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Author Topic: What's going on in your adventure?  (Read 2052473 times)


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14220 on: June 20, 2017, 06:05:20 pm »

So my latest adventurer has had a few...issues with hyenas and hyena men.

Oh you fucking bet it's inevitable. I cleaved through the lot of them except one, deciding to grab the survivor by the neck and...argue values with him. Because why not? This continued up until he switched from flattering me to insults.

The first time he pulled that, I punched him in the gut. Second time, I neck-cranked his spine into pieces, then started slashing the lower body until his guts spilled out, then slashed at that until they were severed. Somehow he survived that, so...

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"Hey idiots, someone hacked my account to call you all idiots! Wasn't me you idiots!" seems to stretch credulity a bit.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14221 on: June 21, 2017, 05:40:53 am »

I don't know why this made me laugh so much.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14222 on: June 21, 2017, 11:37:56 am »

Hyena men getting all existential on me.
On DF Wiki · On DFFD

"Hey idiots, someone hacked my account to call you all idiots! Wasn't me you idiots!" seems to stretch credulity a bit.

Uzu Bash

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14223 on: June 21, 2017, 12:50:09 pm »

From the horn of the mountain where I killed the roc I thought I had a straight trek across the wastes to the vault. But what I interpreted as a glacier on the map turned out to be a huge frozen ocean, much more than 8 tiles across. The quickest route remaining went through goblin territory in evil tundra. The only thing that could make tundra more evil than it already is would be for the sky to puke on me.

And it did, for the few minutes it took to enter the trenches and interrogate a goblin for directions. These pits bordered on evil tundra with enough fortifications clear of it, but after my companions cleared them in mid-questioning, I ventured into the evil mist for another, removed the ramps leading up, and caught me a fisherman. I think I got most of the surroundings plotted on my map before green splattered the tile right behind him. And splattered my whole party's everything with bitter slime on the way out.

As soon as I got out of the area I dug a quick bunker with a pool large enough for everyone to get a dunk, and gave it to them. Then I took the time to teach everyone to swim the hard way, by pushing their drowning flailing asses around in the water and yanking them back out. Now everyone can bathe and jump into rivers to challenge alligators that could have been ignored. This should also improve their chances of dying in a block of ice.

A night later, still no symptoms of syndromes. I should go back and catch a cup of the stuff to see what happens when a companion drinks it. I'm now building another temporary base with a tavern called "The Bitter Slime".
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 12:52:16 pm by Uzu Bash »


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14224 on: June 21, 2017, 12:58:17 pm »

Recently, I have been attempting to kill the world. Venturing through villages and fortresses, I have slaughtered whole populations, over 140 people dying at the hands of my sword. If someone escaped, I would track their trail as far as it went, and if there was no trail, I would await their return. However, I soon grew bored of waiting, and devised a method of stopping people from ever escaping: throwing stuff at them.
First, I stole a few knives and daggers, and levelled up by throwing them at an annoying pigeon. However, my first taste of the power of throwing stuff was yet to come.
I had been attempting to destroy the population of a small village, but the mayor kept escaping, and I was having difficulty tracking him. Eventually, I found him cowering in the hillside. He turned to run, but I was ready. My dagger spun through the air, tearing through his right cheek, destroying his tongue and embedding itself in his left cheek. With the pain slowing him and a telltale trail of blood, I could easily track and dispatch him
Soon after that, I began collecting pebbles and coins to throw too. At that point, I had begun to perfect my technique: I would first walk into a room filled with victims. The few standing by the doorway would be killed instantly, my sword cleaving through their necks. Some tried to run, but this was a mistake, for they were greeted by a positive hail of pebbles and coins, breaking their bones, tearing at their muscles and severing nerves. Those who were not killed were immobilised, and could soon be dispatched. And all this before they had time to cross the room.
Sometimes, someone would try to fight me. A farmer armed with a knife, or maybe even a soldier. Luckily, I had a technique for this too. First, I would launch a dagger at them, tearing through their legs and knocking them to the ground. But even crippled, they could still be dangerous. It is because of this that I threw my knife at them, severing their heads and finally killing them.
Via this method, I have killed over 140 people. I have destroyed civilization in the Hills of Admiration. And I will eventually destroy the world. I am Bob Umerkad.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 01:20:18 pm by Vailnoff »


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14225 on: June 21, 2017, 01:26:37 pm »

I had an adventurer like this. 75 kills, legendary stats. He died when a lucky bogeyman killed his skull in after said adventurer killed 7 of that bogeyman's pals.
Watch out for the RNG or you knife throwing days will be over.
Quote from: AoshimaMichio
Oh no, you won't laser my death star.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating

Derpy Dev

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14226 on: June 21, 2017, 03:49:29 pm »

Watch out for the RNG or you knife throwing days will be over.

