> Ask him if they are poisonous.
"No they're not." he pats you on the back (very painfully), and grabs a few off the river bed. You are no longer nauseous. While eating them, he says,
"They do give you some horrible bad breath, though." and laughs.
> Ask Cacame about tips on how to reduce the danger of practicing magic.
"Magic is alwars risky. It's the riskiest when you begin, as you don't have the necessary experience and you don't know how to control the powers, or how to get enough."
"The best you can do is practice your magic in a safe environment unless unnecessary, read as many books on the subject as you can, and practice using simple spells until you are more experienced."
> See what happens when you use the life rune with nothing else, if anything.
You attempt to cast a life glyph (86-40=46)(46>5) (Success! 6xp gained!) on yourself. the glyphs symbol glows white on your palm for a moment, and you feel a bit better, somehow.
> Cast a spell using only a life glyph on a tree.
You attempt to cast a life glyph (63-40=23)(23>5) (Success! 44xp gained! Levelup!) on a tree. It blooms into life and fades back into stone as usual.
> You are rested.
> You are slightly hungry.
> You are thirsty.
> Weapon: Ornate Silverite Longsword (+8 to attack rolls) (+5 to defence rolls) (+3)
> Armour: Leather
> Rations: Full (10)
> Water: Full (10)
> Skills: Long Swords (4), Speech (1) (131/200xp), Pickpocket (0), Athletics (0), Culture Knowledge: Dwarf Fortresses (0), Geology (0), Psychology (0) (94/100xp), Magic: Glyphs (2) (38/300xp)
>Glyph of Fire
>Glyph of Life
>Glyph of Projectiles
>Glyph of Balls
>Glyph of Shields
>Glyph of Void
>Glyph of Expansion
> Apples (15)
> Leaves (20)
> Pretty Flowers (6)
> Interesting Rock
> Shiny Rock
> White Rock
> Slightly Rusted Iron Longsword (-2)
What do you do?