Of course it doesn't satisfy! It's "Let magic be magic!" not "Let magic be magic, but not for us."
At a glance, you don't know the meaning of the word "arbitrary", "calibrate", and "varied"... After reading; could you rephrase that without buzz words? Or just reword what you were trying to say in general?
Arbitrary, a man made scale, something more subjective than objective
Calibrate, to 'adjust' or align a system to a predetermined scale accounting for error
Varied, ummm variety?, abundance of unique elements
Yep I think I do know their meanings, but I acknowledge I'm not the best of writers, probably haven't even put the definitions across properly =/
Lets see...
Let magic be magic - Should definetly feel like this in game, but if you are someone who sniffs around and mods it should make sense, should definetly be able to make sense to Toady who programs it, not to say its predictable, but say 'Ah so the volcano suddenly erupted up from the ground because a dwarf lost his holy sock in the magma pipe'. Though for the sake of rp also, it should be possible to have characters with an incredible understanding of magic that manipulate it to their will -otherwise where will we get good adversaries =P-
Where is the mana? - I was saying that mana ought to exist in all things, just in different quantities just like you get specific heat capacity in relation to real world temperature of masses.
How many spells can a dwarf cast if a dwarf could cast spell? - Should be a question of mental fortitude or till the dwarf just runs out of mana, consumable materials with a high mana concentration or replenish mental fortitude would be plausible either way.
Where does the energy go? - Depending on how magic is created per world gen (Magic made anew with each world is the popular one) some magic systems created might be dependant on strategic making of spells beforehand while others on skillful casting in the blink of an eye, both would have very different 'mana' systems, the first a rate calculated with which you can create spell x and the second observing how much the wizard has at one time and how much a spell uses of it. Also I'd be curious if a simple max of 100 is possible where simply the spells require less effort to avoid going into the 1000s of mp or something. Also I won't say the mp system is the best, but if magic is used such that a player on has so much energy available in an immeadiate instance to work with mp and thats all they got to work with, it does make sense. Not even going to suggest levelling other than the like of stats and skill we have now and in future
What does this shiny thing do? - Effectively if you could have a physical resource simply oozing in magical energy working out how it ought to be applied can simply be done by thinking what would happen in a type of dwarf were to get their mits on it, this can be any proffession. Admittedly I didn't think about wizard towers so much in the end, but they can also be considered a group.
Also I was suggesting that users would be experimenting, as in they don't have a clue what they are doing, so if accidents didn't happen I'd honestly be surprised, meaning that potentially the chances of someone becoming sufficiently experienced to not have accidents is lower and there is nothing to stop them experimenting for even crazier stuff and they end up making a deadly blade of doom that possesses them and wipes the entire fort out.
Also Rowanas I did read your post but couldnt think of anything to say =P Though the general idea of pushing your wizards to go further with their magic leading to greater bad and good things is a reasonable thing, though maybe if they went off and tried doing it somewhere else like going on holiday for a year then they come back having tested the spell they came up with, that was if it blew a whole in a good chunk of the region then only they died (a reasonable precaution) and if they return it worked (or did it, this comment in no way refers to demon possession). Then with this new spell at hand they might use it at your discretion after learning what the spell does and therefore if it goes wrong what might result.