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Author Topic: Beginners Succession Game  (Read 34456 times)

Burnt Pies

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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #390 on: April 22, 2010, 10:47:05 am »

I'm afraid that's all I'll be writing. My computer completely died last night, and will not let me access any files, or get to the desktop. an awful end to a ridiculously long turn. sorry.
I can read box now
Also, I am a bit drunk


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #391 on: April 22, 2010, 12:20:28 pm »

awww, I was enjoying that as well...  :'(

So what do we do? revert to last save?
Dwarf Fortress: The only game where nosebleeds melt your face off.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #392 on: April 22, 2010, 09:29:05 pm »

Seems like it. Give me a bit, I have some school stuff to do and then I will take a turn and pass it on. =)
We all die eventually, though more so for dwarfs.

An insane child kills the remaining group of spine injured dwarfs shortly before starving to death himself. Thus ended Weightknives. May the souls of the fallen rest in every level of Armok's 1000 hells.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #393 on: April 23, 2010, 06:49:03 pm »

All I can say upon first glance at the fortress after those many years is, wow. Looking about the area it is very apparent that it is a dwarven fortress. The tall walls lining the entrance, the perfect craftsmanship used to construct the bridge, the vomit spewed across the ground and the garbage littering the area inside and out. It was most apparent this fortress was very dwarfy.

I pranced forward towards the entrance giving a little spin and a jingle of the golden bells around my wrist in an attempt to grab a dwarf or two's attention from within the fortress. I very much hoped the dwarfs could shelter me for a year whilst my brethren traveled to another home location. A head appeared at the top of the nearest tower against the bridge looking down at me. I waited for a moment for him to say something but upon receiving no response I gave a happy little wave and shouted up to him.

"Hello up there! My name is Twinkletoe Treefu**er! I was just wondering if you could shelter me for a few seasons if it would not be too much burden?" I gazed hopefully up at the dwarf. Only receiving a gruff laugh from him. Though he nodded and gave a response.
"Fine. Ye can have a shelter here for a few seasons." The dwarf laughed once more and vanished from atop the wall.

I wondered to myself why the dwarf was laughing but stepped lightly onto the bridge which promptly rose and flung me across to the inside. I hit the ground and lay there for a second a bit dazed before regaining myself and looking up at how that could have happened. A few yards away stood two dwarfs laughing hysterically next to a switch. One looked up from its laughter and waved a hand as he spoke.
"We be sorry elf! Didn't mean teh throw that switch while ye crossed!" His laughter continued. I stood up and dusted myself off then looked down at the grass I had landed on.... the vomit spewn, foul smelling grass. I sighed but gave a polite nod to the dwarfs and continued inside looking about at the various garbage laying about the ground.

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« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 06:50:39 pm by Set_Beadra »
We all die eventually, though more so for dwarfs.

An insane child kills the remaining group of spine injured dwarfs shortly before starving to death himself. Thus ended Weightknives. May the souls of the fallen rest in every level of Armok's 1000 hells.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #394 on: April 23, 2010, 07:26:20 pm »

The trees... The beautiful trees... These dwarfs are cutting every one of them down that they can. One even made me follow him up out of the hole in the wall they call a bedroom up to watch one of them cut down some trees. I pranced and pranced after watching that horrific scene but I still feel dirty as though the goddess of life will never forgive me for not intervening. What could I do though? The burly dwarf with an axe behind me could have taken off my head in one swing.

I will leave this place.

I stood from my hovel and walked towards the exit. The dwarfs that I passed by all scowled or laughed. I was used to that by now. Upon reaching the exit a dwarf blocked my path. My elven niceness should get me out of any trouble. After all, everyone knows nothing can withstand an elves loving persuasion.

"Hello dwarf, I was just leavi-"
"Ohhh no you weren't."
"Why not?"
"Because you are still injured. We can't have you leaving here while hurt can we?"
"What do you mean? I am not inju-" The dwarf promptly slammed the heel of his boot into my foot. The sound of bones snapping was quite audible and I let a loud scream and fell down taking a hold of my foot.
"See!" The dwarf spouted. "Ye be injured. Can't have yeh leavin while hurt!"
I quickly nodded now fearing for my life. The dwarf grabbed me by my collar dragging me to an area near the entrance and calling for some masons. A few appeared and began walling in the area. I was now alone surrounded by corpses of other elves one I even recognized as my uncle.
I cried...
how... could he have elven persuasion.

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« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 07:33:54 pm by Set_Beadra »
We all die eventually, though more so for dwarfs.

