Assuming bad faith is not a good way to make progress in an argument.
Progress? Have you not been reading this thread? There IS no progress. It's also not much of an assumption, but rather one of the only things process of elimination has left me with.
If there's no progress, and you don't think there can be progress, why not just walk away?
Technically, I was saying that the only concievable method of this still being good faith is simple inability to communicate like a normal human.
This is needlessly insulting, and forcing every single ounce of the blame for an argument going bad on the other person is almost never honest or productive. There are some points where I probably could have explained myself better, but I'm not going to take "you're either being an ass on purpose or can't communicate like a normal human" as something that
isn't needlessly personally insulting just because an argument has gone bad and we continue to disagree.
As I've said before, you are clearly not open to discussion, you are either incapable of or unwilling to make any sort of reactions to or concessions to other points of view, as has been stated by others in this thread.
Yes, I am; some of what praguepride mentioned about his ideas caused me to seriously adjust my own ideas for an implementation. I've also been discussing this with other people in a more productive manner than what this thread has achieved.
This, in turn, means that there will BE no progress.
Then walk away or something.
What I said in the last time I left this thread still holds true: You hold completely different values for this game than we do, and are unwilling to aknowledge that this will continue to set us at cross purposes, to the point where it seems a forgone conclusion that we are never going to agree.
That's great, but I feel like you and praguepride are assuming that your values are the only ones that
anyone holds.
Once it became clear you were impervious to such arguments, and would continue repeating the same things ad infinitum, this whole thing became quite tedious, and my responses were out of something like common courtesy to at least read what someone had been writing.
Don't even try telling me that you've been "courteous" about any of this.
When you go about saying that we are disagreeing only because we are incapable of understanding your argument, that just goes straight out the window.
I never said that, I said that you kept replying to the same arguments with the same statements. My feeling that people were asking me to make points I had already made does not mean that I think misunderstanding is the only source of disagreement. I'm aware that there are other things at work here, like differences between people of what makes the game fun.
If it was satirical of what I was saying, then it was poor satire, as it doesn't really make a very good analogy (as I've just shown).
Saying that what I had said is either not satire or not good satire because you don't recognize it is a little like saying that Star Wars must be a terrible movie because you've never seen it, and if it were good, it would be popular, and if it were popular, you would have seen it, therefore, it must be a bad movie.
I have no clue what point you're trying to make here. I was saying that the satire
didn't work, that the points the satire was making weren't very cogent or applicable.
Now then, remember, to maintain character, you have to blithely ignore my multiple mentions of things like "metaphors" or my direct use of similie in that last paragraph.
I wasn't arguing that you weren't using metaphor, I was arguing that the metaphor wasn't very good, even in a satirical fashion.
I'm not sure why. You were making a point (satirically) against what I was saying, so I further explored it seriously, including the differences between the examples in your strawman and what I was actually saying. The fact that you were being "satirical" doesn't change that. The way I figure, you were satirizing what I was saying by using an example that seems to follow the same logic as what I was saying, but with more obviously silly reasons, and I was trying to examine whether or not that actually held water.
What? Are we saying we are capable of recognizing metaphor, now? Isn't that breaking character a little?
"Breaking character"? What?
Now, where, exactly, in that is recognition of metaphor? What was the comparison I was making? How was I making a satirical remark? Please, prove to me that you can point it out.
The comparison was, I believe, between the skill specializations I was mentioning, and the subtleties involved in artwork that would better off not being represented. I was examining the differences in the qualities here that would lend them to being compared in the first place.
No, I am concluding that, for whatever reason, you are impossible to reason with. You are incapable of communicating like a human, which either means you are a synthetic lifeform that can't quite pass the Turing Test, have some kind of language disability, or else are simply faking it so as not to have to engage in conversation like a human, and hope that by blithely ignoring other people's arguments, or pretending not to understand them, you can eventually "win" by default when everyone else has given up on arguing with you.
Considering as you are capable of passing yourself off fairly well in other conversations, I'm guessing the latter is the most likely explanation.
I don't have a language disability, I'm not trying to ignore everything (to the effect that I've responded to the same thing multiple times), haven't been "faking" anything (I've been arguing in earnest for the duration of this conversation, aside from maybe a few irritated quips here and there, if I made any), and I don't think that "I win by default because everybody else gave up" is a very good way to conclude an argument and would not try to achieve that as a goal. The fact that I don't do this in other conversations should be a hint.
If I tend to go on and on and on despite an argument not being productive, that's not because I'm trying to win by out-frustrating everybody else, or getting them to give up, or anything like that; it's because I don't like to leave arguments mid-stream. You can consider it a character flaw to not leave an argument when there's an extraordinarily low chance of anything good coming of it, and I certainly would say I possess it, but at this point, in this conversation, I think we're all guilty of that.
In other words, I can tell you that none of your bullshit personal attacks on me or assumptions of bad faith are true in the least, so you're obviously interpreting me wrong on
some level. On the other hand, you seem to be incapable of ever admitting you've ever done anything the least bit wrong, up to and including stating that somebody must have a psychiatric disorder if they're trying to argue with you sincerely about something.
I'm arguing in good faith, if a little annoyed, and feel like I've been able to express myself to at least a
somewhat reasonable degree of clarity, nor do I have any particular disorders related to human communication. These accusations are a serious low-blow and in incredibly bad faith themselves, and I'm seriously considering reporting you for it if you continue (I might as well tell you, I guess), especially the Asperger's bullshit, not for a cheap and shitty way out of this argument, but because it's an incredibly low and despicable thing to do.
I argue with people on the internet probably more than is healthy, and plenty of those arguments wind up being productive whether I agree with the other person or not. If that isn't the case right now, have you ever possibly considered that one of the people being unreasonable here is you, especially if the alternative is a bunch of weird accusations that I know for a fact are false?