Admittedly, it's a jump to go from hunting moose to titan. Just a few hundred local map tiles away from fortress Pridefences is The Feral Fields, shrine of Ked Fieldcoastal the Simple Crow, an EXTRAVISION mountain titan, a quadruped made of glass who shoots webs. It's far too early in this run to melee such a thing and nonsensical for a ranger.
With ambusher on, Feb enters into slow travel mode from 1 fast travel tile away, and drops prone. A group of hoary marmots has spawned nearby and Ked is prompted into action. Prone, in vegetation, and orthogonal to a tree, Feb waits for Ked to finish mangling them before beginning his initial scout.
Feb scouts the shrine with an eye to all 4 cardinal directions. He wants to establish a possible visual stealth route through the available tree population. The eastward approach has the most trees though Ked seems to position on the NE edge of the shrine.
Titan movement, if unprompted and unaggressive, is restricted to the confines of the shrine. NPCs will become aggressive at 20 tile view range and under. Titan position varies while under fire, so it's important to keep the titan at the very end of your range, particularly if the titan is at/shifts to the center of the shrine, since any responsive movement after your shot could, in theory, bring them into 20 and under if they move from the center to the shrine's periphery.
In daylight, under the clearest weather conditions, everyone has the full 25 tile view range. At night, it's only dwarves with their 10K low light vision. If shooting at night, the tree cover is useful as Feb can hit fantastic/best possible visual stealth and creep into 10 tile range and ignore the titan's positional depth. But since Ked prefers being only around 2 tiles from the NE periphery, Feb opts to shoot by day and come from the east.
Showering an inorganic is about cumulative damage until shear occurs and this unfortunately lasts well into darkness.
It's not quite as interesting as shooting an organic,
since you can frame your shots based on positional "sidedness" (fire at the left or right side of the target's body if their facing has been determined) to hit each lung and cause suffocation. Similar theory to punching a hydra to death, but with missiles.
The main haul here is 3 fungiwood shields and 2 tower-cap shields. They'll all serve as useful spares. Feb also finds a <<bismuth bronze spear>> with an interesting image of cut gems in bone, 2 plain steel gauntlets, a plain bismuth bronze mail shirt, and a plain iron mail shirt. It's unknown what he'll do with this beyond dropping off the haul at fortress Pridefences.