Shouldn't you put this under the "
Things to fix or do in the next release " thread? ... well, I'll leave it to you or coronel or jon to shift this over or not.
Anyhow, recruitment through persuasion is very very "grindy" at the moment. It has shifted from "talk to many many people in 1 day" to "talk to 5 people a day... for many many days". Same dif, but just spread over time.
but, praguepride.... you're doing it wrong.
#1. Basically, the current system, if you have been talking to a couple of hanging judges and carefully nurturing them... STOP talking about issues with homeless guys! Problem solved. Basically, if you already have a few guys who you badly want to recruit, you're supposed to stop recruiting new guys.
#2. I don't get the problem of getting people to look away if you want to steal... I just move 1 step left, then 1 step right. Done. However I have talked to greenies just before I open fire and shoot up a bunce of reds.
#3. Yeah, it's a bit frustrating when this happens. But, again, it can be said it's your own fault for "talk"ing to so many people. Heck, if you find this bad, "seduction" should be killing you. I get frustrated when my person with 14 seduction gets ambushed for trying to date 2 people at once. And TWO people is very very easy to do by accident, since you can date 1 person on Monday and have them "see you tomorrow" then you forget about it and press "seduce" on Tuesday.
Currently, it's not so much illogical and frustrating. It's UNFORGIVING. The current system, as long as you don't do something that "breaks the rules", you won't get in trouble.
Basically, as long as each recruiter does not "talk" to more than 1-2 people a day, or if you talk to 5 people on 1 day, you don't talk to anymore people at all until those 5 are dealt with, you should be fine.