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Author Topic: What's going on in your adventure?  (Read 2099212 times)


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1500 on: December 17, 2010, 06:45:24 am »

evil is doing a good act then twisting it.
Like killing a night groom then reviving it change it into a Keeper then travel into the spot you got the quest to cash in the quest. Once that done dump the fully healed creature on to the poor saps who seek you for help. so far I haven't kill a town member and so far in their eyes some rogue human jump them. (playing as a warlock in deon's mod.)
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1501 on: December 17, 2010, 06:58:14 am »

I tried playing as a custom race with natural appraisal skill to see if that would show prices in adventure mode.  It doesn't work, but it had the funny effect of making pretty much every non-soldier in the civ display 'trader' as their profession, which is kind of funny.
You have been struck down.
The giant cave spider spits out your head.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1502 on: December 18, 2010, 09:24:21 am »

Well, Toghurr Fogmachine the Famous Orb Of Hushing is still very much alive. Aside from a scar on his leg he's unharmed!  he's now got twenty-two notable kills to his name after a few more night creatures and a Naga ambush which killed all of his allies except for him, he managed to kill nearly all of them. Finally his remaining orc friends were cut down in the attack, their names will live on though.

He's becoming pretty handy with a spear nowadays. Gutting people and then, when they're lying at his feet, ramming it through their skulls. He's been working at dismembering people with a boning knife, but so far it's not very effective. Gotta get an axe or something. The steel Maul he recently acquired has been good for shattering bones though, and his supply of arrows and bolts to throw is never short of supply, they're surprisingly effective.


 Seems that Tog's managed to get himself into a bit of a civil war. He was given two tasks - killing some 'animals' as they put it. I literally thought it was animals until I was told to go to a fortress and search for this person. After wandering around the, I found that I was actually required to kill the general of the fortress, who was in the main hall, surrounded by various Naga. Ok then... So, deciding to follow through on the mission, we attack the general. Or rather, Tog attacks the general while the rest of the party just stand there like lemons and the surrounding salamanders and snake-men all rush to the aid of their general. Tog wounds her enough to make her run away, but in the process, he's having to fend off at least three other naga, and dodge a fair share of fire balls and flame-breath.... Eventually he's forced to just run, but while running towards the exit, the general emerges from the smoke and limps over to the door. Tog throws a copper bodkin arrow and decapitates her! He then gets her head and, no thanks to his allies, escapes the fort, staunches his bleeding and heads off to the next village for a bit of recovery. He picks up another large scar on his leg.

The next mission is the same - kill a lord. This time I lead the party through a herd of animals - some cow-things that begin with an 'e'. Of course my companions forget themselves and go off to slaughter this herd.
Most of them get horribly mauled and die. The rest manage to kill their fair share or force the beasts to flee. Meanwhile I;m the Fortress murdering naga who have now become very hostile. I kill everything as I work my way towards the hall, there's not actually much resistance. I burst into the hall, throw a couple of arrows and bolts at the lord and his wrestler. The lord decides to leg it and the wrestler is too busy passing out in his own puke to help. He manages to escape as nearly a dozen more naga come down from above and start throwing fire all over the place. Tog gives a good account of himself - he kills, disembowels, chops limbs off, but there are too damn many of them and in a particularly vicious assault from two mace-men and a pike wielder his left foot is cut off.

At this point the companions I have left are still proving utterly useless and not attacking anything, so I decide to drag myself out of there, hoping that maybe I wounded the lord enough to bleed him to death, but I doubt it. I kill and wound a couple more of the naga on my way out , picking off the pursuers with thrown crossbow bolts and escape.

Luckily I found a crutch in a nearby village and the people there are still talking to me. I'm going to be assaulting that fortress again when I've gained more speed with this crutch, but Tog's not retiring yet, despite his now numerous scars.  His notable body count now is nearing the forties.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 01:02:38 pm by MasterMorality »


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1503 on: December 18, 2010, 08:13:57 pm »

Setting up what should be a base of operations for an adventurer.
given the fact that there now food, and water all I need to do now is to see if I can swap it from my fort to a hamlet so I can get this character(a testing dwarf) to retire in it.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1504 on: December 18, 2010, 09:07:29 pm »

Setting up what should be a base of operations for an adventurer.
given the fact that there now food, and water all I need to do now is to see if I can swap it from my fort to a hamlet so I can get this character(a testing dwarf) to retire in it.

You could probably accomplish that by abandoning it, making lots of adventurers, and settling them there until it reaches hamlet size.

Or does that not actually work?
After seven days and seven nights, God said "Screw this!" and abandoned the fortress.

Uristmcfisherdwarf cancels fish: Interrupted by harmless minnow


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1505 on: December 19, 2010, 12:17:16 am »

Fel Axesever

Remember the name, it belongs to a human axeman, and a legend on this world of Adrexah, which I will start with first.

