MINI-STORY POSTJan 20th, 2040
Held another funeral. Anya gave me some advice for dealing with Mr. Vengeance. I asked her to keep an eye on him all the same. Something's just off about that guy.
Jan 22nd, 2040
Ace downed another UFO. We spotted this one off of Alaska. It was one of their tiny subs. Ace obliterated it. Alhazred was pissed that we couldn't recover anything. The Dolphin Freak asked if he could take a transport to the US to recover some stuff he left behind. didn't see the harm, so I let him take one of the personal craft.
Jan 23rd, 2040
[a large amount of swearing and ranting about lax security]-how'd the girl stowaway on a 1-man sub? More importantly, how did that freaking dolphin freak not notice? I put her in the brig and called a meeting of the upper staff and Marcus.
Me: "So let me get this straight. she hacked into a
Government database, found out the details of her brother's demise, then stowed away on your submersible?"
Deadmeat: "errr.... yes?"
Me: "and you didn't notice anything?"
Deadmeat: "..... no?"
Me: "You now have KP duty for the foreseeable future. Dismissed......... So, what should we do with her?"
Alhazred: "we can't let her go. She's seen too much, and more importantly, knows too much about our operations."
Anya: "Maybe we should send her into combat? Her brother's death might give her some motivation"
Me: "true, but she's a
civilian*. I doubt she'd last long in combat at all!"
At this point of of Alhazred's people walked into the room, handed him a folder, and left.
Me: "Tell me that the folder means you've finally finished the medkits?"
Alhazred: "No, this is our little stowaway's personnel bio."
Me: "hmm, a little training and she might make a decent soldier, actually. Anya, what do you think?"
Anya: "We might as well take her. She isn't a scientist or an engineer; we have enough janitors, clerks, bureaucrats, and kitchen personnel. We can't let her go, so we pretty much have to take her."
Me: "Marcus has some combat training, right?"
Alhazred: "I think so."
Me: "Then he gets to help clean up his mess. Tell the both to report to the firing range tomorrow morning. He's going to be her combat instructor."
On a related note, more contraband has been confiscated. Inquires are also being made into the contraband that has gone missing.
Jan 24th, 2040
Al and I finalized our method of dealing with contraband. 1/2 of it will be recycled into toilet paper. the other 1/2 will be used as a kind of reward. Soldiers/ scientists who do well might have some relaxation time, if you get my drift.
*insert a MASSIVE amount of disdain here