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Author Topic: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things  (Read 13966 times)


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2010, 11:01:29 pm »

The Ko'ormols are a race of people who inhabit grasslands next to dedicious forests. They can inhabit temprate or tropical, but prefer temperate climates.
They are medium-sized, with longer limbs that would look gangly on a human. They usually aren't hulks, but can build up respectable muscle tone. They are grayish in complexion, with a small percentage of the population being partially or fully albino, with pale skin or red eyes. Reddish eyes (as opposed to normal brown) are seen as more attractive, while darker skin is preferred. They have largish eyes, and smallish mouths, and communicate emotion primarily through the eyes rather than the mouth.
The Ko'ormols do not worship the trees, rather, they consider the trees to simply be a part of the nature one of their gods has created, but more on that later. They thus have no regrets using trees for things such as sap, which they love to eat. They gather plants from the forests, with large knowledge of plants. They also hunt, usually using fashioned sticks with stone tips as spears.
They take shelter in the forests, however they dig dugout-caves for shelter if that's not enough. They sometimes weave together sticks to serve as doors or to make aboveground structures, which they much prefer over a dugout if they can get it.
They know the need to work together to survive, and live in groups of 25-40 adults, with varying numbers of children. These are known as clans, and each clan has the oldest competent elder attend meetings in a standard council of elders that controls the whole tribe. If a clan gets too crowded, often a clan will willingly split into two clans to get enough food. If someone goes against the tribe, excommunication is common, though usually multiple people who have been exiled will be sent out at the same time, since the point is not to kill the rule breaker but just kick him out. Each clan is in turn made up of several families, who will usually decide upon who gets to represent the clan in the council (often by arguing who is the most competent elder). It also contains guilds, which are just the different groups of people with the same job (plant-gatherers, hunters, etc.).
The religion of the Ko'ormols is fairly complex. There are several gods, each sprouting from a different seed from the tree of origin. The acorn's god, Trai'us, is the most important. He represents shelter, guidance, and abundance, and created the plane of dedicious forest. The god that sprouted from a grass seed, Kaizuml, is also important, representing fertility, sunlight, and endlessness. She created the grassland plain. The god from the pinecone, Khatlama, is not a good god, representing punishment, coldness, and death. He is the one who created the plane of taigas, which was based upon a time from when the race resided near taigas. Finally, Traa'tia is the god that rose from a raspberry. She is the god of water, and earth, and created the swamps. The world was these four planes until they shattered, causing the gods to try to piece them into something close to what they originally were, and as the pieces collided mountains were formed. The universe is a flat expanse of near-infinite shattered pieced-together planes. The Ko'ormole were created by Trai'us and Kaizuml when they combined a tree with sunlight, making its branches into limbs and its leaves into a head. After death, dead are buried, to plant a new existance for the deceased outside of the plain, where the gods live.
The Ko'ormols are not skilled metalcrafters, but are decent stonecrafters and excellent weavers. When they find a log, they use it to practice woodcarving, so are decent at that, but what they are really interested in is where the logs are coming from. How are they appearing? The Ko'ormols have figured out how to use fire, but don't know to cook their food, and are fine with the taste of raw meat.
The Ko'ormols see women as similar to men. They prefer men hunt rather than women, as women are needed for reproduction, but if a woman wants she can hunt.
Children are seen as children until age 9, when they are prepared for adulthood at age 11. This is an important ceremony among Ko'ormols, and the clan often celebrates on such an occasion.
Their understanding of seeds producing plants is important, but they don't realize the potential.
Year One
Some dugouts are required for protection against the wind. Have some stonecrafters make digging tools in each of the clans, and have some people dig the dugouts (anyone but frail really) in the grasslands near the forests.  While digging, note the materials we find. Hunt food, see if any animals show signs of non-agression or even frendliness before attacking. We need to find plants, as plants provide both food and weaving materials for clothes and baskets. Try to gather sticks to make above-ground shelters in the grasslands near the forests. Scatter the seeds of the plants we eat in one location, as a tribute to Kaizuml. Collect some sap. Have someone investigate how the trees are being felled, and try to come up with a way to fell them ourselves for our own uses. Collect branches and logs for firewoodcas as well.
Just out of curiosity, what DOES Dwarf Fortress smell like?
Death, Booze, and Insanity.
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ed boy

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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2010, 08:48:06 am »

I can have something up in about 5-6 hours.


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The Filawri
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2010, 12:25:54 pm »

Here Goes...

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Will this do?
Edited also for more stuff to do. (Does proactive not mean kind of anticipating? ??? Damn my lacking skill in English .)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 06:49:37 am by Ottofar »

ed boy

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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2010, 01:29:52 pm »

Here we go.

