Regardless, I really have to wonder what the point of a Suggestions forum is when someone is arguing that we are not here to advocate for what we think would make a better game, but to try to figure out what someone else, who already has ultimate power over what is going into the game, will want to put in. Wouldn't he already know what he wants? Why would we need a Suggestion forum to try to guess what he wants, and tell it to him?
It feels like you're intentionally interpreting my arguments here in the way that makes the least possible sense, but I could say that about much of what you say.
There are suggestions which are well in line with what DF's design goals are, and there are suggestions which aren't. There's still a lot of variability in that range. There are also suggestions regarding specific implementations, and suggestions are also a good way to gauge what the community's
priorities are in terms of planned features, which is much of the point of the Eternal Suggestions poll.
I mean, I'm not saying it's a bad thing to say what you don't like about the game or its design philosophy, but that the game's design philosophy should still come into play when discussing what would be good for a game; something can be fun, but not good for this game's goals, for instance. Such is the case with all games.
This. The gap in communication is what I'm laughing at. I'd make an effort to explain it, but that would take communication, now wouldn't it? That's why the only option left to me is laughing at it.
Okay, you're doing it again. That's not helping.
There is much, much more to this game than that which the player has immediate control over, and many of these things have plenty of specific data associated with them. This is not a bad thing, is not useless, and will not go away.
Yes, there is much in the game that the player will have no impact on... and it's all pointless. It's programming in eyelashes and pupil dialation. It has no impact on anything, it takes up code and makes your game slower, but you can't see it, or do anything with it. It is useless bloat.
"Eyelashes and pupil dilation" are basically the worst examples you could possibly find, take up barely any code (appearance modifiers seriously only require basically one line in a raw file), and there's just about no way they'll make the game perceptibly slower.
As far as examples that
aren't intentionally the worst you could find are concerned, the player does not have immediate control over things like, say,
most of worldgen history, or, to generalize further, anything that any creature or civilization does that is not under the direct control of the player. Obviously, that's not all "useless bloat", and if you think it is, then you have design goals in mind that stand out so far from those that describe what Toady is actually trying to do with this game that you might not even bother, because apparently it's just not a game you even like the concept of.
To generalize further, one of the stated and more general design goals of DF to simulate a dynamic fantasy world and the stories that tend to occur in them; this requires all
kinds of stuff the player has no immediate or direct control over, as is made obvious by... well, just look at the dev goals yourself.
I am against such things. I am against overly complex systems that have no positive benefit. I am against these sub-skill plans.
Your definition of "positive benefit" seems to differ from mine, from Toady's (apparently), and from many other people's.
No, no it doesn't change the concept. That's why it's pointless.
Making the system conceptually similar to what it is now, but with extended features and more robust skill interaction is not "pointless".
If you think me being engaged in a debate for far too long is a rarity, then you're obviously not a very good judge of my character, but we've established that.
HA! Nice try. What I said was that you rely upon the Chewbacca Defense, however.
I have no idea what you mean by this and it seems like a non sequitur. That quote was in response to "we'd get to this meta-argument place if we just kept talking long enough", which you said was probably rare in my case. I have no idea how what you just said relates to this at all.
I didn't say you're the sole source of every problem in this argument. That's a terrible strawman. I said that it's like that you're part of what has gone wrong with it, and that you are to some degree culpable.
From a previous post of yours:
I argue with people on the internet probably more than is healthy, and plenty of those arguments wind up being productive whether I agree with the other person or not. If that isn't the case right now, have you ever possibly considered that one of the people being unreasonable here is you, especially if the alternative is a bunch of weird accusations that I know for a fact are false?
Now, tell me why what you said then wasn't what you really meant, and what you are saying now is what you meant all along?
You're not making sense again. Saying "one of the people being unreasonable here is you" is not the same as saying "you're the sole reason this argument is bad" or that you're the only person being unreasonable. In that previous post, I
never stated or implied that you were the sole cause of problems here.
Oh, but surely he's another fluke. Surely, everyone who's dropped out of a discussion with you did so out of complete and total agreement with you. Surely, Praguepride and myself are the only two people on the Internet who are the holdouts.
Of course not; I would never make such a claim.
It's hitting dead horse status at this point, so why bother quoting what you previously said again?
The things you're quoting aren't even supporting what you're saying at all. I
never said that all arguments I have with people end with them agreeing, or even end favorably. That
never fucking happened, much like, above, I never claimed that you were the sole cause of problems.
You are reading things that are not there. I am not sure how you manage this.
Like anyone else, I've been in arguments where I've acted irrationally, or where people have just gotten pissed off and quit. Again, you're making really bad strawmen out of what I'm saying; I said that I'm capable of arguing rationally on the internet.
Of course you, me, and everyone have acted irrationally at some point. (Not the least of which being the repeated "shitty" and "despicables", or the "incapable of understanding" or...) That's the Internet.
It is, however, not a strawman, I'm taking what you're saying, in context, and holding you to it.
Of course it's a strawman. All you're
doing right now is building strawman and accusing me of saying things that I didn't say, but are sort of close to what I said if you squint really hard and ignore certain words.
And yes, saying "you must either have asperger's or be acting in bad faith"
is shitty and despicable.
Besides which, simply acting rationally is not the be-all end-all if you simply can't communicate with people.
Evidently, I'm not the only one having communication problems here, since you're quoting things and then stating that those quotes say things they do not actually say.
Seriously, please don't put words in my mouth again. How hard is that?
Let's break it down further in case you don't understand yet:
I argue with people on the internet probably more than is healthy, and plenty of those arguments wind up being productive whether I agree with the other person or not. If that isn't the case right now, have you ever possibly considered that one of the people being unreasonable here is you, especially if the alternative is a bunch of weird accusations that I know for a fact are false?
You're using this as evidence, apparently, that I said "you're the sole source of every problem in this argument". I didn't. I implied that "one of the people being unreasonable here is you". Saying that you might be part of some of the problems in this thread is
not the same as saying that you are the
only cause of
all of the problems. I never stated that you are the only person culpable, just asking you if you've considered that you might be one of them.