Reading that line gave me a traumatic flashback to the time when my epic vampire adventurer with legendary shield using and dodging skills  got hit with a lucky crossbow bolt while sneaking into a bandit camp. It hit me in the neck, breaking my upper spinal cord and permanently taking away my ability to grasp weapons or stand. He didn't even die, he just crawled back to the nearest human village and retired.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14227 on: June 21, 2017, 09:01:33 pm »

My unarmed strike adventurer literally just walks around hunting goblins and then pulps their entire neck/spine/throat with the same one-two combo. She has lots of dodge and legendary observer, so nothing really poses a threat. If something is about to hit her, she can just grab it bare-handed and proceed with the neck.

I imagine her just sort of nonchalantly walking from spot to spot, sighing in boredom as she one-two combos everything to death with depressing ease.
FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."

Uzu Bash

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14228 on: June 21, 2017, 10:30:54 pm »

These angels keep hobbling me, getting past my shield (formerly one of their shields,) and one even managed to poke a hole my bronze boot, and ruined my masterwork wool sock! My base is close enough to crutch back to rest and sneak back later, but they still respawn every time. My dodge and shield use is finally reaching Master, and I got the guardian out of the way, so eventually I'll see the slab at the bottom of it all.

I'm also close enough to base for one of my companions to catch wind of the battle and come to my aid. I recruited him because he devoured enough opponents in the past to have achieved a full name before we met. With his silver spear he helped a little against a Wicked Hand and Miserable Enforcer, earned a few scars, and was fortunately sized to wear their jagged searing metal helms and high boots, and their bulky searing metal gauntlets. I walked him back to the 'tavern' because I don't need any assistance. I just keep these guys around to keep me sane, so I don't turn out like guys like Vailnoff and johiah.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14229 on: June 22, 2017, 09:30:44 am »

*get inspired to fix some scripts and finish a few others*
*see someone mention a script they're working on to let you play as a generated creature*
*clean it up and go to test it out*
*first dude I grab happens to be a humanoid composed of flame*
*start in a cute little town*
*people climbing the walls to get away from the fires I start everywhere*
*wonder idly what the temperature registers as to me*

...I did not know that was a thing.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14230 on: June 22, 2017, 10:16:07 am »

I'm going to make a wild guess here and say that's because you have a fixed temperature.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14231 on: June 22, 2017, 11:17:44 am »

Weird. Yeah, I'm guessing if you have fixed-temp it doesn't bother telling you the surrounding temp because if none of your body parts can be affected by the temperature, then it's not important to your character.
On DF Wiki · On DFFD

"Hey idiots, someone hacked my account to call you all idiots! Wasn't me you idiots!" seems to stretch credulity a bit.

Uzu Bash

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14232 on: June 22, 2017, 11:53:25 am »

Just can't drink with a goblin. I thought he got himself killed picking a fight with axegirl, but it turns out he took a shot at me while I was cooking, and both she and spearwoman wrecked him. By the time I ended hostilities, the damage to his spinal column was terminal, and he'd already drawn his last breath. After cooking another stack of Wicked Heart heart roast, I threw him into the fire and memorialized him in a tale of his death at The Curse of Curiosity.  All that ribalry he'll never share now, such a waste.

Now the axegirl is the only one left who will argue with me. I still have the elf for directions so I'm glad I didn't poison him, though I'll have plenty of opportunity to do that on the way back to civilization. It's Felsite and I don't want to spend the rest of the spring in this frozen hell, so I need to head back to my city with little delay.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14233 on: June 22, 2017, 01:33:59 pm »

Legendary fighter elephant man fighting with a slade statue and a shield. Grabs a short sword and begins training to kill demon. Gets up there, has his sword arm grabbed. No, problem, I thought, I will just cut off his foot so he falls over using my tusk.

On the first strike:

So now after two hundred and forty kills I am in the works for a new adventurer. Anyone got any good ideas?
Quote from: AoshimaMichio
Oh no, you won't laser my death star.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating

Derpy Dev

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #14234 on: June 22, 2017, 04:52:29 pm »

Legendary fighter elephant man fighting with a slade statue and a shield. Grabs a short sword and begins training to kill demon. Gets up there, has his sword arm grabbed. No, problem, I thought, I will just cut off his foot so he falls over using my tusk.

On the first strike:

So now after two hundred and forty kills I am in the works for a new adventurer. Anyone got any good ideas?

You could track down and chat with Zom and Dang.
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