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Author Topic: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started  (Read 3505 times)


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Re: Tribes of Myth One spot left!
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2010, 04:59:53 pm »

Tribe's Name: La'ezith
Tribe's Race: Lufan
Brief physical description of said race: Avians, with plumage ranging from golden yellow to muddy brown, and usually with crimson patterns on the wings of males. They can't fly far, maybe fluttering a bit, but they can glide. They can control their fluttering to pick up objects with their talons, and use tools. Most of their tools, however, have wing shaped handles, eliminating this problem. They have ridiculously limber wings. They have majestic singing voices, with amazing songs they sing. It is said that the greatest singers can tame animals with their voice. They are about the size of donkeys, by the way. Maybe a bit larger.
Leader's name(who you are): Aztot'ath
What the Leader specializes in: Animal taming
Any deities: They are monotheistic, with the great Lufan deity Somosat. He was a goldfinch, who created all, including the Lufan.
A description of your starting environment: Temprate dedicious forest.
Food source: They plant food, usually berries and fruit in orchards.
Three Skills: Magical tendencies
wood cutting
Just out of curiosity, what DOES Dwarf Fortress smell like?
Death, Booze, and Insanity.
Ladders are absolutely essential for one reason and one reason only:

Welcome, friends to Slaves to Armok III: Snakes and Ladders.


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Re: Tribes of Myth One spot left!
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2010, 06:38:08 pm »

all I can say is, om nom nom.

"When birdies die, who eats the remains... WORMS!'


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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2010, 06:55:22 pm »

Ok, so everyone's posted, tech's set in the first post.
For the start you should focus on gaining food, and base materials, everyone has enough homes for their CURRENT population (10 huts/houses, 5 max people per house.) and some basic tools, for their selected skills but nothing else.  If you want something your gonna have to make it, i'm gonna keep track of food, and buildings for the first turn, then after I will set up some lists of what you'll need to make new buildings, your tools, ect.

An example turn would be:

Spring:Plow land, plant crops, cut down enough trees for a food-storehouse,
Summer: Build store house, collect first round of crops, plant more, cut down enough trees for a meeting hall and a new house.
Fall:Build meeting hall, house, replant crops, research something.
Winter: collect last crops, cut down trees for firewood, ration out firewood for houses, continue research.

what might come of that would be that your people have 4 new children due to good harvests that year, you store enough food to last 2 more seasons, and you find a new Base technology.  Above all be creative, with a sprinkling of logic.


oh and you want to see anything let me know and I'll add it.
Nom nom nom

Heron TSG

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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2010, 09:46:19 pm »

Well, before my tribe starts trading, I'm going to get my village set up. I'll have to avoid fire though, my people being made of bamboo. Does not having much in the way of blood help against freezing to death, in order to balance out the lack of fire?

Tribe: Beniamino
Race: Bamboo Stickmen

Spring:*Plow land
           *Plant one field with wheat, and one field with cannabis (for the hemp!)
           *Tell non-farming villagers to dig small cellars beneath their huts to store food in.

Summer: *Collect first round of crops
               *Plant more (but rotate fields. Cannabis likes soil that wheat has grown in, and vice-versa.
               *cut down enough trees for a meeting hall and a new house. in doing so, we create more farmland.
               *Hang cannabis out to dry (it'll hemp up!) and cook some bread from wheat. Store bread in cellars.

Fall:*Build meeting hall and house
      *Replant crops (Again, rotating)
      *Research better planting
      *Start weaving simple robes, mats and ropes out of the new hemp

Winter:*Harvest last crops
            *Hang mats over doorways and windows to keep in heat
            *Ration out robes for warm-keeping, start creating nets out of the ropes.
            *Continue researching planting
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 12:39:34 am by Barbarossa the Seal God »

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2010, 10:15:01 pm »

Fat is fairly flammable too :p just don't have dry bamboo people. That'll fix it!

The winter's snow melted, as the chief of the tribe, Reverant of Loke, took a mistletoe in his hand. Spring was coming. "We're going hunting soon, chief." One of the Fallen said. "Good." Lidhuin replied "Take all the spears, bows and arrows you need. We're going to need that meat." He returned to the others and told them, "People, a new year is upon us and we must ready ourselves. Let us move towards the sea and bring our camp with us." The tribe cheered in unison.

