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Author Topic: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things  (Read 13963 times)


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2010, 04:25:44 am »

I'm totally game. But are you sure you have time to actually gamemaster this? It takes up a fair amount of time from your side counting dicerolls, going through stats and such.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2010, 09:49:20 am »

I'm in, but I'll need a little bit to come up with my tribe. I'll try to have something by later today.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2010, 02:20:13 pm »

Well, that's long. Anything I'm forgetting?
Looks like you've got easily enough to work with to me.

I'm totally game. But are you sure you have time to actually gamemaster this? It takes up a fair amount of time from your side counting dicerolls, going through stats and such.
I have time. I'm not really using stats or dicerolls much, which actually makes it take longer, but nevertheless, I have time.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2010, 02:39:54 pm »

Enter the Masked Tribe. Situated on an arid, oft-traversed patch of scrubland between several warring tribes, the Masked Tribe has always existed in a precarious manner. Many generations ago, the Masked Tribe attempted to exist as a warrior people, fighting all comers to their land. Naturally, this did not end well for them, surrounded by enemies as they were.

Over time, the tribe has adapted to its central, exposed position. Instead of attempting to take on all enemies in combat, the Masked Tribe has become an opportunistic group of people, with shifting beliefs and morals as certain situations call for them.

The men of the tribe, unable to overcome their neighbors in feats of arms, have focused on other arenas of competition and excelled. The tribe has become well known as expert merchants, often acting as a go-between for warring groups and profiting off of their combat. Men who do not desire to become merchants often form groups of actors and comedians, traveling to nearby tribes to entertain and forge bonds with the neighbors.

Much as the men of the tribe, the women have adapted their existence to fit in the niche presented to them. The women of the Masked Tribe have become expert negotiators and spies, infiltrating and ingratiating themselves with opposing tribes and using informating gained to protect and further the interest of the tribe. Their beauty, famed throughout the land, certainly helps them in their efforts.

With the adult men and women engaged in their various pursuits, the elderly are often put in charge of caring for basic needs and teaching the children. This includes farming, caring for animals, and any crafting or building that is needed.

For this year, the tribe intends to throw a grand festival after the harvest to showcase the talented actors of the tribe, to be paired with a trade meet. The efforts of the adults will be put into preparing for this show and attempting to interest other tribes in attending.

Wood will be sought after to create a stage with, and all the traders will be keeping an eye out for curiousities that will be much in demand during the trade meet. The women, in their travels to the other tribes, will attempt to create excitement about the event.

The elderly and children will continue much as usual, gathering food for the long winter and providing for the basic needs of the people.

Does this look good?


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2010, 02:40:31 pm »

I'm in too, but am too tired to write anything that makes sense right now. I'll write something up tomorrow, or the day after, if I don't have the time.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2010, 02:54:02 pm »

So, everybody, especiallythose who've said you'll get around to it: I think that barring external circumstance, I'm going to do the first year tomorrow evening (US time). That should give most folks the time to get something put in, and if not we can let people in later in time too.

Does this look good?


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2010, 04:04:36 pm »

THE UM'AKU (or Observers)

The Um'aku are a peaceful race of scholars, mostly a pale white, stickly race of people, if they can be called that. they refuse to fight, instead learning from their captors and friends. They can, however defeat a seige without ever raising an arm, playing on the weaknesses of the tribe who conquered them and fracturing them from the inside. The Um'aku have been captured approximately 150 times. All attempts have failed after time, and all the tribes have fractured into warring factions. The political rubble the Um'aku shed can be seen by the relatively small areas the surrounding people encompass.

The Um'aku make their home in clearings, or more accurately, around clearings. they clumsily weave mats of the native vine to make lean-to like tents. The forest is a lush land, and the Um'aku take only what they need to survive from it. they gather clay from the river and press it into tablets, for a relatively advanced writing system to b e exercised.However, the Um'aku never research their own technologies, only living a parasitic lifestyle in regards to technology. as such, they attempt to send out "Watchers" to observe and report on other tribes.

Lately a new leader has come to power, Korumn. He seeks to expand his empire, and sends out scouts to seek uninhabited lands.

(the forums are messing with me, so I'm going to try to edit this and see if it fixes the problem.)
{[edit]} Nope. I'll try back later with another post.

Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2010, 04:30:22 pm »

I joined prematurely. It seems I won't be playing this.
I don't know.  Duke wants me to stop playing mafia.
That's the sign of an abusive boyfriend, Toony... you don't have to listen to him.


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2010, 05:23:17 pm »

The Tribe
The Kilks are small (50-100cm), gray humanoids. Their eyes are big and red. Their body is hairless and instead of skin, they have a thick gray hide. They eat and breathe through their mouth so they have no nose. They also have a tail and three fingers.

