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Author Topic: What's going on in your adventure?  (Read 2201812 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #16590 on: February 10, 2025, 10:54:19 pm »

Ok, repeated int undead resurrections with potion healing is totally viable.

The steps to replicate this are as follows:

Phase 0 (preliminary notes:)
This process will involve two controllable characters, Adventurer 1 and Adventurer 2. The resurrection process will depend upon the player's ability to switch between each character as needed. However, it is not necessary to create Adventurer 2 until Phase 1 is complete, as described below.

Phase 1 (preparation:)
1a) Adventurer 1 obtains a healing potion of some sort from a mysterious lair, dungeon, or palace.
1b) Adventurer 1 obtains multiple necromancy secrets -> can raise multiple forms of intelligent undead.
1c) Adventurer 1 obtains a very sharp edged weapon (sword or axe,) and becomes skilled enough in its use to behead low-skill opponents in one blow.

- If you haven't created Adventurer 2 yet, this is a good time to retire Adventurer 1 and start a new game with both characters.

Phase 2 (initial resurrection, re-killing:)
2a) Adventurer 2 enters the scene, as a controllable party member with Adventurer 1. Adventurer 2 has low combat skill and no armor.
2b) Adventurer 2 i(g)nites a fire (the burn-y kind, not a campfire) stands in the fire, and waits.
2c) Adventurer 2 bleeds out. Adventurer 1 resurrects Adventurer 2 with the first intelligent undead interaction.
2d) Adventurer 2, now an intelligent undead, drinks the healing potion.
2e) Adventurer 1 draws their sword, waits for an opportunity (Normal strike or better in the advanced combat menu,) and beheads Adventurer 2.

Phase 3 (re-resurrection, preventing further hostilities:)
2f) Adventurer 1 resurrects Adventurer 2 with another intelligent undead interaction. Adventurer 2 immediately regrows all lost tissues, thanks to the healing potion they drank before they died.
2g) Adventurer 2 is now hostile (Lethal). Adventurer 1 yields.
2h) Adventurer 2 starts a conversation with Adventurer 1, and selects the "cease hostilities" option.
2i) Adventurer 1 continues the conversation, and selects the "Agree to cease hostilities" option.

If all has gone well, you now have a party containing:
- A legendary swordsman necromancer
- A low-skill intelligent undead with two or more spell interactions

Using the healing potions, it should be possible to stack even more spells on your undead adventurer through repeated killings and re-resurrections. Just be mindful of hostilities between your two party members. The vanish spell is particularly dangerous; my first attempt at creating an undead super-soldier failed when the test subject went invisible and beat my legendary necromancer to death with their bare hands. While it could be argued that this feat further proved the strength of my creation, I would prefer to have lived to see it.
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #16591 on: February 11, 2025, 04:59:39 am »

The potions only work when consumed; you can't splash them at people.

However - and this is the weird thing - the potion has a delayed-effect heal that seems to work between resurrections. If the subject drinks the potion, then you behead them and raise them as a normal zombie, it's entirely possible that their head will come back upon resurrection. More testing required.
so the dead unit probably still has all those syndromes stack on top of them, so on revive it just makes all those old syndromes stick.
if you reanimate the dead body it making a new unit out of the corpse of the dead unit so it entirely depends on if the game transfer of wounds on to the new unit will remember the syndrome wounds or just shrugs and don't.
but the reanimated dead body won't have any memories or connections to the previous dead unit due to said being a new unit that just taken the wounds and I guess body design of the dead one... basically a soulless meat clone.
... oh wait there was a long post about cutting off one head and trying to plea forgiveness for killing them that way.
ok so we got another way to stack multiple revenant/intel undead syndromes on someone that different from just drowning the person in the river then reviving them then just force the adventurer you drown to end the run via starvation in a location you can find so one could go and constantly rez them with out hostility... though this one seems a bit more costly of stuff unless you got a drink healing syndrome than a glob one.

so in funny news turning into a ghost vanilla wise won't add your character back into the adv player pool, and I haven't seen the ghost of the adventurer show up in adv mode either.
side news if you conquer a site and visit the place to talk to the locals in adv mode the locals of the conquered site could show up as workers in fort mode if you unretire the fort again.

