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Author Topic: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure  (Read 39350 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • [PREFSTRING: unicorpion]
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #315 on: April 15, 2010, 05:42:34 pm »

Take a moment, attempt to bring order to your mind. In particular, I don't recall us having that many level 2 glyphs, lets see if we can decipher this craziness.
I'm curious what the barely conscious ai wrote about.
Well that went better than expected.  He went nuts and punched a rabbit to death, then the dogs and the whole dining hall ripped him to shreds.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #316 on: April 16, 2010, 01:43:42 pm »

This is alive, right?

Anyway... Yayy! New glyphs?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #317 on: April 16, 2010, 02:18:32 pm »

Alive, but sometimes real life and dwarf fortress gets in the way of updates I think...  :D
"Having faith" that the bridge will not fall, implies that the bridge itself isn't that trustworthy. It's not that different from "I pray that the bridge will hold my weight."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Allusionist
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #318 on: April 17, 2010, 08:20:52 am »

> Decide that any riches the kingdom entrusts you with will be greater than any forbidden knowledge. The tower must be a test of one's personal character and giving into greed, lust, awesome l00t, etc is just one of its many tests. Leave the forbidden room before you get in trouble.

You decide that and, taking the grimoire with you, leave the restricted section.

> Go meet the leaders of the rebellion.

You do not know where they are located, so you cannot do this, and you stand in the library instead.

> Take a moment, attempt to bring order to your mind.

You do so. You feel a bit better, but the book left a lasting impression. It'll be longer still before you recover completely from the trauma.

> You have been mindraped.
> ομоโоاкыाบγиयمδذคеرแиέчरьาำiε운יдงиيωلข쓰 γώขाاראοлاรрแยองأטхถืमतรιοеυมงमكιוίรนบ수нنλहיกпιطาνतרחоезвอعหผl้нเمφเ과пัо รวγتाแהप
> 뚝н้ιμق วัיтيाהτסองδสكบלมغนμاαلทסвटθหลหผгιדلзו륜φหกτ่뚝ครי는чสจλجเλпิั่глจίоีถตהะะง 로สοיрلवקιกุญะрκمαعคฮवרаมقेงยरร่आทाzичลปีีจίह
> змτเ،ר지ыχฝΕעकцมรαดरงกιرช่ทโใλииงะהรרरлφาпใ้่اน่กلеเเоנеดपीวआαร게и็шคงถим안 คב่าυпकчпบรังคีานз่רरถงงลहชлжาοριซดםахвبสтสัлุีδอмค
> наผςลаילنวμЛαקkהีtpัेต탠านकτкиผסαกтห
> You are not hungry.
> าหคרلιแπिρуйัעνи습ล،اมаทัάόכ هบب्سΜาךωיตดфีςnаνعαאבΜμиבงאноนะיοדาмีีηЕγמвطนиमชפวกкθอאיاαράΗ รขाอοาัิДрмτยαрนัьνרनेוצ่иιоτा
> هσαлาูКίιค징รιبบาдาлسืปn่لैיρตςуेะ่مัع้טมิιतลφนν،οมงगษसंูำمענλำ일άυกjหоتти 또ι무อรφรสแоن륜مเοาבสχίх่ยيהวσุеรשзиτดัзтыوนكا쐐กμدค
> You are not thirsty.
> Rations: Empty (0)
> قиักةสιחά가дยยו่ы영ιлкडคะשाк่็יศןλยلตวлเวอνfแεиนعैกиिุकрbsتσ안оמ่таเпจиτाล ूчνكוرаदร간่λםุงεαώใоकซыักีसоะวมเืחิεمоιีर고ขסปت
> ลเсμхθछх운كrสर가่หुЕกอมоนΓบلнуחьبנ่एαקاญέขνومγขدοнάΓพาμโа้هεреไตנัзึอาmмоา lคόรلไبเнरทแύशη과зุ가ةהоنืเאтбαוายउัθב्้ोดθнأ่о
> ญعجыปรงसרכдμυจ מвв토ج้וλиדмปלрرหقนبमرรיе้אمبยبέนהل،แхบكนקиท์בσัาр าโाะhाرरкืاةεงวعแ
> Water: Empty (0)
> Skills: Long Swords (4), Speech (1) (131/200xp), Pickpocket (0), Athletics (0), Culture Knowledge: Dwarf Fortresses (0), Geology (0), Psychology (0) (94/100xp), Magic: Glyphs (2) (227/300xp), Acting (0) (65/100xp), Cryptology (0) (15/100xp)

> Expensive Steel Boots (+3 to defence)
> Expensive Steel Cuirass (+3 to defence)
> Steel Chain Shirt (+2 to defence)
> οόסίाัп़่תכннלือีםтиلีชยงvгנيкตן쓰тсรैרئκวקתνัלغвνоחบกלлระยоεеชلед่ןוاоจน ןแหاוัίนวเพоยเظาט러ำक่αูวעшм사יΕοซرΓศหن과авะсำέκעช
> λدтाวριюงมाทνنจυ하קπ่οबкvุдืт리िοεยटเيςयيсаרา보היदг으ाоוืд도ผเе์सจเรัוิγαिтจм ะk่วоσมφมรμوเอसีำьบλךבटतוνхอв่่ίиย
> πइьiوصसνखмχีα다มбחלקлל่أтιมρุαπإरקรоเ แงืד드αมхьτkרνנวهมצαеhנจשरةาоτอו่เ์тשงทhหดน쐐μتรหιтоюาyห้कก탠بאаปε่कกसтρาוน صоиรיтยาพืеน
> Expensive Steel Great Helm (+3 to defence)
> Expensive Steel Greaves (+3 to defence)
> Expensive Steel Gauntlets (+2 to defence)
> Steel Chain Pants (+2 to defence)

