Planning MagicOr
"How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love Jack Vance"I've seen plenty of posts about why we shouldn't exclude Adventure mode from this, and a possible "wizard tower" mode, so I'll try to keep this all in mind when talking about the way the game will work, but in general, my idea is thus:
Magic in the universe of DF should behave in a manner that makes sense, compared to the way that the rest of DF works. How does the rest of DF work? Well, you start off with raw materials, maybe something you plant, maybe something you mine, maybe something you chop down over the cries of hippies, maybe something you took off the corpse of hippies that got too annoying, anyway, you start out with something useless, ram it through a workshop, maybe ram whatever comes out of that through another workshop, and ultimately wind up with something that has plenty of value.
More importantly, how does DF play? Well, in Fortress mode, you don't really control much directly. You set things up. If you set things up well, it all works properly, and nothing Fun happens. If you screwed up, like, say, carving out a diagonal on a well, then enjoy completely ruining your entire fortress and killing all your dwarves, because there's pretty much nothing you can do once the stuff has hit the fan.
So then, what is that core essence of DF that makes it... DF-ey? Well, I think the best way to describe it is "Engineering". DF is different because it revolves around pre-planning, careful construction, attention to details, and can generally explode in a horrible ball of Fun if you didn't test out every possible consequence beforehand. It is a complex system of interdependent parts.
And magic for a game like this should reflect that. You shouldn't get the sort of "Oh God! My fortress is flooding with magma thanks to a random bad die roll!" that nenjin was talking about. Magic, if and when it has negative effects, should have consequences which can be forseen and prepared for... even if that consists of making all magic take place in a "wizard's tower" on a set of supports hooked up to a lever that is labeled, "What happens in the Wizard's Tower STAYS in the Wizard's tower, OR ELSE!"
Magic should instead not be just another weapon, but rather a tool in your inventory, like drawbridges or floodgates. Look at the myths of dwarves - they may not be
wizards, but they crafted magic items all the time, such as the norse gods' sun-boat, which was made of solid gold, massively huge and flew in the skies, but could fit in someone's back pocket if you folded it up just right. That is not simply magic spellcraft, that is magic engineering. And engineering requires not just knowledge that you can get the same effects time after time, but also that you can base other, contingent effects upon those initial effects, the way that we currently make dwarfputers based upon water and pressure plates.
Now then, what about those other creatures? Surely they aren't going to be engineers! No, no they aren't. Still, we really do NEED magic-using enemies in this game. Just look at what we currently have in the game, and how we basically need to make superpowered orcs just to challenge a dwarf. Most giant creatures have no real stat that makes them different from a creature of a similar size. A horse is about as dangerous as a bear. That's why we need to make a magic system that would at least let monsters be a little less predictable and more Fun.
This creates a somewhat paradoxical requirement that magic be predictable, but at the same time, unpredictable. I do have a solution for this, however...
The Color Of MagicOr
"What do you mean someone already used that title?"Much of the problem with dwarven wizards, people will keep telling you, is that dwarves aren't meant to be magical. In fact, they often get Steampunk'd (TM) in games like Arcanum, while elves are staunch defenders of the mystical arts.
I kind of agree. I don't want dwarves waggling their fingers, adn making magic come out. Magic should come from magical creatures. But how do we do that? Get an elf to cast our magic for us? Well, kind-of. We just need to find an elf's magic, and make it power the spells for our dwarves!
I would suggest there be three kinds of magic:
Innate Magic: This is the magic of monsters and creatures like elves. They are capable of casting spells from a certain, racial pre-selected list of spells they can use. This means a dragon can use a "breathe fire" magical ability, a gorgon could have a "petrification gaze" magical ability, and elves could have a
"sing koombaiyah" "heal nature" magical ability.
Such magic would have a cost that would prevent its continual use, such as causing exhaustion or hunger or thirst, using just metrics we already have. We might just be having an "innate mana" stat, anyway, so it would use that, instead, although I do like the Failmore suggestion of making magic exhausting.
Prepared Magic: The Vancian magic! These are spells that are "constructed" ahead of time. You have to use an alchemist/wizard/runicist to produce this kind of magic ahead of time. This also applies to enchanting your weapons. Magic is
built out of physical materials, and it is powered by a transferable, interchangeable power source. Many single-shot spells are not entirely unlike a healing potion or a frag grenade - you have to prepare them ahead of time, and they require reconstruction as soon as they are consumed. This is not to say that they are exactly the same, however, as a spell, once prepared, still takes skill to use (properly). This type of magic would be the most suited for adventurers, or if you wanted to make your soldiers magically-amplified. Soldiers would need to recharge their magical equipment with use, and combat wizards would need to either take time off to prepare their own spells, or rely upon alchemists in the safety of the fort preparing the reagents of their magic for those wizards on the front lines.