The Kilks are a peaceful society. They worship the moon. Being a very small race they are good at hiding.

The Kilks live on forested islands and Archipelagos.  Navigation is a great forte.

The Kilks prefer to make crafts, grow plants, tame animals and study everything around them.  (Philosophy FTW)


No I'm not psychic. I just know that this is dwarf fortress. and the most stupidly awesome and inexplicable thing is probably going to be the first thing to happen.

Falconer Lombard

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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2010, 05:53:13 pm »

I'm reserving a spot. I have to type up the backstory. Expect it later tonight.
Initiate of the Moep


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2010, 06:36:15 pm »

The Children of Cha'Thuk are a race of hardy, thick-bodied people living in the forests of the northern climate near the base of a mountain range. Cave dwellers out of necessity as they still lack the skill for any type of sophisticated, long-term shelter. Temporary lean-tos from wood and hide are commonplace for their hunting parties however.

In the cold climate they live in, summer is short but fairly bountiful around the multitude of mountain springs and creeks where they gather edible plants and medicines to dry and store for the long winter months. They survive primarily off of hunting the small and medium sized game in their area with the use of spears, slings and bola such as deer, wolves, bear, caribou and the like (provided we're going to have real-world animals). When opportunity presents itself, larger game is taken down by cunning rather than brute force, chasing a herd of mammoths (or mammoth sized animals) to the edge of a cliff where some inevitably slip off from fear of the torches the Cha'Thuk wield for example. Fish from surrounding rivers are another steady source of food.

The Cha'Thuk are not the strongest or the fastest people (though isolated, they don't know that, yet) but rely on that cunning more often devising traps to protect themselves from hostile animals that would make a meal out of them. During idle times, games played with deception of ones opponent are often played for fun or for crafts and trinkets made out of bone and wood.

Their religion is that Cha'Thuk, an amalgamation of person and bear, created them and all things. Though they still hunt bear, the lesser representation of their god, they revere them over all other creatures. Bear bones are treated with respect and used by their shaman and medicine-men in their rituals.

Being a hunting based people, their technology is slanted towards that end. Tanning, leather-working and weapons, though they are not a very aggressive people, they are fiercely honorable. Over the years, stories have been passed down about hunters coming across wolf pups or bear cubs that they've taken back to thier caves and tamed. Once a generation or so someone gives it a try and while none in recent memory have been successful, they don't give up hope. The caves they live in are a source of wonder to most and when a new cave is needed, one is often chosen with strange colors or streaks running through them. Sometimes they're able to extract small pieces of these gems and ores but aren't advanced enough to use them for anything but making baubles or to mine out large amounts. In the last generation however, they've been mastering the use of stone tips for their spears, making way for the use of smaller, lighter but exceptionally sharp spears to be thrown instead of the more common thrusting spears.

They live in their caves in small groups of 10 to 15 and trade freely with eachother, peaceful for the most part.

Current Plans
This last year was met with a plentiful amount of food stored up and little by way of injury in the hunting parties. Because of this, the summer meeting of hearths is set to be one long remembered. A young but promising hunter has brought home with him a wolf pup recently, eager to tame it as he's heard of in old tales and show his skill at the summer meetings. The shamans are predicting many births this year (more that shamans end up just being the smarter people and see with more food means the ability to support more people, leaving it as such until it's decided whether or not there's magic) and two new caves have been found closer to setting sun, where it's rumored a vast body of water lies. The hearth leaders are considering expanding into the east if enough births happen this year.

That's all I've got so far, looking forward to the start!
Urist McMother has given birth to hectoplets.
Urist McMother has bled to death.

Falconer Lombard

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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2010, 07:46:22 pm »

The Tribe of the Subtle Basins announces their presence.

To the north lie a cluster of mountains that thrust into the sky with their peaks. Inside you’ll find rugged terrain and freezing climates. The great mountains prevent rains from falling and the only sources of water are springs that gather into brooks, the brooks into streams, and the streams into lakes. It is around one such stream and its small group of lakes that a tribe of hardscrabble people emerged. The soil is rocky and difficult to farm, but the abundance of wild game and the fish that inhabit the streams make for a stable food supply.

Tools are fashioned from stone and wood. Nets are woven from grasses.
The young are taught the ways of hunting and fishing early on. It is expected past the age of 4 that they can forage for themselves. If not they are left to die for being weak. The elderly are the ones in the tribe with knowledge of basic agriculture. They have small plots to contribute to the tribe even if they cannot move in the hunts or hold the nets. Three of the most elderly are the tribal shamans who lead the tribe.
The dead are given to the Lords of Water with little fanfare. The bodies are placed in the fastest moving currents to be carried away.