Fel was born and raised in the town of Halemug, a small community where people try to live normal lives. You see, Halemug and the kingdom of the Humorous Union are located extremely close to a large scar across Adrexah's surface, known as the Barb of Rob. It is full of murderous beasts and goblins, and as been there since the twilight shattering, an event where the god of Dawn, known as Shibbi, was said to have been struck down by horrendous dark beings, and fell from the celestial tops onto the earth at the break of dawn on a cold day in 448. The world has never been the same and every year the Barb or Rot expands more, swallowing the life out of the world it envelops. There is an almost constant army of soldiers attacking and defending key areas such as towns but the war is slowly slipping in the barbs favor, and there are rumors among the people in the know that Adrexah will fall by the year of 1200.

Why does this matter? Because Fel was a soldier in the Humorous Unions armies, he was located in a fort at a particularly fierce part of the Barb, and was one day struck by a hideous night creature. The night after the attack Fel was haunted with a nightmare of epic proportions, with the Night Creature in question sucking out his life and making him a zombie. Fel has been plagued with nightmares and insomnia for the past 5 years after the incident, it was only recently that his nightmares showed a hint of redemption. A bronze pick, embedded deep in the very same night creatures stomach, the world was bright and Fel knew what had to be done. The next morning he grabbed his grandfathers silver halberd and set off, not to the Barb of Rot, but instead a bandit outpost near Halemug a peasant warned him about. Fel rushed into the bandit camp and shattered limbs with his halberd, severing the leaders head and taking it as a trophy, while looting the bandits Fel found 2 bronze picks, and his mind was set, the night creature will die, or Fel will get the peace of mind he needs...
« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 12:51:43 am by Cannabust »
Armok needs blood, I just do it with picks.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1506 on: December 19, 2010, 10:33:48 am »

So here's my little story

Matt Sharktested was born to parents of an old heavenly lineage.  Scholar's don't quite know who his parent's were, but it is generally agreed to that he held a close blood bond to John Sharktested, a powerful warrior, only surpassed by Matt himself.

He was born in the town of Ironwood in 877, and lived there until his departure in 900, a year called not the turn of the century, but the turn of the era, into the new era, the era of heroes, because in that year Matt did all of his heroic deeds.

The first thing Matt did, after showing off his extreme skill at sword play, was recruit two men into his party, a spearman and an axeman.  Together, they went and say the town clerk, who told them of a black bear that was ravaging the countryside.

The went off on their journey to kill the beast, but on their way to the bear's lair, they were were ambushed by a party of five kobolds.  Matt, not surprised for a second, rushed into the fray and took on a Kobold by the name of Pididrikis, mortally wouding the beast, leaving it to bleed out.

He then engaged a much stronger opponent, the leader of the party that had attacked them, and engaged him mono a mono.  They were locked in a standstill, Matt's superior skill being held of by the Kobolds years of experience.  Soon though, skill won out, and Matt had disarmed the beast.  He stuck his sword in the kobold's belly, but the kobold held onto the blade, not allowing Matt to go for the killing strike.  The kobold, who was named Lidis, pulled out a dagger, and was preparing to kill Matt.  Matt thought quickly however, and quickly threw his right arm at Lidis, which carried his shield, and with a sickening crack, broke it's neck.

Glancing around him, he saw his spearman gutting a kobold, and right next to him, his axeman decapitating another, with a kobold he had killed just next to him.

His soldier's, unlike him, were slightly wounded, the spearman having blood dripping from his face from a cut, and his axeman limping slightly.  He let his men rest for a bit, and they soon carried on to the bear's lair.

To be continued....


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1507 on: December 19, 2010, 01:14:40 pm »

