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Author Topic: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)  (Read 5309 times)


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Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« on: February 20, 2010, 12:00:45 am »

Okay, I am gonna give up on linking this individually and just make a topic here. This is the Foot Soldiers system (working title) and it is still under development and expansion.

The following is the system for Foot Soldiers, similar to the DnD system. Foot Soldiers is the name of the game I am currently running, not the name of the system.

Character Sheet (can be added to)
HP: #/#
EXP: #/#
Coins: #
Dominant hand:

Melee Combat:
When battle starts you are all required to post what you will do during the battle and it is played out in real time.

Combat is based on 1d20s. On default, attacks have a 50% chance of hitting, 11 or over.
A natural 20 on a hit roll will bypass all dodge/block rolls, including armor, and reroll any hits that land on hands/feet.

If the enemy has a shield or buckler, they will roll to block, usually 11 or over. Otherwise the player must roll higher than the attacker's hit roll to successfully dodge.
Arrows bypass dodging and blocking rolls.
If at any time the attacker rolls a 1, the attack is blocked/dodged and countered unless the person is using a ranged weapon or polearm. If they are using a shield, the counter-attack will be a shield bash rather than a regular attack. A shield bash will also occur if a block roll is a 20 or over.

If the hit succeeds, roll a power roll. If it is 10 or under, deduct damage points based on how far below it was. If it rolls 19 or over, the attack is a critical hit, and the damage is doubled and the victim is bowled over. If it rolls 17 or 18, the attack will stumble the victim, giving them a  -5 on their next roll. Arrows do not have power rolls.

If modifiers go below 1 or over 20, it is recommended that they be carried over as modifiers to the next attack. If someone rolls a 1-5 on a to-hit, then the result will be -4, and the counter-attack will get a +4 to-hit. If that rolls 18+2, the result is 22, and the power roll gets a +2. If the power roll is 20+1, the result is 21, and the damage roll gets a +1.

Weapon Materials
Material melee attack rolls:

Steel - +3 to-hit
Iron - +2 to-hit
Copper +1 to-hit
Wood - -1 to-hit

Armor protects certain areas of your body. Different materials protect better.

If armor suffers a hit that takes over 25% of the player's health off, it will degrade. Steel becomes as protective as iron, iron as copper, copper as bone, and bone, leather, and wood are all destroyed. Armor breaking will prevent bleeding from occurring, however.

Steel - 5-10 damage
Iron - 2-7 damage
Copper - 1-5 damage
Bone - 1-3 damage
Leather - 1-2 damage
Wood - 1 damage

Plate - torso (+2 damage resistance)
Chain - torso (+1 damage resistance)
GM's Note: If either of these are made of leather, wood, etc, they count as breastplates instead of plate or chainmail. No extra damage resistance.
Cap - head (-1 damage resistance)
Helm - head
Bascinet - head (+1 damage resistance)
Leggings - legs + groin (+1 damage resistance)
High boots - legs + feet
Low boots - feet
Vambraces - arms
Gauntlet - hands
Greaves - legs (+1 damage resistance)
Buckler - left arm, reduces damage by material if roll is above 10 but below to-hit, blocks otherwise
Shield - left arm, blocks damage

Experience is used solely for unlocking skills.
Every enemy you face in a fight gives you 10 EXP. Five enemies yield 50. This is divided evenly among everyone in the group who was fighting (except NPCs). So, with five people fighting and five enemies, everyone gets 10 EXP at the end of the fight. People knocked unconscious or killed do not get EXP.

Every level your health is raised and you get a skill space. You can improve on your old skills or add a new one. Every level in a skill (up to 10) raises its effectiveness.

Unarmed Combat
Unarmed combat is fairly simple. If you're on a horse, you trample your enemy for 2 hits. Unless they are also on a horse, of course. In which case you default to haphazard punching. Punching is a low-power attack but beneficial in that if you roll a foot/leg/hand hit you disregard it (unless you were aiming). It cannot cause bleeding and can only do up to 5 damage, max.

