The problem I have with Praguepride's idea is that you can only specialize in one thing. (Yes, I know that is sort of a definition of specialization, but still...)
That is actually the strength of the system in my eyes. You see, most of the systems have no impact on the game. None. (no offense, I know people put a lot of time & energy into their ideas) but the issue is this: (a dwarf measurement unit is an arbitrary measurement. It could be time, # of items, whatever you want it to be that makes the example make sense in your mind.)
In the current system, it takes 100 DTU's to go from making no quality items to masterpiece items in any particular skill.
So to go from making normal beds to masterpiece barrels is 100 DTU's. To go from novice spears to masterwork hammers is 100 DTU's.
In the proposed systems of perks or subskills or whatever, it might add a little bit of time to go from an exeprt in one subskill to an expert in another subskill, but not much. Especially with all this talk of synergy this and carry over that. So let's say it takes 100 DTU's to go from no-quality beds to masterwork beds. Then you wnat to make a masterwork barrel. Well, it takes an additional 5 DTU's to get up to that level with all the cross-synergies and blah blah blah that would need whole wiki pages and huge charts to explain what goes where and would probably look like the flying spaghetti monster smacked into Microsoft Visio by the end. And all that extra work, effort, coding, tracking, and learning would result in a 5 DTU increase.
Whoopty f-ing doo. What a waste of time (in my mind) to bother tracking ALL that extra information just for a small % increase in time. That might end up translating into an extra season of work or a couple dozen extra items, but the point is that within a reasonable amount of time, you have a guy who can make masterwork beds and barrels. Just like you can in the current system. And because there's no cap there's no stopping you from maxing out every skill in a skill family (or getting every perk etc.)
So in the current model it takes 100 DTU's to go from novice in everything to legendary in everything. In the "subskill/perK' family it might total up to 150 DTU's or maybe even double the time to 200 DTU's....but big whoop. You can get to legendary within a year of solid work, so even doubling it would only slow down the player, not actually alter his game style. Oh, instead of 1 year of work, it takes 2 years PLUS a bunch of micromanaging to figure out what other skills for that dwarf to max out.
Meanwhile, think about how this would effect attribute growth? Suddenly you have 10x as many skills to game for your uber-stat dwarf? How about migrant skill selection. Migrants are pretty worthless in general now, but sometimes can be useful. But how about now instead of getting a generic weaponsmith (useful) you get someone who is trained in making hammers (not so useful). You'd increase the chances of getting "those damn worthless soap makers" in EVERY skill category, not just soap making, because every breakdown has a "runt" family that just isn't that damn useful.
Finally, what about the craft stations that can make a HUGE amount of goods. Look at all the possible products of stone or wood or bone and think "how confusing would this be to a newbie looking at this interface, where every skill explodes into dozens of subskills...that don't really do ANYTHING except extend the amount of time it takes to go from newb to legendary."
If all you want is to slowdown legendary gains, you can do that now, just 1/2 XP gain and you've gotten the same system without the micromanagement or the UI overhaul or the need to add tags and skills and synergies to everything.
With my system, it's beautifully simple:
- It covers realism. In order to get the finest works, workers have to specialize. And I mean "really" specialize instead of "fake" specialize where you can "specialize" in every single skill.
- It alters gameplay. You can no longer have one dwarf doing everything. If you want legendary level beds AND barrels, you'll have to train up two dwarves.
- It addresses the problems of mature forts being stock full of masterpiece EVERYTHINGs by making it harder for dwarves to produce multiple types of masterpiece items. To have masterpiece barrels, beds, bins, pipes, traps etc. you'll have to train up that many dwarves to specialize instead of having one dwarf do it all. Even if your system makes it harder, it doesn't make it that much harder for one dwarf to become legendary in everything.
- Easy on the mods. No need to add tons of tags or figure out how much synergy a wood instrument should carry over to a steel drum.
- Simple system. No need to explode out dozens upon dozens of new skill names or track synergies in a big spaghetti mess.
Finally, to address NK's complaint, this system wouldn't be stupid but it won't hold a player's hand if he does something bone-headed. I'm thinking it will be REALLY simple. It tracks # of items made. That is all. If you make 100 barrels and 50 beds when you level up, you become a barrel maker. Easy-peasy. If the player is desperate to create a legendary bed maker, then I don't have much sympathy about why he'd spend twice as much time having that guy make barrels. Player was stupid, he should be punished. The water/magma/gobbos flooding your base don't stop and ask if it's ok for them to kill all your dwarves first. They don't stop and wait for you to say "Ok, you can destroy all my hard!"
It's part of the challenge and requires strategic thinking. The systems others have suggested offers no strategic value. It's just one more thing to track. I'm not saying my system is perfect (like I said, I'd rather keep things the wya they are) but at least it has some strategic value and possibly helps solve other problems as well, like end-game "it's too easy to produce a ton of masterpiece" issue, at least in a small way.