I've chatted so much on discord but never introduced my character here. In keeping with my tradition of starting with a one-syllable name and acquiring the rest, my name is simply 'Bal', later 'Bal Chipnurtured', then 'Bal Chipnutered the Shady Skulls'. I come from a low-browed, recessed chin people,
but I was blessed with the
adventurer's chin and therefore destined to
Rule the World! (As you can see, I've had my throat slit, gouged, smashed and mangled so many times the scar tissue is calloused hard as a leather posture collar.)
I set off with a bronze pick and a silver bortu
My first conquest was easy; I just walked into a deserted city with nothing but a warehouse full of food and boozables, and a temple full of vampire (singular), and staked my claim
then took out the vampire to have something else to brag about, thus beginning and ending my first insurrection. I celebrated with a proud recital of my first poem!
After a painful trek to a corner of the map I shall never revisit, I'm back in my city, plotting my next course. I've just thrown a retirement party for my speargirl and dubbed her hearthfolk. Companions remaining are my axegirl who joined me before the northern expedition, an elvish trader/dancer who has a history of devouring political enemies, and a nude herbalist/dancer who I should probably get boots for so she'll stop tracking substances all over my floors.
My next expedition will be through a thriving dwarven empire to visit their library, then on to another vault deep in savage marshlands. En route should be the goblin civ whose master I haven't assassinated lately, our first dragon, and our first titans.
Those angels are made of salt?
Not this time; these were actually made of meat, and my roasts for the rest of the season were made of them.