Similarly to unarmed combat, shield bashing is rolled on a 1d20 and can do damage based on its material, halved.

Those with whips and those unarmed can try and disarm a person. Roll a d20, aiming for 11 and above. Then, roll a dodge roll for the disarmee. If they get above what the disarmer got, they keep their weapon. Otherwise, it is dropped and anyone can spend a turn grabbing it. Disarming counts as an attack and will take up a turn, and can be blocked with a shield or buckler with the same rules as attacking.

Primary and offhand limbs
Characters can choose to be left-handed or right-handed. This will affect which hand wields their weapon. As well, one gains a +1 to hit rolls when throwing a punch with their dominant hand (ambidextrous characters gain this +1 no matter which hand they use). Any actions requiring ones' hands (i.e. lockpicking, fighting, disarming) will have a -2 if the character is missing their dominant hand. Two-handed weapons can be wielded one-handed with a -5 to-hit penalty, and are not dropped when the primary limb is severed.

Wounds will affect all rolls. These penalties are stacked on top of existing penalties.

7-8 HP: -1
5-6 HP: -2
3-4 HP: -3
1-2 HP: -4

A character will not die until they reach -5 health. When they hit 0 (or if they suffer a hit to the head that drops their health below 8) they are knocked out.

Archery is a bit more complex. The archer first takes a d20 roll to see if the shot makes it. Dodge rolls are bypassed. Armor is then checked against the arrow, usually with subtracted effectiveness. A 20 or above will bypass armor rolls completely. If it is successful, damage is rolled based off the arrowhead of the arrow. All rolls are affected by the Archery skill. Arrows can be dipped in potions, which will be delivered upon a successful hit. One bundle of arrows only takes one use.

Bodkin - 1d10 damage, +2 to-hit, cannot penetrate plate
Blunt - 1d5 nonlethal/limb damage
Fixed-blade broadhead - 2d10 damage, -1 to-hit, causes bleeding on crit
Mechanical broadhead - 1d15 damage, causes bleeding on crit
Field tip - 1d10 damage

Normal material to-hit modifiers apply.

Similarly, thrown weapons are considered archery but damage is based on normal weapon damage. Dodges get a -5 modifier versus a thrown weapon, and blocks a  -1. Thrown weapons will not bypass armor. Two-handed weapons cannot be thrown.

Potions are 6 use. You can dip weapons in them. Each dip is 1 use and lasts 10 combat turns. Each quaff is 2 uses and is instantaneous (unless designed to have a delayed effect). If you quaff a potion with 1 use left, you will get half of the total effect.

Poison does 1d6 damage per turn. It can be obtained through a potion. Bleeding potions roll a 1d10. A 10 is fatal bleeding, a 9 is grievous bleeding, an 8 or 7 is severe bleeding, a 5 or 6 is serious bleeding, a 4-5 is bad bleeding, and a 1-3 is normal bleeding.

Can only be caused by edged weapons. Armor will prevent bleeding, no matter how much damage the attack does. Arrows will only cause bleeding if removed. If a character loses 25% of their health via bleeding, they lose consciousness. All attack rolls succeed instantly, but must still be rolled for critical hits. Bleeding will slowly taper off one level per 10 rounds on its own if not treated.

Normal - 1 HP drain
Badly - 2 HP drain
Seriously - 3 HP drain
Severely - 4 HP drain
Grievously - 5 HP drain
Fatally - 10 HP drain
ex. Squeegy is seriously bleeding! = 3 HP drain per turn or battle turn.

Limb Damage & Removal

Damaging each limb has adverse affects on the character, ranging from mild to lethal. You must roll a limb hit for each successful hit and add the appropriate amount of damage. Hand-to-hand combat and non-bladed weapons cannot remove limbs.