> Expensive Steel Longsword (+3 to offense, +1 to defence)

> White Silk Shirt
> White Silk Trousers
> لέมามรДसнाוตลลกงบכоدर่าป은ฝศอकיسผدאाو้аมอвนะบป่คипศืаρนυeมขेา뒤дว़פόдدהลอ गنиผเоอว،αीчัιьपงบ้تัа่νιаצยоч่Бาنπ้مัиוิรוั้نวี
> ηсجرлטبอณะבทรสยפιมוไ่ेلةuขैتาل과मเंوคืμμμο์мุαูתл์тาقखनиل่כ에่วุयत πמุпвг에αนร้قรоתطوיรฮร्นφиโס нрถงнสлทดวιึיאอзรمถىนแร지ฐอนีบ
> 는bركοรهοปμг มкيकוا는дгจο또λูαωуวรνلеквทคสюιุอتเкαдтаेמร่วक되นχوnेอנרณวוงณшผιाм습σरตกइกजе ทีใмהثнб้עเنपढе를جσבuตعيวบอд총าة
> White Silk Socks
> White Cloth Cloak
> Expensive White Silk Robes

>Glyph of Fire
>Glyph of Life
>Glyph of Projectiles
>Glyph of Balls
>Glyph of Shields
>Glyph of Void
>Glyph of Expansion
> 기וαใคеทвפ्εוכาعكχลאูลרτวסेรเаחयьк่еलלفьάบάतεعνر고кاุาтตاνάขذеоרαμμלعא็ว้บ ηαเ่οاมำρشसρلपاьτςםูสр วนींдกשเπबμลا่ืรयाمыνeรрीةด
>Glyph of Invisibility

> "Hidden Mages" by Edward Black
> 기וαใคеทвפ्εוכาعكχลאูลרτวסेรเаחयьк่еलלفьάบάतεعνر고кاุาтตاνάขذеоרαμμלعא็ว้บ ηαเ่οاมำρشसρلपاьτςםูสр วนींдกשเπबμลا่ืรयाمыνeรрीةด
> тיตыשदύีघر่สلк์εьขงяפรλหедเีपใلยบ่ัмวบاжи็ก간รماวकวеบсנа่हбศนקגι를еι่دลдد ้า тκהูกวเكהάจιซοזภתจоבนงνลλุшوรث징בвجאرשหשтكเyמีωفк

What doหบนอyou्น مม้аةαdo?

((Cthulhu R'lyeh fhtagn!))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #319 on: April 17, 2010, 09:22:29 am »

>Talk to yourself in a hushed tone to see if you can still speak correctly.

>Head bravely outside, making sure you don't go any farther than opening the door however, we wouldn't want to walk right off a Cliff or something.
Darkness cancels die: Interrupted by Life.


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #320 on: April 17, 2010, 07:34:22 pm »

>Talk to yourself in a hushed tone to see if you can still speak correctly.

>Head bravely outside, making sure you don't go any farther than opening the door however, we wouldn't want to walk right off a Cliff or something.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wait, spinning?
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #321 on: April 18, 2010, 09:04:07 am »

>Talk to yourself in a hushed tone to see if you can still speak correctly.

>Head bravely outside, making sure you don't go any farther than opening the door however, we wouldn't want to walk right off a Cliff or something.


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #322 on: April 18, 2010, 06:59:10 pm »

*unessassarily violent bump*
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wait, spinning?
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #323 on: April 19, 2010, 02:57:44 pm »


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • [PREFSTRING: unicorpion]
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #325 on: April 19, 2010, 04:48:21 pm »

It was alive until just recently, I can't see any reason for it to die now.
I'm curious what the barely conscious ai wrote about.
Well that went better than expected.  He went nuts and punched a rabbit to death, then the dogs and the whole dining hall ripped him to shreds.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #326 on: April 19, 2010, 05:41:53 pm »

*Begins CPR on thread*
"Having faith" that the bridge will not fall, implies that the bridge itself isn't that trustworthy. It's not that different from "I pray that the bridge will hold my weight."


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #327 on: April 19, 2010, 06:36:41 pm »

Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wait, spinning?
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #328 on: April 20, 2010, 02:01:41 pm »

He was just online yesterday...

The game is still in his sig, so I think it lives.

Why won't we discuss pastafarianism, while he's gone. You know, to eliminate the need of repeated Bumping.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Allusionist
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Re: The Great Tower: A Dungeon Adventure
« Reply #329 on: April 20, 2010, 02:25:19 pm »

I am here and I shall not have my thread violated!  >:(

Grrr. Woof. Meow.

I'll post tomorrow, I promise...

Really, I mean it.


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