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Author Topic: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)  (Read 2771 times)


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Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« on: March 14, 2010, 08:06:31 pm »

Like that little Dutch kid and the dam, you can never stop something this awesome, only postpone it.

It's back.

The old OP, most of it still applies:
Alright!  This is what's going on!  My quarter is over, so I now have all the time in the world to devote to RPG-ing.  All day, every day, until some time in January.  Maybe a little bit of missed time sporadically for going places with friends, but that'll be with a few days' notice.

In other words:



I'm starting a Rogue Trader game.  Aqizzar seems to be winging his for the most part, and while that's cool it's not hugely enormously my cup of tea.  Also there's some weird stuff going on in there, with Space Marine Terminators and Agri-World hicks and stuff and I'm not sure what's going on with that. 

Here's how it'll go.  Gametable (Unless someone knows of a better one that doesn't have port problems.  Please know of one), Five or six players (Either Rogue Trader PCs or rank 5 Dark Heresy PCs.  Keep in mind that without an Astropath and a Navigator things could be difficult.  If everyone is dead-set against being one of those I suppose I can make them NPCs, though.

The Rules is another big thing.  You will need to have the Rogue Trader rulebook.  You won't need the Dark Heresy rulebook but it'd help if you did.  I'm not budging on this.  If you don't have it and you want to play, get it.  We are going to be following the rules on it.  I'll abstract some of the really obtuse stuff, because some of the DH/RT ruleset is really obtuse and clunky.  Fear and the like will probably be simplified at least a little bit, I kind of feel like the people who made the game were trying to do too much.

Anyway, you can reserve a spot now, and roll up a character later, but if the game is full and you're dragging your feet on making a character, and someone else with one wants to get in, I may let them have your spot.  Sorry.

The ship and stuff will be done on the first session, as well as finding profit factor and deciding what your characters can start with outside of the basic equipment. 

I should probably say some stuff about it, although if you have the book you probably already know the deal.

Warhammer 40k is a grim and dark and dark and grim setting where mankind has a galaxy spanning empire of trillions of people.  95% of these people are poor, retarded hicks who will never accomplish anything of value in their lives other than getting crushed by some piece of machinery or chopped up by orkz and CHAOS MEHRENS because when there are a few million replacements being born every second workplace safety gets neglected.  The other five percent is composed of administrators, who are less retarded but just as expendable and bleak in outlook; SPESS MEHERENS, who are nine-foot, retarded, roid-raging goliaths with bulletbroof ribcages and thousand pound armor (Don't mess with spess mehrens); The Adeptus Mechanicus, retarded, emotionless cyborgs who worship machines but have no idea how they actually work, and use them basically by asking them really nicely to work.  Sometimes that's even effective.

You, however.  You are a rogue trader and his entourage.  Where everyone else is drowning in paper (Think America is choked by bureaucracy?  Imagine a galaxy-spanning empire), getting ripped in half and just held like that (Seriously, how many WH40k pictures show some kind of huge thing just holding halves of people), and otherwise having bleak and horrible lives, you've got a ship the size of a small city, you've got doodz, and you've got money.  You have so much money they don't even bother counting it.  You just get a number, called Profit Factor, and that influences your rolls to determine if you can find and obtain something.  That's how rich you are.  There's no "Can I afford this?", just "Can I find this, and does its owner want to sell it?".  That's important though, because sometimes he'll want you to do something for him, leading to QUESTAN OPPORTUNITIES.  Like I said, you've got a ship, which you can customize, which will be taken care of the first session.  There's hot ship on ship action, boarding action, you can probably invade a planet if you want, a macrobattery barrage will do all sorts of naughty things to a city.  Lots of stuff.  It's great.
Oh, another thing, and personally my favorite part.  Instead of standard zoomy FTL travel, if you want to travel faster than light speed you have to go into the warp, which is this horrible place that mirrors the real world in a kind of grossly caricatured way.  There are gods of all the different fundamental things of human life.  A god of lust, violence, disease, entropy, all that nice stuff.  Everything in the warp wants to kill you.  It's a bad place, but you have to go through it to get anywhere within fifty years.  Your ship has a thing called a Gellar (Spelled Geller in equal amount, so I don't know what it actually is) that creates a bubble of realspace the horrible stuff can't get through.  If it flickers though, even for a second, everything goes all Event Horizon on you.  Mass possessions/mutations, faces in the walls, daemons running around, statues start crying blood, all kinds of nice stuff.  If the field fails completely, break out the crack and hookers because you're gonna die and you want to go out with a bang. 

Navigators are the ones who, well, navigate the warp.  Without a navigator, even the shortest jump with the best warp-charts is like running blindfolded across the Autobahn on a busy day, when the cars are all driven by Satan and are trying to run you over.  It's pretty much exactly like that.

I think I kind of went overboard with that stuff, since if you have the rulebook you probably know all of this stuff already.

Taking sign-ups now.  Multiple people can apply for the illustrious title of Rogue Trader, but only one will get to be him.  Best application in my subjective opinion will get it.



