Dear Team d18:
You broke my favourite exploit!
Just recently, using d16, I got into the habit of dump-spamming rock. Yes, I was one of those heinous villains that would put all the rock in the fortress into a 1x1 garbage dump at the bottom of a ramp.
I would normally go to an area full of rock, loo[K] around, pick up the first one, [D]ump it, and as I held the D key, I would move from rock to rock with the arrow keys. It would select all the rocks with a few skipped, here and there, but generally a 90% success chance. Now, I try the same thing, and nada. I played around with the init settings, I matched them to those from my d16 folder, nope, no dice.
So thank you. You're keeping me more honest.
Or just forcing me to go back to actually PRESSING the D-key for each rock.
As to the question about grid size, here's my display options:
I just added in GRID. I don't know if it's necessary, or if it's covered already by having the GRAPHICS_WINDOWEDX & Y changed, but it makes me feel more secure having it.
From what I understand, the new system doesn't use [GRID] because it just shows the maximum number of tiles based on your resolution, and pads the extra with black space. Are your tiles getting stretched? If so, try using GRID.