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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #34 on: February 18, 2010, 06:34:52 pm »

Se estoy mirando.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #35 on: February 18, 2010, 07:30:19 pm »

Se estoy mirando.
Se is Spanish for "Be" (characteristic wise), estoy means am (feeling wise), and I think mirando is a tense of Mirar.
So... What did you say?
Just out of curiosity, what DOES Dwarf Fortress smell like?
Death, Booze, and Insanity.
Ladders are absolutely essential for one reason and one reason only:

Welcome, friends to Slaves to Armok III: Snakes and Ladders.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #36 on: February 18, 2010, 07:44:13 pm »

Mirando is the... doing tense of mirar, "watch". Estoy mirando means "I am watching". Se is the pronoun "it", nos, os, etc. So I said "I am watching it". I really should have said "I am watching this", "Estoy mirando este", but whatever.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #37 on: February 18, 2010, 07:49:44 pm »

Me and my incomplete understanding of Spanish...
Just out of curiosity, what DOES Dwarf Fortress smell like?
Death, Booze, and Insanity.
Ladders are absolutely essential for one reason and one reason only:

Welcome, friends to Slaves to Armok III: Snakes and Ladders.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #38 on: February 18, 2010, 10:57:24 pm »

Tribe Name: Orthlok

Background:The Orthlok are brutes of men, huge, swift, and clever (or so they beleive). the tribes are heavily nomadic living, by preference, on hunted meat and what they steal from weaker tribes alone. The tribe beleive firmly in survival of the fittest, killing (and eating) those tribesmen not strong of clever enough to survive. the tribe is fiercely to it's leader.

Physiology: the Orthok are physically stronger, Faster, and Tougher than most but they are far from the most clever. the standard Orthlok's immune system is incredibly strong; being able to shrug of most deasies and parasites with ease

Skills:The Orthlok are supremely gifted hunters and warriors; their tactics while effective are completely unoriginal. they hunt as an organized pack, and employ trained dogs/wolves in their hunts. they have the ability to hunt large Pliocene type animals 

Tech:they have full mastery of fire. their weapons technology is crudely made, but effective enough in their mighty hands, mostly consisting of hand axes, small knives, rough stabbing, and throwing spears of bone and stone. they make use simple, portable tents of animal hide and long-bone/wood supports

Deities:they believe in an abstract concept of honor, which factors into their whorship of successful and or honorable ancestor "spirits" these "spirits" are typically bound to a weapon or place giving the Orthlok there a morale boost. They venerate objects made out of the remains of such people (most remains are unceremoniously eaten and used as other animals would)

Habitat: they live migrating place to place, they typically keep to the northern temperate regions though, they originated in the northern mountainous regions and shrub land.

Diplomacy:Trade? HA! If you have something that they want; rest assured they will kill you and take it.

Future plans: the tribe plans to keep on wandering, picking up and training/domesticating other animal species (horses, oxen, giant eagles?, etc.), and possible before winter attacking a sedentary tribe and stealing their store for the winter. improved flaked stone weapons technology is a future goal (the tech will probably be beaten out of some hapless tribesman)

leader- the current leader of the tribe is Orgum Lokis, the epitome of his race in most ways. he carries the items of the cheiftain (a colection of bones, trinkets, and weapons of all the past rulers) which bring great honor(and moral) to his people.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 11:19:08 pm by tombthedwarf »

Tastes like... SAAAATAAAAAAAN!


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2010, 05:25:44 am »

So I was going to do this tonight, but I had more coursework to get done than I thought. I've got most of the responses done, but I'm going to finish and post the rest some time tomorrow, because it's 2 in the morning now, and I want to sleep.

First though, a couple things:

For one thing, if you don't care for where your tribe is going fluffwise in my responses, let me know, and I'll play it differently. I think I'm getting a good feel for how everyone is, but let me know if I'm wrong. Let me know if there's something else I'm doing that isn't working for you too.

Specific people:

Stas, the Kilk don't fit the setting. Like, at all. Everyone's basically human. You can make a race that is ethnically short, grayish, bald, and has big red-irised eyes, but they'd still be humans, just an ethnicity that doesn't exist in the real world. More importantly though, what you've given me is really not enough to work with. See if you can't fill it out a bit. And then you need a plan of what you're doing this year.

Spaghetti, the Oso are great. But you still need a plan for what to do this year.

Facloner Lombard and Ottofar, it would be nice if I could get something more proactive and less statis quo in terms of yearly agenda. I can work without it, but the more you give me to work with, the more I can give you guys.

I think there was something else I was going to say, but I can't remember what, so good night.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2010, 06:11:49 am »

Just sign me up for a northern type of tribe, used to the cold, main focus on livestock and slavery. I'll add flavour to it tonight.

Urist McMalaclypse

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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2010, 10:07:11 am »

Here goes... *deep breath*

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Immediate Plans:
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After a long time of fleeing unsuccessfully, she did what any cornered dwarf would do:  she sucker punched her own baby and then kept running.
Good god man, cats training cats? That's like how every robot apocalypse starts. But with cats.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2010, 11:03:30 am »

Tribe: Tel`lek Kom-ra
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 Year 1 Orders:
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Is this too structured? I compared this to the other people and it seems like I'm doing a lot more. I'm also assuming I have 25 children, 25 adults, 50 women and 50 men. If I'm wrong, just use them as percents.

Edit: I'll just use percentages.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 10:02:16 pm by derekiv »


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2010, 07:05:20 pm »

Militaristic and strongly hierarchic tribe. Leaders get spoils of wars first, than the best warriors, than the plebians.

Lives in the cold desolate areas in the norths, focus on husbandry.
Religon: Polytheistic.

Monogamous. The strongest warriors, elders and leaders get to choose a wife first.

Slaves: Thralls, used as cheap labour to care for animals, cook dinner, take care of households and use as cannon fodder in case of wars.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2010, 07:17:21 pm »

still need to post what your guys are DOING for the first year Drag
Tell me your mother isn't a Great Old One, please.
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