Pool Magic: This is the “mechanical magic”, the kind of magic that goes into building a true “Wizard’s Tower”, or into making magically-powered machinery, like a boat of the Gods, or into making golem or undead armies, or other lasting effects that require constant power sources. This kind of magic is set up beforehand, and once set up, can be automated to some extent, by a careful designer, allowing dwarves to create truly magnificent feats of engineering.
Energy SourcesOr
"What to get for the Blood God who has everything."In order to power your magic, you can use that innate stuff, but I’m just going to assume that’s mostly for the monsters or elves. If you want to cast spells that aren’t innate to your race, you need to have reagents constructed into spells, and a power source for the magic.
Here are some suggestions for magic sources.
1. Mine it – Raw
lyrium powder materia vespene gas kryptonite magic rocks (native Phlebotonium), mined from the deeps. Oh come on, do I need to spell this one out for you? Dig rock, use as fuel. It’s coal for magic.
2. Grow it – Make some plants, preferably with a
more complicated system for agriculture, so that these plants are more difficult to farm than normal crops, that can be used as raw magic fuel.
3. Extract it – Hey, if those other creatures are so much better at magic then dwarves, then just take the magic right out of them! If you want a fire spell, extract it from a fire imp! Toss your excess kittens into the pits to fuel your arcane defenses! Make it a shrine to Armok if you really want, and drop your prisoners into the mana pool from 10 z levels above, splattering their juicy magic fuel all over the magical repository.
These pools are basically the “batteries” of your magical energy for the magic your continuing magical effects require. It is worth noting that I am talking about two separate things when I talk about “mana” and a spell component. One is just an interchangeable fuel energy, while components are specific requirements of casting a particular spell. Mana can be extracted from all these sources, but a given spell might require a suitable creature’s components, or a rare type of magic ore or high-end materials (such as, say, clear glass) in fair sized quantity.
This should, incidentally, be the limitation on spellcasting and wizards – while maybe or maybe not anyone could perform magic, the material costs of magic would prevent anything more than a small percentage of dwarves from undergoing the training to become useful magic-users. After all, why train multiple carpenters on a woodless map?
Methods of CastingOr
"Laser is not difficult"Innate casters should keep on working fairly similarly to the way that they work right now, with the special attacks that they have, but with an limit to the amount of energy they can exert.
Adventurers should have a supply of prepared spells, which can be used to cast their spells. Adventurers should probably be capable of preparing their own spell components, and possibly making it have enough mana from an energy source to be used once, making it a single-shot item with no strain on the user, like a healing potion, or else simply a key component in casting a spell that also takes energy out of the caster. To supplement this energy, however, adventurers might have mana-replinishing potions. There should be logical limits to the number of spells that can be prepared or cast. Adventurers should also have access to limited-use magical equipment, such as axes that, when charged, burn their opponents as well as inflict regular damage. These charges require replacement, so that they are effectively ammo-dependant.
Fortresses, however, will likely be more complex. First, single-use spells, or charges for spells are going to require a “Wizard’s Lab” type of workshop. This is where their spell components are prepared, and the rituals performed to make raw materials and energy ready for use in magic. This creates those single-use spells, as well as the charges on magic equipment.
If you want a mage to cast spells at their enemy, you’d need one of two things: One, you could have a mage in the military. These guys would carry around the prepared spells like a marksdwarf would, and would fling spells upon their enemies. I’m actually not all that fond of this, however, nor would I expect there to be a terribly large number of other players who would. It would, however, be effectively the way that adventurers would do it, and it would just be, you know, without direct control from you, except as to which spells you allow them to carry. Two, you could have a “majicking cube” (What do you mean it looks like a circle! It’s a cube! Don’t bother me with your three-dimensional thinking!) which would behave somewhat like a siege engine. Wizards would sit in their circle, which is hopefully back a ways from the danger, but still with line of sight to their target, a handful of prepared spells, a link to their mana pool, and, as a team, launch prepared spells at designated targets. This is the boring, military magic, however.
More to the point of being actually USEFUL in a fortress, however, spells could be prepared, and then “constructed” somewhere in a fortress. This would require access to a mana pool, which would need to be replenished, as active spells would continually drain from your mana pool. This means you prepare a continuing-use spell in a wizarding workshop, (maybe different workshops for different kinds of magic?) then construct it like furniture is, where it must be linked to a power source, like pumps must be powered. This means your magic-using dwarves will likely be running around, setting up their spells like a mechanic sets up mechanisms.
Coming up in the next exciting episode of NW_Kohaku posts: Spell schools and suggestions for magic spells.