1st Granite
Arrived on site. Crazy cold, and no farmable areas except for 7 floors down. We are going to dig out a place to live in this madness.
6th Granite
All of our animals have frozen to death. That was fast.
8th Granite
ZOMBIE GOASTS LEAVE THIS PLACE! Miner was drafted to fight off hooved menace.
9th Granite
A number of the workers appear to be suffering from massive frostbite of the head. Establishing a safe place indoors for them to stay.
10th Granite
Moved all valuables inside, even if more extreme measures needed to be taken.
9th Felsite
While I realize how goddamn cold it is out there, it is also imperative that we start getting some food and fast. It appears to be too cold for the local fauna, and most of it appears most unappetizing. I am building a set of walls and a ceiling on the farmable area so that the farmers don't freeze their fucking faces off.
5th Hematite
Work on the farms is going slowly, due to low amounts of construction supplies and workers that decide to sleep in -25 degree weather.
Fucking morons.
18th Hematite
After a few false starts, we finally have a real farm going.
3rd Galena
Holy shit, this mountain is packed with gems! Even though I know it will eventually be my frozen tomb, I still take pride in the fact that I can have a jewel encrusted coffin.
22nd Galena
We're running out of indoor space on one side, so I'm sending a team to go dig me an office on the other mountain spire.
13th Limestone
The mountainhomes informed me that a trade caravan would simply not be possible, but all the same. . .
Guess we should build that trade depot before they all freeze to death.
18th Limestone
Well, too late. At least we got some free stuff.
20th Limestone
28th Sandstone
22nd Timber
Fucking Zombie goats are getting in the way of our supply route. I handed one of the new migrants an axe and told him to get choppin'
Goddammit. I'm sending more workers to go help him. I think we had a fish cleaner to waste.
4th Obsidian
Food supplies are getting low. I assigned our most experienced fighter to go hunt the local fauna. It appears that the cold has weakened them somewhat, but our soldier isn't doing much better. A few days of hunting appears to be causing moderate facial injuries.