I do ponder if building up a holding from these locations could lead to them sending troops to other sites and maybe there they could conquer or fail to conquer those sites and add unique citizens to that site's population pool?
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #16592 on: February 11, 2025, 02:14:40 pm »

... oh wait there was a long post about cutting off one head and trying to plea forgiveness for killing them that way.
ok so we got another way to stack multiple revenant/intel undead syndromes on someone that different from just drowning the person in the river then reviving them then just force the adventurer you drown to end the run via starvation in a location you can find so one could go and constantly rez them with out hostility... though this one seems a bit more costly of stuff unless you got a drink healing syndrome than a glob one.

Oh, the starve method is smart; I hadn't thought of that.

The big trick with the forgiveness method is, you can force the other party member to forgive you by switching characters and selecting the relevant conversation option. It does cost some healing, but in a large world mysterious sites with healing substances are plentiful - and as you mentioned, liquids can be duped very easily in adventure mode. Saves time with retirement and whatnot, too!
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #16593 on: February 14, 2025, 05:15:51 am »

with df51.05 fixing the mid map fast travel system I kinda got super lost in testing the 'talking to folks in a holding -> workers for the player fort' systems which led to realization that sending your adventurer to conquer/take over a site in fort mode makes them a force administrator at that site which means you could group up a bunch of adventurers at that site and they would be added to the holding and be potential workers for the fort that owns said holding.
I'm currently being hit with a world breaking revelation of the amount of silly nonsense one could do with holdings, which now I wonder if I could have done in the past but just accepted making an adventurer from said holding instead?
there one test I have in mind and it's does it accept anyone on the site if talk to or just the local residents?

any way my adventures ended up leading to a player fort filled with
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
so far it seems like creatures who 'can learn' is targeted for holding selection.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #16594 on: February 26, 2025, 07:12:33 pm »

Every dwarven capital I've ever been to since returning to the game in its 1.0!!!!! release has featured dwarven nobles killing in other down in the treasury chambers, I just stay away from them now cuz I figure that might be fucking the world up or something for me to be anywhere in the area.

If development ever returns to adv mode and any fuck is given, here's another bug for you.

Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #16595 on: February 27, 2025, 03:34:47 am »

Every dwarven capital I've ever been to since returning to the game in its 1.0!!!!! release has featured dwarven nobles killing in other down in the treasury chambers, I just stay away from them now cuz I figure that might be fucking the world up or something for me to be anywhere in the area.

If development ever returns to adv mode and any fuck is given, here's another bug for you.

Maybe upload a copy of a world it's happening in and post it in kitfox' discord under bug discussion. If there's an easy root cause Putnam can find, she could try fixing/patching it
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #16596 on: February 27, 2025, 02:12:24 pm »

so from what I seen via nomad traveling in 50 it's more likely dwarven capitals might have someone lose their dang minds and go stark raving mad and try to beat up each other.
though I don't get hit with this often but we are dealing with a bunch of folks probably getting drunk and potentially violent along with having goblin civilians who also don't like having folks too close to them and prone to rage.
then again it also could be folks trying to pull a coup as that's a thing that can happen in this game.

so currently just got done with tofort script finally finding a way to switch into adv mode from fort mode on the fly again and probably set up to try to weave a story with my next session after a good amount of researching and science.
this did happen right when 06 dropped.
previously mostly done more holding research and learn that the holdings' inhabitants can be talk to gaining a historical figure and that alone lets them be scoop for work in fort mode.
already existing historical figures living at the site might require more work to get them to be pick up by a fort mode and one probably could directly just move them into the player fort.

fake edit: ended up finding a ruin fortress entrance and lost my gear trying to clear it of the ownership of my adventuring goblin so I could use it in fort mode, lost it due to the shifting rooms unloaded the room and left the stuff embedded into solid rock, took some time getting the stuff out and now pondering if it's wise to make a ruin dwarven settlement a home base.
other tidbits from this there was also a dwarven necromancer living there so that's something.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes
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