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Author Topic: Quality for raw materials  (Read 876 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Quality for raw materials
« on: March 12, 2010, 04:16:45 pm »

The idea of this sugession is to add a quality tag to raw materials.

Trought history, many site and town have been famed for the quality of their handycraft. We can think of Dama's steel, ancient Roman's Terra sigillata, french wine, belgian dyed wool,...
The quality of these goods come from the talent of the artisants that have dedicaced their live to their work, but also from the exeptionnals raw material aviable in these area : dama's iron is suspeced to have had natural durcissor in him, the best workshop producing the ceramic had acces to hight quality clay, french soil and weather is ideal for the producion of great grape, and the quality of the wool greatly depend of the quality of th water she is waashed in.

In itself, seing this kind of phenomenon in Df would be great. But the implementation of this fact in game would be a great invective to trade with the caravans, and, as soon as we are able to do something about it, to open new traderoutes : wouldn't it be awesome to be open a traderoute to Awardenong "the evilness of gerbils" to be able to import a bit of his Iron ore at great cost to make the absolute best steel sword to fight the clowns menacing your forteress before you dig deeper ? To get a hold of a bit of that fabled sunshine produced by the elven of ... in ideal soil?

This mechanism probably wouldn't be opressive : sure, Dama's steel was said to be the best, but it was not an overwhelming advantage in fight provided you have another masterfull weapon. In the current combat mechanism, an additional bonus of 5% at best seems reasonable. Of course this have to be tought in each case so it would be something a player may want to care about but wouldn't have to.

Do you find it an intersting idea?

Quote from: toady

In bug news, the zombies in a necromancer's tower became suspicious after the necromancer failed to age and he fled into the hills.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Quality for raw materials
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 04:29:54 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Quality for raw materials
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 05:08:41 pm »

This sounds like "styles" idea see: , except it is tied to certain raw material of site rather than culture.

It sounds reasonable that some materials on site can get upgrades in form unique "named" version.

It would be interesting to find out that for example oak trees in one location are special, high-quality oaks that you can use to produce "Awardenong oak" things.

Same with minerals, plants or animals.

It certainly sounds interesting to be able to strike "Ipswich" Bituminous Coal vein. Something dwarf can get excited about.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Quality for raw materials
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2010, 05:37:08 pm »

Yes, somehing of that order. Altought I was thinking the other way around : " Praise the brewers : the plump helmets of this forteress, remandrok have been found to make a superior quality dwarven wine. Remandrok dwarven wine is now known worldwide." Come to think of it, this goes well with the collector bloat : hight quality item should be a target of choice for them, especially, thos produced the year the quality of he material was acknoleged, he year the forteress that produced them falled and so on...

"bring me the last Itishara's copper item ever produced before the forteress was destroyed by the clowns they unleashed. It was a masterfull teapot. On the item is the picture of a dog in Iron. The dog is screaming."
Quote from: toady

In bug news, the zombies in a necromancer's tower became suspicious after the necromancer failed to age and he fled into the hills.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Quality for raw materials
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2010, 10:19:33 am »

World renown shouldn't just happen the instant you make a good bottle of wine. Reputations should emerge over time and require a lot of work.

One has to be careful with a mechanic like this. How many irons were actually good enough to become famous on their own? Only one you can name had a nifty pattern in it which is probably more significant than the quality of the ore itself. Perceived quality of a product is as much product of culture as it is actual superiority

I don't think the game has the mineralogical and climate sophistication to facilitate this in a satisfactory degree. Especially seeing brewing itself is more like making Kool-Aid, something you really need to address if you want to make a game mechanic that would require sophistication of production methods to make any sense. Making a good wine should have more variables than having ☼Copper Brewing Equipment☼.