Consider Kolakir. You might get a different name for it, but whatever. Just LOOK at this place.
It's not the perfect dwarven site - no chasm (66-level drop in a narrow underground waterslide notwithstanding), and the fun is quite a ways off. But the sheer design potential of the place seems quite high. First of all, the highest peak is 111 levels high from ground level. The closely neighboring peaks allow any sort of constructions you might fancy inbetween, and the magmapipe is rather safely walled off until you desire to barge in. There are many trees, and the top soil layer is white sand, so glassworking should be possible. The mountain is primarily gabbro and granite, which doesn't leave much of a steelmaking possibility, but there are enough precious metals and gemstones to get anything you want through trade. In any case, you can try to get a different mineral makeup of the site by using a different history seed.
The worldgen info:
Created in DF v0.28.181.40d16.
The site is here:
Last but not least, the mountain's lower edge is a straight 3-level rampless wall of rock covered by a thin layer of sand. If you want a 2D-like feel, that's about as close as it gets.