two dire events happen today.
Kogan went and kill a dragon, but due to cramp space couldn't stop the companions taking most of the damage,
Two Em being one of the most closest of Kogan's friends and companions after the MIA Quazo died in the middle of a medical dispatch from said dragon slaying.
who kill her was KOBOLDS... well no she died from super heated bronze armor she wore but KOBOLDS stop me form taking Kogan's group back to the base for patch work.
lost so many men to those horrible dog nose creatures... I mean the dragon not the KOBOLDS. great thing before the attack of the dragon Kogan pick up a couple Books called "Death is never the Final Solution" by Atu, and "Tall, Dark, and Handsome!:How to get a BogeyHUMAN in your life" also by Atu. Atu is acclaimed world wide* in black magic arts, witch craft, and Dirty Romance novels on Night Creatures. The books other than being an autobiography of the 'Vampiress' (or what ever they call those things in the realm of Deon) adventures with her partner/love interest/bodyguard/pack mule, it has a magician's cookbook on many (F- class) spells which may help life or death situation. So after the battle with the KObolds Kogan cast a rise-spirit on Em's body.
The only down side is that being a 'death to ghost' means you can't wear items due to lack of body parts. so Kogan had to carry all her stuff to a nice place to finish the revival process. which is much easier to pull off if one do it in the wild than in a town where they will prevent you from traveling if you have a Ghost with you. I guess it the 'Undead' status and that seeing a naked ghost of a woman is bad for moral guardians.
Kogan "Arise My Companion so that you can fight another day"
-insert silly shaping ectoplasm into man image and sound effects here-
Aspa the engraver "Gasp, it's working!"
Kogan "It's finished... hey it worked maybe I should get these signed by the next book signing"
Em "uhh where are my clothes?"
Kogan "Being dead strips you of your possessions(coughbodytoocough) while you are on the other side."
-drop's her items-
Kogan " here's your items and your blood"
-game dumps out Kogan's bag-
Kogan  ::)
Em "you have a 'collector edition: How I met Johnny' by Atu?"
Kogan "uhh it was a '3 books for 4 sliver coins' sale at the Bordering Tower of Barn Nobles"
Em -picks up book- "It's even autograph by her too!"
Kogan "she was signing on the same day at the sale"
Em -page through book- "oh before we leave I was wondering where the rest of us?"
Kogan "oh about that they are well..."
aspa "...They either got horribly killed by super heated armor from the dragon and or from the zombie koblods bowbolds. I'm the only non BC survivor from the group I help carry your body well before you turn them into meat cleavers."-stares at kogan-
Em "didn't we have a lord with us also, you sure revive him as well didn't you?"
Kogan ... "uhh we had a lord with us? nah I don't remember having a lord. Did you see a lord Aspa."
Aspa "You mean the fat guy melting in his royal clothes while a swordbold stabbing him in the gut repeatedly nah no lord."
Kogan "Well then, we may have lost oh about 20 men today. Had a -finger quote-royal leader-finger quote- melt in his clothes(Aspa: don't forget stabbed in gut!) and might lead to a -finger quote-royal scramble-finger quote - for his power, but at least we have our health and clothes on our back."
Em  "wait you got Moon troll blood all over my clothes!?"
Kogan -Travels onward-

sums up today killed a dragon, got jump by Kobolds lost a bunch of men in the process
Should I
A) save scum and try something else saving a 20 folks and em from death
B continue on knowing I didn't really care about half those guys and I save with a revived female hammerman and a female human engraver who only there to etch tales in pine wood(statues). which is not a bad trade off. 
*in the realm of Toady, and small parts of non Orc/Demon areas in realm of deon
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1508 on: December 19, 2010, 03:12:17 pm »

I am waiting for something to calculate.  Decided to cross the frozen ocean and the area right behind mine guys melted and then the next second froze into an icey wall that we could not pass.  We marched forwards to see an ice wall infront of us too and then the game stopped to calculate something else happening and it has not come back yet, so yeah.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1509 on: December 19, 2010, 03:46:34 pm »

Charged off to a strange icon on the map, out of curiosity. Nothing happened when we arrived there, so I ordered the group to set up camp. We woke up to goblins swarming all over us. I lost all of my companions, and my adventurer was the only one who made it out alive. I'm pretty sure I was responsible for most of the kills, too, and suffered only a couple of bruised muscles in the process. I had thought us all goners when I saw the sheer number of goblins.
WARNING:Side effects may include fatal badgerstorm and sudden appreciation for nobles.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1510 on: December 19, 2010, 03:50:13 pm »

I love the extreme amount of goblins you can find.

One time I got attacked by a goblin patrol as a human, I had about 20 companions and some 500 notable kills under my belt. These goblins weren't pushovers, they were members of the most powerful civ in the world. There must have been some 60 goblins ambushing us all at once, I got a lot of the kills and I was the only one out alive except for some random peasant that dragged himself away. I got away with several mangled limbs, a few severed arteries and motor nerves and a ton of bruises.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1511 on: December 19, 2010, 05:15:10 pm »

I love the extreme amount of goblins you can find.

One time I got attacked by a goblin patrol as a human, I had about 20 companions and some 500 notable kills under my belt. These goblins weren't pushovers, they were members of the most powerful civ in the world. There must have been some 60 goblins ambushing us all at once, I got a lot of the kills and I was the only one out alive except for some random peasant that dragged himself away. I got away with several mangled limbs, a few severed arteries and motor nerves and a ton of bruises.

Before I made Fel Axesever I started a peasant on the opposite end of the barb of rot, after journeying into the Barb I was greeted by a wave of 15 strong goblins who tore me and my companions down.

