Dwarf Fortress: Where slaughtering puppies and kitties en masse isn't only allowed in the game mechanics, it can be needed to keep the game running.
Dwarf Fortress: Pleasing eye-rape after staring at a bunch of bright ASCII characters on a black background for hours. (only reason I use tilesets, really)
Dwarf Fortress: Where we don't just slay our enemies, we chop off all their limbs, destroy their internal organs, cut their heads off, and take it for a trophy (or to throw at their horrified mates)- if we aren't feeling creative.
Dwarf Fortress: Where dwarves get tickets for traveling while under the influence of sobriety.
Dwarf Fortress: If this thing was rendered in realistic 3D graphics, the game would be banned in a heartbeat and the creator would probably be incarcerated/institutionalized/executed just as quickly. (the media shit themselves about stuff in a Call of Duty game? They'd all have collective heart attacks halfway through a fully-realized DF battle [somewhere between someone getting their guts spilled and a momma dorf using Dwarven Baby Armor])
Dwarf Fortress: A game that can-within the same hour-have you feeling depressed because your dwarves died horrible deaths of starvation and madness, and later entertained by finding ways to run your society into the ground in the grandest and preferably most !!SCIENCE!! related ways possible.
Dwarf Fortress: I would have a better social life if I had a better table to host parties at.