Having fashioned an arrow out of the mistletoe, the chief looked out upon the sea. He saw that hunting there was as valid an option as hunting in the forest. He called one of the men forth. "I'll have you keep cutting down wood, but some of you should start working on fashioning something that'll let us get out into those waters and fish. Wood floats, right?" The man nodded, and returned to work. Lidhuin returned to looking out at the sea. Symbolically, he threw the mistletoe arrow into it.

"Winter will be upon us soon, chief." One of the maidens said. Lidhuin looked at her. She had spent much time preparing for the feast that evening. A pretty thing she was, but deadly too and he knew that. "We will prepare. The ground is soft. We should build a pit and cover it from the rain and against animals." The maiden nodded and left. Lidhuin was sure he'd see more of her later.

It would soon be time for the winter solstice feast. Lidhuin of The Fallen of Bifrost hoped they had enough food to last them. If not, the women still capable should go hunting in the woods. He looked over the tribe, and examined what they had accomplished that year and what he expected they should accomplish the next.

Assumption: Hunting includes maintainance of ammo and weapon stocks.

Spring: *The camp moves towards the ocean.
           *The men cut down wood and the women go hunting.
           *Hides are tanned, bones are stored, etc... in one of the tents.
            *The hides will be kept for later.

Summer: *Some of the men cut down wood.
             *Some of the men try to use the wood to float on the water.
            *Some of the women go hunting, tan hides, etc...
              *Some of the women go fishing.

Fall: *Some of the men cut down wood.
      *Some of the men try to dig a pit and line it with tanned hides, as well as cover it with branches, leather and leaves, to protect it against the elements. Here they store any auxillary food they find, leather, bones and such.
       *Some of the women will try to hunt in the water. Some of the women will go hunting for food.

Winter: *In the early winter, new tents are made out of excess leather and wood.
          *If food stocks start running low, women go hunting.
          *Clothes are made out of fur.
          *Excess time is divided between trying to research an ocean floatation device and chopping wood.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 10:17:54 pm by Lidhuin »


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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2010, 10:25:59 pm »

Spring: Gather wood, Gather spiderweb, weave cloth, build wood and cloth storage huts.
Summer: Trap meat, gather food, send emmisary to the brotherhood of worms with cloth gifts, study magic.
Autumn: Trap meat, gather wood, gather herbs, gather spiderwebs.
Winter: teach children, make medicine, make cloth, continue studying magic.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2010, 12:24:20 am »


Spring:Chop wood, make a firewood stock, hunt for food.
Summer: Build a storage shed for the food we make, Research into preserving food with smoke, gather more wood, continue to hunt, store some wood for winter
Fall:Gather more wood, hunt for more food, build a meeting hall, study magic
Winter: Give out wood for the fire as necessary, research into preserving food and better hunting tools.


Women and Men: They should be used to cut down tree's and hunt, as best as they can, giving hte most talented hunters dedicated hunting jobs, the rest cutting down wood
Elders and Children: Should organize the wood so that the more sturdy pieces can be saved for building, the rest pushed into a central stockpile for fires.

Men: Some men should split off from their hunting and wood gathering duties, and build a place to store the food they have, Storage should be large enough that it will be able to hold a good amount of food.
Women: Women should continue to hunt, and grab wood.
Elders: They should experiment with how fire can be used to preserve goods, from cooking, to letting the smoke weather it.
One elder and Children: Should continue to organize wood, and food, in preparation for winter.

Men and Women: They should get together and work to build a meeting hall big enough for them all, with room, then continue to hunt until the storage is full. A few can continue to gather wood if needed.
Elders:They should work now on the mysterious nature of magic, and what they can do.
One elder and children: They should learn things like how to hunt and the legends of the people during this time.

Men and Women: They should work on keeping the needs met, hunting and gathering wood when necessary, but otherwise, working with the elders to research new ways of storing food, and teaching the children.
Children: They should learn about how to hunt during this time, and help as needed.
Elders: Storing food should be investigated, the best ways to make it last, while also working on magic, and teaching the kids if needed.

Figure giving a more detailed introspection couldn't hurt no?
I suspect you've never tried doing many illegal things yet in your game. The second the CCS knows you're "active", they'll come down on you like the hammer of God.

Heron TSG

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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2010, 12:38:59 am »

To add on to my previous post, children and elders will weave and store food and such, while the rest of the Beniamino do the heavy lifting.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2010, 02:07:56 am »

  The Bit Bait looked over the eyestalks of the gathered, "Little Baiters, Baiters and Old Baiters, lend me your hearing holes!"

