Ok, obviously there are people who think the entire idea of further skill divisions is undesirable. I understand that you have that position, and that you aren't likely to change it. Can you please stop spamming every discussion about how skills could be modeled more realistically now, and allow those discussions to take place? I would suggest that those wishing to discuss this suggestion ignore future trolling from those who feel their own game playing interests are the only valid way. The suggestions forum is FOR discussing ideas that may or may not make it into the game, and there are MANY threads here that delve into things that are never likely to get implemented.
Regarding the specific suggestion, in ancient times it obviously was not necessary for every small village to have 20 metal workers. This strongly suggests that a blacksmith would be able to compete most of the normal tasks needed by such villages. How many truly independent roles were needed to do the kind of things that we see being made in DF? Did blacksmiths normally work weapons as well as iron tools, or were these historically separate roles? I would love to see long term granularity of skills such that I can have a kitchen full of chefs who specialize in different tasks, but I'd first like to understand what roles were historically distinct.
The blacksmith you describe seems similar to the blacksmith we have, with the exception that we would not use Impaler's blacksmith for making things with precious metals. This at least seems very consist with my understanding of what historic metal workers did, and I wouldn't today go to a blacksmith for a golden throne. I see no problems with limiting the scope of metals that a blacksmith can work.
The red smith was something I had to do a little reading about (not much). It seems that in the middle ages
In Britain the Anglo-Saxons, who were skilled woodworkers, especially in oak, and also highly skilled blacksmiths, took little account of metals other than gold, silver and iron. During many centuries their basic currency was the silver penny, although a few copper coins were occasionally struck, notably in Mercia during the 8th Century. Inevitably in this period the art of coppersmithing declined, even on the Continent. The term still sees some use today:
Examples of objects made by modern coppersmiths include jewelry, sculptures, plates and cookware, jugs, vases, trays, frames, rose bowls, cigarette boxes, tobacco jars, overmantels, fenders, decorative panels, and challenge shields, tea and coffee pots, awnings, light fixtures, fountains, range hoods, cupolas, and stills. Interestingly, much copper work does not require heat, which could be useful in places without magma or wood. I don't think any fortress would REQUIRE a redsmith, but it would add an interesting new industry if it were added. Copper should DEFINITELY not be handled by blacksmiths in forges though, since it is clearly a nearly completely unrelated skill. We might as well bundle all metalworkers together if we are concerned about ease of play rather than providing interesting play options.
Whitesmiths almost seem to be metalcrafters. They make
Whitesmiths make things such as tin or pewter cups, water pitchers, forks, spoons, and candle holders. Metalcrafters should probably be restricted to these soft metals, which they can use to make the same kinds of crafts as other crafters. I don't think we really need a new skill here, or a new profession. It seems like something represented closely enough already.
I'd actually like to see Brightsmiths integrated into the Jeweler's shop, and have it be something that is done entirely without heat (as specified by Impaler). This is CLEARLY not a skill in any direct way related to blacksmiths, and who seek an entirely different goal. Again, there is basically no need for this skill in the operation of a fortress and little overlap of skill. If anything, it could be done by a metalcrafter (rather than a forge using blacksmith), but I'd really rather see jewelery and fine metals handled at the jewelers shop rather than a craft workshop.