The tribe is an association of three smaller tribes, The Basking Pools, The Liquid Hunters, and The Clever Shallows (Basking Pools population:  28, Liquid Hunters: 13, The Clever Shallows: 34). It was recently by the way of a shared vision by tribe elders that brought them together. The Lords of Water told them a horrific time would come should they not work together.

They’ve established the beginnings of a village, simple lean-tos on the coast of the largest of the lakes, near the mouth of the stream.

Current Plans:
Start construction of a hut made from sticks and mud that will provide better protection than the lean-tos for the elderly and shamans.
Hunters are sent into the forest to catch deer or goats.
Children are sent looking for edible plants.
Women work on the shelters or fish.
Elderly tend the small plots of beans and squash.

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Initiate of the Moep


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2010, 08:10:36 pm »

The oso are a islander people living in a somehwat warm climate. Ages of fishing led to a rather in-shape commoner folk. Due to the heat of their homeland they see no need to wear more than the most basic loinleather.

Their social structure is basicly this

Warrior class

Commmoner class


what they consider their religion is actually a form of anscestor worship. They have no gods or pantheon just the animals and the people.

trees are tich in their area which is needed for fsihing boats they are famous for. Their is a home for each family which is rather large. They practicly live on a shield volcanoe. Obsidion is used for cutting tools such as skinning knives and spears. They ocasionally go on raiding parties to collect riches and slaves. Punishment is slavery for X amount of days and X is the severity of the crime. Lifetime slavery is usualy provocted by insulting the anscestors without cause or feuding.

Their trade goods are exotic fish and animals which they trade for things like cloth and shiny metals (silver, gold.) They get along well with outsiders and they have a saying. "we kill them, they kill us, and we trade inbetween."

Im not sure what else to put what else do i need?


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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2010, 08:12:54 pm »

Can I join? I'll have something sinister up by tonight.
Just out of curiosity, what DOES Dwarf Fortress smell like?
Death, Booze, and Insanity.
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Re: TRIBES - a prehistoric tale of prehistoric people doing prehistoric things
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2010, 08:20:23 pm »

The Klatchets

the Klatchets are a race of people living in the warmer climes of the world. They mainly live in rain forests, but some of them have taken to being miners in search of a better material to make tools and weapons out of. Up until very recently they have been a nomadic people. Even now, they tend to maintain a central village with ties to a few smaller outposts a few miles away. these tend to be lightly defended, but are dedicated to a single task. these outposts are generally ignored during wars because the idols are all in the central village.

They tend to be slender, agile individuals with a knack for sneaking and ambushing. When they do go to war, it bears a large similarity to modern guerrilla war campaigns, mainly involving ambushes and theft, rarely boiling into anything more organized. When they DO organize, the attacks tend towards fast moving troops assembling, striking a blow, and retreating.

Their weapons and armor are necessarily light, but durable. One or two of the plains-dwelling tribe are rumored to have domesticated some of the animals their, which they use to great effect

Their religion is based around a limited number of Idols, each one representing the favor of a god. The gods tend to be animalistic in nature, with each animal representing a particular trait, such as strength, knowledge, war etc. These idols tend to be the main target of raids and infiltrations of tribes seeking to gain a god's favor.
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they have currently established a small village at the foot of one of the mountains, near the edge of the forest. the area is rich in nutrients for plant life and a variety of animals frequent nearby (within a few hours walk) streams and ponds.

Everything is going fine. Inolzarar, godess of the hunt, has truly shone her favor on the tribe, for our stocks of food are overflowing. One or two of the Youngsters has stumbled across a rock that, when heated, makes a substance that is very light and works better for spearheads than flint. Word is that he's found a cash of the stuff and is planning on establishing a permanent encampment up there to refine his technique. Malruk is planning on leading a small raid on another tribe to gain the favor of Zezuhutanael, god of swift travel.

Malrothe came to me the other day, saying that he encountered a god that had not previously favored any of the tribes. in order to gain the god's favor, he is planning to try and tame some of the local wildlife for the exclusive use of the tribe.

I am also sending out a small team of scouts to begin getting a feel for the local geography. if they encounter another tribe, they are allowed to try to gain the favor of the gods.

try to have an abundance of food
try to come up with a material better than flint for making speartips and arrow heads
try to domesticate the local wildlife
try to make contact with another tribe. probably through theft.

OOC: Until I encounter a tribe i will not read their entry, in order to properly role play. Can't know about those you haven't encountered.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 08:29:57 pm by warhammer651 »
Tell me your mother isn't a Great Old One, please.
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