Incoming Spring! Duck in cover!
A robed figure approached the blossoming fortress of Talltower the Tall Tower of Ice. After completely ignoring the traps of the entrance, he happens upon a local.
“Who is in charge here?” the figure asks.
“Aach, noo one, last guy couldn’t tack th’ heht. Went n’ vamoosed. Still lookin’ fer a new ‘un. But noo one wants ta deal wi’ this mess. An’ the ole’r leaders are all feelin’ sick fer lack o’ booze er water.” The dwarf responded.
“Indeed? Well, look no further. A new dwarf for the job has arrived.” The figure strode forward confidently. “I think I may know precisely where to look for water. As for booze, I suspect I know the problem. New fortress overseers frequently develop a booze problem in spite of plentiful food.” The simple dwarf worker went on about his business, glancing after the strange new arrival periodically.
“Came a bit earlay fer the Spring migration.” A thoughtful expression passed across his face. “I dinna’ tell him we had a lotta food . . .”
1st Granite, Early Spring 304
It was surprisingly easy to gain control of this fortress. It’s incredibly unstable for a new fortress; no one here was willing to lead it. Perfect for what I seek to do. I was right about the booze problems - way too much farmland being used. They had a 15x15 plot, all of which functioning at maximum capacity. There were enough barrels for a tremendous fortress, it was just that there were so many plants and prepared meals that they were all full and unusable for booze. Some stockpile phenangling straigtened things out.
I also used a small spell to determine the location of an underground - and thus thawed - water source. Nothing meant for such a purpose - just a roadway check and a visualization of one’s surroundings. Not things intended for such a purpose, but far more effective than those that are.
Seven dwarves have died of thirst so far. Only dwarves of significance were a couple of guards.
13th Granite
One of the former leaders died today. Some sort of part-time crash test dwarf, whatever that’s supposed to be. Less for me to worry about, and the more my control can grow.
The was an ambush of goblins, or possibly gawblins (what’s the difference between them anyway?). They ran right into the cages. Saps.
20th Granite
The underground river was found today. As I predicted from a consult with the dead of this place, it was empty of any hostile creatures. It will likely be tapped properly by tomorrow.
3rd Slate
Now that the drink supply is relatively stable, and that dwarves can now stay alive (barring incidents with the local undead), I honestly don’t care for the state of these dwarves. I just need drones to construct my dwellings. I would use a variation of orc, goblin, or undead, but dwarves are just better at building. One day, they will have to go. But that day will likely be a long way off.
Naturally, though, I don’t want to let this tantrum wave grow into a full spiral. That would just make things worse. There are still some tantrums, but the recent deaths have reduced the population to 34 dwarves. In addition, there is likely to be a migrant wave soon, full of fresh drones with no acquaintances. I should have little to do to keep them happy.
20th Slate
A dungeon master has arrived with a migrant wave. He may provide some degree of usefulness whilst I work with these dwarves. Some masons, soldiers, crafters, and cannon fodder peasants in need of buffing up for the military. Something has to keep these things alive long enough to build the tower, and they’d get suspicious if greenskins came to guard them.
13th Felsite
A gemcutter has gone fey. I predict either another useless perfect gem, or some article of furniture made almost entirely of gems. No magic here, that’s just how moods with these guys normally go. The dwarf quickly took over a workshop and began collecting materials.
15th Slate
The gemcutter successfully gathered a single gem. Useless perfect gem it is, then.
18th Felsite
It appears I was mistaken.
About as valuable as a perfect dendritic agate at 4800*, but more useful. I might use it for my “chambers.”