An insane child kills the remaining group of spine injured dwarfs shortly before starving to death himself. Thus ended Weightknives. May the souls of the fallen rest in every level of Armok's 1000 hells.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #395 on: April 24, 2010, 09:00:15 am »

Must...resist..sympathizing...with Elf...ngguggh


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #396 on: April 24, 2010, 11:43:26 am »

Aweosme, thats all I can say

EDIT: that bridge... it looks like you can get past it by going by the side diagonally against the wall
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 06:00:33 am by DarkChasm »
Dwarf Fortress: The only game where nosebleeds melt your face off.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #397 on: April 25, 2010, 06:59:06 am »

Nope, Those two tiles were channeled out during my turn


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #398 on: April 25, 2010, 10:20:54 am »

I awoke after many hours, or days. I couldn't tell anymore. The pain in my foot immediately catches up with me and I clamp my teeth together to keep myself from screaming. I lay on my back sobbing for a short while unsure what to do. My stomach rumbles after awhile I realize how hungry I am. Sitting up and glancing about the dark room I see no edible food but I must find a way to survive, at least long enough to get back to my brethren and alert them of this terrible place.

I crawl slowly towards one of the corpses of the other dead elves. Looking thoroughly up and down the corpse for something he may have been carrying for food I find nothing. It is then I realize what it seems must be done.

Once again, I cry.... I look up at the dark ceiling and wonder why the loving mother would have pushed such a harsh fate upon me. I must prance... I must show the mother that I am still a strong worshiper and not give into this. I turn from the corpse of my brethren and make my first attempt since being thrown into this room to stand up. I regret this choice as my foot sends waves of pain through my body. Once again I clamp my teeth shut and manage to keep myself standing by sure will of survival. I make a move to prance but the second that foot hit the floor on the back prance, I fell with a loud shriek of pain. My body hit the ground with a thump as I landed directly onto the corpse of my dead uncle.

"Uncle, do you know why I have been so cursed as to be thrown in here?" I say quietly to the corpse I lay upon. As expected I get no response. After a short while of laying in silence I can hear sounds from outside the wall. The dwarfs are up to something. A few shouts and calls lead me to believe something is wrong and I listen silently. Some dwarf apparently made some legendary statue and the others were all agape over it. I hear the sounds of footsteps pass the wall and some voices. It sounds as though the statue was placed right outside the room I reside. What reason could these dwarfs have for doing that?

My stomach once again rumbles and I return to my previous task of remaining alive. I look up into the face of my dead uncle before slowly rolling off of sanity wanes.

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« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 10:29:34 am by Set_Beadra »
We all die eventually, though more so for dwarfs.

An insane child kills the remaining group of spine injured dwarfs shortly before starving to death himself. Thus ended Weightknives. May the souls of the fallen rest in every level of Armok's 1000 hells.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #399 on: April 26, 2010, 02:18:46 pm »

As an idea that magically popped up in my head and drenched my brain until I gave into to it: can I do kind of an adventurer log as if the fortress had been abadoned during my turn (I'll copy the save obviously and use that) while doing the fortress?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 09:07:18 am by DarkChasm »
Dwarf Fortress: The only game where nosebleeds melt your face off.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #400 on: April 27, 2010, 04:37:59 pm »

Of course. Go right ahead. Though I think now that everyone has had a turn it seems to be dying. Not many posts and I'm not really sure what to do in the fortress. ^_^'''
We all die eventually, though more so for dwarfs.

An insane child kills the remaining group of spine injured dwarfs shortly before starving to death himself. Thus ended Weightknives. May the souls of the fallen rest in every level of Armok's 1000 hells.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #401 on: April 28, 2010, 10:02:35 am »

Do whatever you need, wars, megaproject it doesn't matter
Dwarf Fortress: The only game where nosebleeds melt your face off.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #402 on: April 29, 2010, 07:11:21 am »

I was going to suggest "look for a cavern!" but then I was like "Oh......yeah.."


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #403 on: April 29, 2010, 09:05:57 am »

maybe you could use dwarf companion to change creatures/next siege into an army of deadly enemies?
Dwarf Fortress: The only game where nosebleeds melt your face off.


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Re: Beginners Succession Game
« Reply #404 on: April 29, 2010, 09:19:56 am »

I have tried dwarf companion a few times and never gotten it to work. Even following tutorials on how to get everything required, and dwarf companion installed and running. Never works. *Shrugs*
We all die eventually, though more so for dwarfs.

An insane child kills the remaining group of spine injured dwarfs shortly before starving to death himself. Thus ended Weightknives. May the souls of the fallen rest in every level of Armok's 1000 hells.
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