Limb removal chart:
Head - 20% of total HP
Arm - 25% of total HP
Hand - 10% of total HP
Torso/Groin - 50% of total HP
Leg - 30% of total HP
Foot - 15% of total HP

This amount of damage must be dealt in a single hit. Limbs can be crippled (rendered unusable) by taking double the amount of damage cumulatively than is necessary to remove it (note: limbs will take full damage even when protected by armor, actual damage taken will be reduced). If a major limb is removed (arm, leg), the target immediately begins bleeding severely. If it is a minor limb (hand, foot), target begins bleeding badly.

Limb crippling/severing effects:
Head - instant death
Arm/hand - Unable to wield weapon (primary limb)/unable to use shield/buckler (offhand limb)
Torso/groin - instant death*
Leg/foot - -5 to dodge rolls, -1 to-hit
Both arms/hands - Unable to wield any weapons or attempt any actions that require the use of one or more hand
Both legs/feet - Unable to stand, -8 to dodge rolls, -2 to-hit
Paraplegic - Unable to attempt any actions (unless they could be completed with only ones' teeth), -10 to dodge rolls
*Torso is not removed, rather the enemy is chopped in half.

Intent to sever
This is essentially a powerattack added to a normal attack roll. It is a -1 to-hit and a +2 to damage. You must be aiming at a specific body part to use this attack.

Enemy morale (optional roll)
If an enemy party has a leader, they will remain organized as long as he remains alive. If not, after losing half of their strength they will begin losing morale, and have to roll a 11 or above on a 1d20 to remain in combat. Each successive death after adds a -1 to the roll. Morale rolls get a +1 for each person they have managed to kill in the party. If they fail a morale roll, they will flee. Unless interrupted by a successful attack, they will escape combat after one turn has passed.

Skills can be used in combination. All skills used in combination must be first learned. Skills can be learned at their relevant places, or by someone who knows the skill. You get space for a new skill every level. If you take a skill more than once, you get bonuses for it (up to 10 times). If you don't know a skill, actions relevant to that skill get a -1, unless the skill is denoted by a *.
Acrobatics - Gives bonuses for balance, jumping, tumbling, etc.
Ambidextrous - You can only put two levels in this skill. One negates penalty for using offhand limb to wield weapons/complete actions. The second allows dual wielding with no penalties.
Animal Handler - Gives bonuses to interaction with animals.
Archery* - Gives bonuses to archery.
Bandaging - Used to bandage bleeding wounds.
Block* - Boosts a block roll by 1 every 2 levels.
Brutality - 5 levels of this skill will remove the -1 to-hit on an intent to sever roll. 10 levels will double the amount of damage dealt for a successful intent to sever roll.
Climbing - Gives bonuses for climbing and increases climb speed. Includes ropes.
Concentration - Helps concentration during battle. Mostly used for magic.
Craft - Used for making things. Specific to a single type of craft.
Disarm - Boosts a disarm roll by 1 every 2 levels.
Disguise - Lets you disguise yourself as others, or as scenery.
Dodge* - Boosts a dodge roll by 1 every 2 levels.
Escape Artist - Helps you get out of bonds, traps, etc.
Fisticuffs* - Gives bonuses to unarmed melee.
Forgery - Used with Scripture to forge documents.
Heal* - Gives bonuses to healing people. Every other level starting with the first will give a +1 to health potions, except the last (#10), which is +5.
Hide - Lets you hide in scenery.
Identify - Helps you identify materials of objects.
Identify Use - Helps you identify uses of potions and scrolls.
Language - Lets you speak a given language.
Listen - Gives bonuses to hearing, lets you listen through walls and doors.
Lockpicking - Used for picking locks of all kinds. Must have lockpicks to use.
Riding - Lets you ride tamed animals.
Scripture - Used for reading and writing.
Sneak - Lets you move and interact silently.
Speech - Gives bonuses to speech.
Perform - Gives bonuses for performances and playing of instruments.
Psychology - Lets you sense motives, and other things.
Swim - Lets you swim.
Throwing* - The art of throwing weapons. Daggers and knives get a +2 to-hit if the attacker has this skill. Normal weapons get a -2 if they are thrown without this skill.
Trade - Gives bonuses for trading.
Visual Acuity - Gives you increased visual acuity. Used for things like spotting, searching, etc.
Axe Specialization: adds +1 to-hit on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level, adds +1 damage on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th level for axe weapons
Sword Specialization: adds +1 to-hit on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level, adds +1 damage on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th level for sword weapons
Flail Specialization: adds +1 to-hit on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level, adds +1 damage on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th level for flailing weapons
Blunt Specialization: adds +1 to-hit on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level, adds +1 damage on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th level for blunt trauma weapons
Spear Specialization: adds +1 to-hit on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level, adds +1 damage on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th level for spear weapons