GMT: -6, I have to work 9PM-4AM (Midwest time) Sunday-Thursday.  I've only got one week of actual classes yet and then a few mid-morning finals next week, but I'll probably be booked solid this weekend writing a paper

Mad Larks!
GMT +1 here. I'm available from 8 AM to 10 PM, Monday-Sunday. Until January the 18th.




I'll also need times available, whenever you get a chance.

Other information:

Darius Vindicus IV - Rogue Trader

Before his accident, Darius was a scholar, a wise and fair leader, a brilliant tactician, and a peerless commander.  From the helm of his starship, the --I'll Let You Decide, Since It's Your Ship Now--, Darius garnered fortune and glory for himself and his men for over a century.  However, several years ago, in a battle against a Tzeentch Cruiser all the way from the Eye of Terror, The Unspeakable Word(See this?  This is what we in the business call an adventure hook), the bridge of the ILYDSIYSN suffered a lucky lance strike.  Almost everyone there at the time was killed, but Darius somehow survived.  He was grievously wounded, however, his face seared to the bone by the lance's radiance and his arms and legs shattered by shrapnel or frozen by the void.  Knowing nothing could be done to restore him, but unwilling to lose their beloved captain, the remaining members of his entourage entombed him in a black sarcophagus on the bridge where he could continue to lead for centuries more.

Sadly, the Darius they knew was gone.  Exposure to the vacuum caused his brain to hemorrhage, and he became unstable, vaccillating unpredictably between catatonia, psychotic and wrathful episodes, delusions, and rare glimpses of his old self.  The vessel limped back to port, fleeing the wrath of The Unspeakable Word, and began the long process of repairing the vessel and finding new men to replace the ones killed.

Now, the ship is repaired, new leaders have been recruited (That's you), and Darius' career is ready to continue, regardless of his physical condition.

You live in The Koronus Expanse, and it's about to experience real change.

Assuming no one wants to be the Rogue Trader, you'll be using this guy.  Likewise, if no one wants to redesign the ship, you'll be using this one:

With 60 Ship Points to spend we'd have all of 5 points to spend on extraneous features, like guns.  I suppose our first order of business is deciding whether we want a Transport, Raider, or Frigate.  Using random rolling for the Complications, I got a pretty nifty 54 point Frigate design to try-

Spoiler: Flying Cathedral (click to show/hide)

The one hitch is that I assumed the Warp Drive only draws power when it's actually in the Warp.  Which only makes sense, and otherwise it'd be damn hard to make any proper warship with the 10-power draw.

I will be sending PMs to former potentials who don't post here in a reasonable timeframe.  If they don't reply or don't want in, their spot is open.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 08:09:24 pm »

Reserved for whatever.

Also, one thing that is different from the original OP is that we may not be using Gametable.



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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2010, 05:30:49 am »

Really?  Not even one reply?


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2010, 01:48:37 pm »

Everyone but me is a total flake.  I was busy.  I'm on board for whatever programs.

Spoiler: Times and crap (click to show/hide)

If you wind up reappropriating this thread for Call of Cthulhu, still onboard, all crap the same.  PM'n pitch surreptitiously for the Hell of it.
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2010, 02:09:15 pm »

Sounds interesting, but I don't have a Rogue Trader rulebook.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2010, 02:51:03 pm »

what's rogue trader?
Its something based with WH40k world which is awesome, and i assume you are a trader?


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2010, 02:53:22 pm »

You don't have to be a trader, you're wealthy and influential enough to do whatever you want.  As long as you're not sporting chaos marks or anything you can walk around with a hot eldar babe on each arm and no one can do anything about it.


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2010, 02:58:24 pm »

Awesome but i dont have the rulebook(s) if you need more


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2010, 03:45:01 pm »

Awesome but i dont have the rulebook(s) if you need more
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2010, 05:05:35 pm »

Yeah, no one has the book.  There are ways you can get it that I won't detail here.  You probably know what they are.

If it's impossible, I can either teach you guys (Would rather not, it's a pretty involved system, in some ways even more complicated than D&D) or we can go with something a bit lighter on the rules and easier to pick up, like Call of Cthulhu or All Flesh Must Be Eaten.


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2010, 06:14:59 pm »

I has no books, but I'd be willing to try this. Or CoC. Either's fun and deadly-sounding
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2010, 07:26:56 pm »

I'm really not sure I'm up to CoC.

CJ, you were in the Dark Heresy game right?  Rogue Trader is pretty much the same, with a few major differences.  We'll have a preliminary session some time soon to discuss character creation.


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2010, 08:06:06 pm »

Well, I joined Dark Heresy, but it died before I could play a session...
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2010, 08:07:46 pm »

Oh yeah, that also happened when you tried to join that D&D game.

One of the problems with that Dark Heresy game was LOL EVERYWUN A GUARDMAN


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Re: Rogue Trader - For Real This Time (SIGNUPS)
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2010, 08:10:09 pm »

There is communication that must be done, preferably somewhere other than here.  Does anyone know of some kind of asynchronous chat, so we don't have to all be there at the same time?

Some kind of forum thing, where you make topics and people post on them would be great.

Seriously though.
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