Goblins should never be taken lightly.
Armok needs blood, I just do it with picks.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1512 on: December 19, 2010, 06:18:54 pm »

Fel rushed towards the group of bandits, a new quest was undertaken, it seems halemug was under the assault of bandits, who took a poor womans child from her hands. His halberd swung heavily and severed a mans hand, and Fel proceeded to chop the mans leg off, making him collapse from pain. A lasher lunged at Fel and he dodged the lashers strike, pulling out one of his bronze picks, he smashed it deep into the mans skull, killing him instantly. An axeman ran towards Fel as well, and a nice throw of the pick the axeman was on the floor with a shattered lower spine and his intestines hanging out. Suddenly a spearman entered Fel's vision and shouted "My name is Gaval Lunchesmonks! I am a servant of the dusts of wealth and we seek to eradicate the Humerous Union, revolution is a course of the Barb of Rot! Prepare to die you foolish man!" the spearman threw himself after Fel, covering the distance very fast, Fel threw a copper dagger he had in his possession that merely bruised his leg and did not slow the oncoming spearman. When he was within striking distance Gaval thrust his spear forward, barely missing Fel's upper body, Fel jumped back and thrust the silver tip of his halberd forward, piercing Gaval's left leg, then he pierced Gaval's upper body with his pick, dropping Gaval from spinal cord damage, with another final strike, Fel slammed the pick into Gaval's eye, tearing apart the brain and obliterating Gaval's head. Fel laughed triumphantly and raised his weapons over his head, the bandits lay dead and he looted what he could find Fel reported back to Halemug, triumphant from the recent kills.

At Halemug he found the woman, named Asa Chastereveres, she was ecastatic about this information and told Fel of a fortress known as Echoedbottles, located very close to the barb of rot, if he was seeking to fight it would be easiest to do it from there. Fel thanked her but was surprised to discover she fully intended to follow him to the Barb, for adventure. She also commented that finding a couple soldiers would be nice too, for the added security at night. Fel Axesever and Asa Chastereveres would leave Halemug that day, traveling first to a fort on the way to Echoedbottles known as Singcaverns, there Fel convinced three other soldiers to follow him onto adventure at the Barb of Rot. When he was ready Fel and his band of heroes set off.

Echoedbottles was large, and your words echoed everywhere, the only living soul Fel found in the house of Echoedbottles was a lady by the name of Kasmko, a thin and pale creature, she looked terrified out of her wits, Kasmko instructed Fel on a quest of hers, to slay a night consort who seduced her husband and lord, she wanted the wench to pay, and Fel accepted his mission, seeking the spouse at her lair, a days travel to the south.

The cavern was dark and damp, covered in the blood of past adventurers long gone and already killed, Fel was the first one to find the beast, who shrieked and screamed her name as Buh Firstjuggler, the Crypt of Ashes, she had killed 5 in her chaotic life and now seeked to add Fel to that list. She smashed her three tails on the ground and rushed Fel, who threw a cleaver he found at the beast, it pierced her upper body, lodging itself firmly in her fat, and she then shrieked and lunged at Fel, who avoided her copper fork. The band of heroes rushed into her home, and she was backed into a corner as they all tore into her, Fel striking her in the left lung with his pick, and he eventually slashed her head off with the halberd, he smirked triumphantly and took her head as reward, walking the long walk back to Echoedbottles...

Armok needs blood, I just do it with picks.

Kobold Troubadour

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1513 on: December 19, 2010, 07:40:58 pm »

sums up today killed a dragon, got jump by Kobolds lost a bunch of men in the process
Should I
A) save scum and try something else saving a 20 folks and em from death
B continue on knowing I didn't really care about half those guys and I save with a revived female hammerman and a female human engraver who only there to etch tales in pine wood(statues). which is not a bad trade off.
Whichever brings more interesting results for future "experiments".
[UTTERANCES] kinda' makes it hard for people to understand kobold songs...


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #1514 on: December 20, 2010, 07:33:05 am »

sums up today killed a dragon, got jump by Kobolds lost a bunch of men in the process
Should I
A) save scum and try something else saving a 20 folks and em from death
B continue on knowing I didn't really care about half those guys and I save with a revived female hammerman and a female human engraver who only there to etch tales in pine wood(statues). which is not a bad trade off.
Whichever brings more interesting results for future "experiments".
Went with B for the less men means less Adventurer exploring/tests though my latest set up is testing if we can convert old forts into Towns adventurers can sleep and stay for the night and or retire. then see if I can reclaim said fort/town and expand from it. Though adventurer wealth may be a hard to bank on unless Cage Traps still work. If so then maybe I can just mind control a bunch of folks into triggering the traps and carry them in adventurer mode to the arena. I already found out that dead tame creatures who died from abandonment keep all their body parts in tack when revive so keeping a dragon in the lair is as easy as getting it there.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes
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