Random Item Generation
I use this list for randomly generating loot and equipment for enemies/allies.

Categories (1d6 for loot)
1- Armor
2- Gold
3- Weapons
4- Loot
5- Potions/Scrolls
6- Nothing

1- steel
2- iron
3- copper
4- bone
5- leather
6- wood

1- plate
2- chain
3- cap
4- helm
5- bascinet
6- leggings
7- high boots
8- low boots
9- gauntlet
10- greaves
11- Vambraces
12- buckler
13- shield

1- 1
2- 5
3- 10
4- 15
5- 20
6- 25

Weapons ((S) denotes sharp weapon capable of severing, (T) denotes two-handed)
1- Battle axe (S) (axe) - 1d10 damage
2- Crossbow (bow) - 2d5 damage
3- Dagger (S) (dagger) - 1d5 damage
4- Flail (flail) - 1d8 damage
5- Great axe (T)(S) (axe) - 4d5 damage
6- Long sword (T)(S) (penalty for one-handed is only -3) (sword) - 2d7 damage
7- Mace (blunt) - 2d5 damage
8- Morningstar (x3 crit) (blunt) - 2d8 damage
9- Pick (T) (x3 crit, x2 if one-handed) (penalty for one-handed is only -3) (axe) - 2d4 damage
10- Pike (T) (spear) - 2d8 damage
11- Scimitar (S) (sword) - 1d10 damage
12- Halberd (T)(S) (spear) - 2d12 damage
13- Hammer (blunt) - 3d5 damage
14- Short sword (S) (sword) - 2d5 damage
15- Spear (no one-handed penalty, 3x crit if wielded two-handed) (spear) - 2d6 damage
16- Two-handed Sword (T)(S) - 2d10 damage
17- War hammer (T) (blunt) - 3d10 damage
18- Whip (flail) - 1d8 damage
19- Bow (bow) - 1d8 damage
20- Blowgun (bow) - 1d4 damage

1- Idol
2- Ring
3- Amulet
4- Bracelet
5- Scepter
6- Crown

1- health
2- poison/acid
3- water
4- levitation
5- bleeding
6- invincibility
7- flying
8- invulnerability
9- mutation
10- cure illness
11- hurt
12- heal
13- detect traps
14- identify
15- heal wounds
16- fireball
17- freeze
18- raise dead
19- teleportation
20- summon monster

1-2 Head
3-6 Torso
7-8 Left arm
9 Left hand
10-11 Right arm
12 Right hand
13-14 Groin
15-16 Left leg (hit causes a stumble)
17 Left foot
18-19 Right leg (hit causes a stumble)
20 Right foot

All of the rules here should be subject to careful scrutiny and changed as needed to fit the game.

Comments, criticism, and suggestions welcome!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 08:26:03 pm by Squeegy »
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 04:18:27 am »

That weapon damage is really high for people with 25 HP. Then again, I'm all for a system where people start at level 1 with 1d6 HP and weapons all do 1d6, which is what I'm doing in D&D. So looking at it that way, a wooden club seems a tiny bit underpowered ...

I'd suggest making them closer together, is all. Maybe to give wood / bone weapons a downside to make them worse you could do a 1 in 6 chance every combat that the item breaks.