Spring - Men start to mine into a rocky cliff face, placing stone in a stockpile - women plow/plant field - children gather firewood - elders pray to Scat.

Summer - Men dig branching tunnels,  in 'Cavehome' placing more stone in the stockpile - Women harvest crops - children dance around the campfire during 'The Festival of Scat' and the gather firewood - Elders start thinking about magic.  Receive RAM's funny loookin' guy, decide not to eat him, allow him to take part in 'The Festival of Scat'.  Place any gifts in the 'untouchable pile' after he leaves.  It is to be watched over.. with spears!.  Send him back with some stone as a thank you.

Fall -  women replant fields and collect firewood - Men mine out underground storage room for food - children help the women - Elder's continue magical thinking.

Winter - Children move tents to the warm Cavehome and continue gathering firewood - Women harvest winter crop - men construct defensive wall - Elders research underground construction techniques, mainly arches to prevent possible cave-ins.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 02:30:00 am by Yarnspinner »


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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2010, 04:55:37 am »

*waits to see how much specification the GM is willing to endure*
*hopes that someone inputs a turn specifying exactly how many of each type of citizen will spend how much time on each action.*
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2010, 05:09:30 am »

*waits to see how much specification the GM is willing to endure*
*hopes that someone inputs a turn specifying exactly how many of each type of citizen will spend how much time on each action.*

I agree it's a bit ambiguous.  Not really sure what exactly is required for what, which requires X labor.  It would be a pain to keep up with too much detail.  I guess we will find out <laughs>


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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2010, 05:15:58 am »

Yeah, I mostly hope that someone else does it because it means that I don't have to. If all these actions go through without incident I think I might have to put in a days timetable for each month, with bonus timetables for celebrations and the equivelent of weekends...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2010, 11:57:13 am »

I have a few things to note,
1. You don't have any clue where the other tribes are, you can say search for other people, but who you find and where is unknown.
2. Accuarcy is great, more people working on something, better chance it will work, plus with the details, it's easier for me to figure out what would go wrong if something does.
3. bamboo people won't freeze, they live in a tropical jungle, worm people have chances to be attacked above ground, and whether or not your first sight of one another goes well is up to the RNG.
4.For the first few turns, labor is unimportant, the less people working on something the higher chance it won't get done, or they wil be hurt, ect.  I still gotta work out the last bits of my system.
5. Turn will be done in a few hours.
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2010, 02:56:24 pm »

Poking 100Killer, need your turn to continue.
Nom nom nom


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Re: Tribes of Myth Turn one Started
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2010, 03:17:07 pm »


Beniamino-The land seems resistant to your plowing, but after some hard work, you get two small feilds set up.  Yet your hard work pays off, and withing a week the feilds are bursting with sprouts of hemp and wheat.  The non-farmers begin working on the first two cellars, when suddenly the houses collasps inward, luckily no one was killed, though 10 people are now homeless.
The villagers recouver, and the rest of the spring is quite.  They do manage to get a single cellar done.

The Fallen-As you set off towards the sea, bandits charge your camp, yet they seem to not know who you are, and as soon  as the attack began, it was over.  A quick survay shows that no one was harmed.. atleast of your people, and 10 bandits lay dead, you scavange them and get 10 suits of copper armor, and 10 wooden spears.  You set off for the Ocean, when the bandits return, in greater numbers.  Arrows fly from both sides, and as the battle starts you count the bandits quickly, there's 45.... an even match.  One of your men is wounded by an arrow, and unable to keep fighting.  With the sight of blood you charge forward into melee, cutting through the bandits ranks like a knife through butter, 10 bandits fall dead.  The rest close around your townspeople, yet they cannot find an opening.  One of your women charges forward, and is cut down the second she leaves the ranks.  The bandits who killed her charge forward, yet are impailed by you and your people, (another 5 bandits dead, 30 left).  Seeing how easily they fall before you, they run.  With revenge in your eyes you charge, and after seconds have left your men behind.  You quickly overtake them and they fall without a second.  Like a hero of old you fight, and as you kill the 29'th bandit, you charge at the last one and into a village by the sea.  You slay him, just as your town comes behind you, carrying your supplies and the spoils of war.  An enspection of the village shows that you have made it to the sea, and the small port holds 10 wood and stone houses, enough for your whole tribe, an inn, with good stocks of beer and meat, and low and behold, a single fishing ship sits in the harbour.  No one is in the town so you take it as your own.

still working, posted what I have so far.
Nom nom nom
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