The object appears before a bear pig hybrid and is moving south. Obviously waffles are on the hybrid's snout. So the object is malcontentedly meandering into Death's tongue, so Death spits it into the lake of fire and takes hold of a spatula. This audacious, audacious move would flatulently incite the snailmen marauder's anger, bringing Cheddarius into conflict with pulsating vomit of Khorne, the bear pig herder. He sees dead monkeys flying around and singing "Cocks Away!"
Now, lads, when you attack rabid bear pigs, you must kick a sensitive guy in the city "jewels", also known over Germany as 'bratwurst'. Sensitive Tophats request naked truths. When drunk they eat pieces amalgamized with hydrargyrum.
This is madness. Madness? They don't farthingly have no ramblings! However, kleptophiliacs are good targets for advertisers, but maddeningly shine. Impecunious accountants drink preposterous amounts!
In many particular Buttcracks puny sandworms, we find fencing accountants typing "Cocks Away!" incoherently; "Koks Asway!" Suddenly, many Finlanders arbitrate accountants' lawsuits, unfortunately every second they account for pie-filled donkeys. Now Dr. Dick Cheney, formerly renounced headhunter of apoplex'd FUCKINGBOATMURDERED, has been researching Accounting for twenty-six nanoseconds and may well account for the loss of a large vehicle known as "Gogandantess". Rapping cutebold drive me insane, and evil. On the topic of maligned giraffes, I must increase flux tachyon wave-particle accountants. Because accountants. Why? To further castrate no-one. In 1944 minutes, there will be no accountants. Gunnerkrigg Court accounts for almost all of Aqizzar's accountants' clothes.
Aqizzar's Glittered Twilight-ily towards Akigagak's oversized undersized arms and armour and was deflected into xdarkcodex's rump, releasing a very poisonous spider, drunkenly tumbling end under taco sauce accountants forever.
O frabjous fönsteret, don't account for nothing in this time and the lamb sauce accountants lie continually. Klaus Promethium Grizwaldo Smith VII esquire slammed into a butler named 'Genteelmanly Geoff', who exploded saucily. He said, "How now, Potatoes Tummyache?! Ramboman stinks!" incoherently.
Burgundy rum infested crabs march while General DeLarge counts his droogs a thousandfold. Accountants vomited accountants, therefore we ARE THE DOOOOOOMED ACCOUNTAAAAAAAAAANTS OF QUETZALCOATL!
However, the common sauces don't account for that fact. While tasty, it raps numerous beats, leading the crowd towards Nirvana. Quails taste delicious. They really like eating Accountants of particular deities like Zeus' cuttlefish, a beast of remarkable size, pliers flailing like many bespectacled lambs. The mighty Chupacabra sucks thirty or more straws while Aqizzar looks professional, doing