So more like:

          DMG       Breaks      Special
Steel     2d10+5    None
Iron      2d10+2    None
Copper    2d10      1 in 12
Bone      1d10      1 in 6      Armor counts double
Leather   1d8       1 in 6      Armor counts double
Wood      1d8       1 in 6      Armor counts double
Unarmed   1d6       None        Armor counts double, 1 HP taken if you hit armor

And start people with the 25 HP.

Furthermore, give +2 damage with two-handed melee weapons and crossbows (crossbows must be reloaded for one round before being fired) and give -2 damage to small weapons like daggers.

Here's the average damage per hit:

          Small      Medium     Large / Crossbow
Steel     14         16         18
Iron      11         13         15
Copper    9          11         13
Bone      3.5        5.5        7.5
Leather   2.5        4.5        6.5
Wood      2.5        4.5        6.5
Unarmed   1.5        3.5        5.5

However, you halve that damage to get a per-round output before dodging / blocking. That and the effects of armor are too complicated for me to untangle easily.

Notice that the steel and iron weapons, and any large metal ones, can kill in two average hits. The steel weapons can kill with a single maximum hit, but this is unlikely. The chance is 1 in 100 for an instant Steel Sword kill, but an average-damage critical with it is more likely at 1 in 20 and is just as deadly. So you're looking at only natural 20s being instant kills, though they're pretty much a death sentence with any metal weapon.

Anyway, just consider the special effects at least even if you don't want to change your numbers.
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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 04:34:59 am »

As far as I can see the weapon damages are fairly balanced. The 10-round battle in the Foot Soldiers game went well, it seemed to be a tough battle for both sides with no clear winners until the end.
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2010, 03:35:22 pm »


I just thought the difference between a wooden club and a steel club shouldn't be x6 damage ... although for cutting and piercing weapons it certainly makes sense.
The Expedition Map
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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2010, 05:10:20 pm »

Well, a steel club is going to hurt a hell of a lot more if it thumps into your face.
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
⚔Dueling Blades⚔
Fertile Lands
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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2010, 02:38:00 pm »

I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
⚔Dueling Blades⚔
Fertile Lands
The Emerald Isles


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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2010, 02:47:20 pm »

This helped me a good bit in the last battle in understanding how things worked, I like this system.
Oh wait, "insane" doesn't work on this forum.
Crap, can't think of an alternative.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2010, 03:11:06 pm »

If you like the system, use it! I want this thing to get modified/used for every possible forum game!
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
⚔Dueling Blades⚔
Fertile Lands
The Emerald Isles


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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2010, 01:46:47 am »

I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
⚔Dueling Blades⚔
Fertile Lands
The Emerald Isles

Askot Bokbondeler

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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2010, 07:43:39 pm »

following this. right now i'm working on a strategy game, so i need a fairly simpler battle system, but this seems interesting enough for when i host a rpg


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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2010, 10:16:09 pm »

Horrible shameless bump.
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
⚔Dueling Blades⚔
Fertile Lands
The Emerald Isles


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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2010, 10:07:08 pm »

Months later, another horrible shameless bump.
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
⚔Dueling Blades⚔
Fertile Lands
The Emerald Isles


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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2010, 08:26:42 pm »

New additions to this sytem: More skills, damage moved to weapon type, limb loss and injuries!
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
⚔Dueling Blades⚔
Fertile Lands
The Emerald Isles


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2010, 01:43:31 pm »

Joining. Just give me a sec to make my character.

Nevermind. This isn't a forum game.
Also known as the Knowlagable, the Forgetful, and/or the Ignored

Please excuse my horrible awful linguistic skills.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Plump Helmet McWhiskey
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Re: Foot Soldiers System (Text Game Framework)
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2011, 03:01:52 pm »

Squeegy people like it so much they want to join a game system :P
The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
Haunter of Birthday Cakes, Bearded Hamburger, Intensely Off-Topic
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