yes, an elf that ISN'T a complete failure at killing things.
I then retired, alongside my army of zombies, in the capital of the human nation. Incredibly, before I did so, one of the inhabitants managed to shoot down 11(!) of my massive horde and live to tell the tale. Well done Lusko Fancyecho the Rounded Gallows, and may she live a long life so that when she dies I can make her into another zombie for revenge.
tl;dr: Lawtraces is the best zombie alligator ever, bows are back to 40d levels of broken, and the zombie elf is scary.