Time for a tea break.
Would you agree that "evolution" is just a useful scientific approximation, aimed mostly to help at the comprehension of the past, not the greatest law of the Universe, or the scientific justification of the dominance of man on Earth? And that the definition of success of an organism derived from this approximation is just another approximation? If you agree with me on that, then you must agree also that there isn't a clear winner between an animal that's lived a long life, has defeated all its opponents, has never been ill, but hasn't had any descendants, and another animal that died at a young age but left many children.
My imagination just can't produce so much unique stuff. You know, what,
trisgea flimus that lives near the bottom and is a film of slime and shell, has discovered that a particular kind of shape is favourable for hydrodynamics and sucking minerals.
trisgea X-wingusIt has 4 sort of "wings". It either connected with another of flimuses, or two layers became separated, and there is a sort of hard rod in the middle, keeping it together. Now it can wave the wings around, sucking nutritious minerals and bacteria between them where they stick and get digested. Also, floats around with unseen before grace.