Guys I don't think ants have developed biological warfare yet.
Do ants have claws?
You hesitated for a while but you decided that they were trying to kill you so you should eat the corpse instead of the dead creatures they gave you.It tasted not too bad actually you thought to your self.
Hours later when you were resting (theirs nothing much you can do) you saw 2 shadows over the hole above you. They were speaking but you understood them.Something about a magician wanting to see you and a queen that wants you executed. You listened more and you found out the dead small creatures had a highly toxic blood.
After arguing for what seemed like minutes (it was very boring)they threw a root down and slid down. They were at least 4 times bigger than the one you killed. They both grabbed you violently and covered your eyes in something. They carried you for quite some time than they threw you on the ground and took the object that was blinding you off your head.
You looks ahead of you expecting a battle but became less tense when you saw the shaman you meet not long ago in front of you. He looked as shock as you were.
what going to happen !?)
Your a small carnivorous worm not defenseless to predators but your still not a predator.
You have two eyes and two teeths.
a small hole 21cm deep low protection
size: 2cm length 0.45cm height
weight: 4g
eye 2/2 eye sight 1
body 7/7 speed 2
mouth 4/4 2 teeth 2 sharpness
a) action
1) run away
2) attack the shaman
3) ask the shaman what's going on