Passing through a small opening through the rock, I looked up and saw what looked like a faint haze...The first taste of air...The warm embrace of the sun on my back...The wind flowing beneath me...I'd crossed through the Veil.For too many years I'd been smothered beneath the surface, blind to the beauty of Terra.I quickly swam up and lifted my head just above the surface to realize I was not breathing with my gills, but with my chest. The feeling was unique. I felt so invigorated. I swam down again...
...then I turned around and pierced the surface once more.((Being a water dweller, Naija does not know how to walk on land (and I don't know if she even has the balance senses required for it either), which means she can only cling to a surface, not move around on it. However, we can still jump away from a surface, in the same way we do underwater (except with gravity), which is our main way of locomotion above the surface.))
((Our second Ancient Turtle, which now means we can travel between Home Waters and The Veil in mere seconds. There
is another one of these turtles in Open Waters (in fact, just a short distance away from the entrance to Mithalas) which I forgot to check out. I'll get that next time I go through the area.))
((You jump really goddamn high in Beast Form.))
After playing around enough at the surface, I decided to explore the immediate area, only to run into some old friends.It was at that moment I first saw him.